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China sends note to UN chief to clarify Xisha situation

Wrong . big mouth only fight by keyboard. Their battlefield is forum
We are winning in this conflict now, and ur oil rig have to move inside TriTon island's water to avoid breaking international law.

Isn't this statement clear enough to you: " However, these waters will never become Vietnam's EEZ and continental shelf no matter which principle is applied in the delimitation."

Do not start jumping because China decided to move the rig. You will go through a lot emotional fluctuation as China combs through the area within its territorial waters halfway across Vietnam's EEZ.

They said Vietnamese was aggressive side, but all Photo and videos released by us prove the contrast: use bigger ship attacked small fishing-ship, made it sink, then leave people on small ship die, at location far away from oil rig. Then they said ship was sunk by rammed on Chinese ship.

I do not think China will bother to release videos, occupy YouTube, and get in to a PR frenzy, unlike the Viet and Pinoy. There are places for nations/governments to discuss such issues (like bilateral meetings at expert level) and PDF and YouTube are not two of them. Why would China ever bother to prove anything to the clueless public on both sides? Strategy is for strategists not for some high-school dropouts or internet warriors. So, your video presentation means nothing. Just because China has not fed the international public with a YouTube video does not mean China doe
Come guys, no need to argue with those persons come from the country with lowest credibility. Thief always speak louder and claim much to pretend they are innocent and show how courage they are and it always lead to misery. The poor mighty Vietnam have showed how capable they are to fabricate language, the textbook and the history and control their ppl again and again. Evidence just doesn't work if somebody are from Vietnam.
China should support ASEAN firmly except those rogue countries.
Come guys, no need to argue with those persons come from the country with lowest credibility. Thief always speak louder and claim much to pretend they are innocent and show how courage they are and it always lead to misery. The poor mighty Vietnam have showed how capable they are to fabricate language, the textbook and the history and control their ppl again and again. Evidence just doesn't work if somebody are from Vietnam.
China should support ASEAN firmly except those rogue countries.
Well I could say the same to you. Sometime I want to have serious conversation about evidences and stuffs, and my post was quickly buried in a sea of hateful comments exchange by VNese and Chinese members. If you can present other evidences rather than the pottery and statue relics from the sunken ship in Paracel, I am open to debate. And look at Vietnam evidences too before judging like that.
I thought China didn't have that kind of exhibition. I asked a few Chinese members in this forum to show the Ming map that they were talking about but no one posts it up. Hope you can.

So here is our proof, other Vietnamese posters are welcome to correct me or add more proof

View attachment 34700 View attachment 34701 .

Map drawn by Priest Jean Baptiste Chaigneau published in 1838, icluding Hoang Sa (Bai Cat Vang)/Paracels.
View attachment 34702
A page from the diary of a Chinese Monk Thich Dai San (any Vietnamese can help me change it to English?) in Quin dynasty Kangxi Emperor era (1695).
View attachment 34703
Đại Thanh Nhất Thống Toàn Đồ, a Quin dynasty map showed the southern end of China is Hainan.
View attachment 34704
A 1837 official document of Vietnamese Emperor Minh Mạng (Nguyen The To) ordering Pham Huu Nhat Navy force to move to Hoang Sa (Paracels).

Many of Chinese maps show the southern end of China is Hainan. I just google China map and guess what I found: only 1 map which includes Paracels and Spartly as parts of China (the 9 dash lines are there too), and that map is from a Chinese travel agency. The other maps show Hainan as the southern end of China.
I think China need to invest much much more in Pakistan to help our brother country to build a strong and stable economy with people live a prosprous life. This is the only reason I join PDF to know more about Pakistan.
I think China need to invest much much more in Pakistan to help our brother country to build a strong and stable economy with people live a prosprous life. This is the only reason I join PDF to know more about Pakistan.
I joined PDF because I saw some VNese and Chinese members argued here and I wanted to know the perspective of Chinese over the SCS tension.
No arguements here can change the history or the reality. Hope you can read Hanzi. I just don't want to argue with ppl come from a country that treat the cridibility as a tool.
Come guys, no need to argue with those persons come from the country with lowest credibility. Thief always speak louder and claim much to pretend they are innocent and show how courage they are and it always lead to misery. The poor mighty Vietnam have showed how capable they are to fabricate language, the textbook and the history and control their ppl again and again. Evidence just doesn't work if somebody are from Vietnam.
China should support ASEAN firmly except those rogue countries.

wow you just discribe china good job SOB

No arguements here can change the history or the reality. Hope you can read Hanzi. I just don't want to argue with ppl come from a country that treat the cridibility as a tool.

Wow the biggest producers of rip off products, organized crime and largest killers of indanger spieces preaches to us about honesty and credibility? Wow you chinamen just take hypocrisy to whole new level this coming from a guy who 's government can not even prove its illegal illogical claims to ITCLOS and lied about it, who's a member of the Security Council that should enforce it not not make crap up and who sign UNCLOS by the way. Man that's just Amizing you guys set a whole new levels of hypocrisy.
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I do not think China will bother to release videos, occupy YouTube, and get in to a PR frenzy, unlike the Viet and Pinoy. There are places for nations/governments to discuss such issues (like bilateral meetings at expert level) and PDF and YouTube are not two of them. Why would China ever bother to prove anything to the clueless public on both sides? Strategy is for strategists not for some high-school dropouts or internet warriors. So, your video presentation means nothing. Just because China has not fed the international public with a YouTube video does not mean China doe
Your excuse is very poor, buddy, only some Chinese guys think those evidences are just show off for fun with some guys ...
keep your dream, LOL....
Your excuse is very poor, buddy, only some Chinese guys think those evidences are just show off for fun with some guys ...

Think about that. Great countries do like that. The US does not bother about explaining everything to the general public. This does not mean it does not communicate at corresponding levels. How childish it will look like if the two governments engaged in a sort of YouTube video competition?

It seems like the Chinese side presented evidence of Vietnamese behavior to the UN.

Vietnam should do the same and present its evidence to the related international organizations if it is seeking credibility.

Why do you think the internet is almost awash with Vietnamese and Pinoy trolls. Even Global Times. Not because you have larger populations or greater access to the internet. But because your government mistakes strategy with mob-action.
UNITED NATIONS, June 9 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese envoy on Monday sent a note to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, presenting documents making clear Vietnam's provocation and China's stance regarding the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea.

In the note, Wang Min, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, also asked Ban to circulate the documents, as UN General Assembly documents, among all UN member states.

The documents included an article, released by the Chinese Foreign Ministry on Sunday and titled "The Operation of the HYSY 981 Drilling Rig: Vietnam's Provocation and China's Position", as well as annexed material that proves the Xisha Islands are part of Chinese territory.

"China sent the note to tell the international community the truth and set straight their understanding on the issue," Wang told reporters here after delivering China's second note to the UN chief on Vietnam's provocative actions on the sea. The first note was sent to Ban on May 22.

He noted that the actions of the Vietnamese side, which illegally and forcefully disrupted the Chinese operation, were serious infringements upon China's sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction, grave threats to the safety of Chinese personnel and the HYSY 981 drilling rig, and gross violations of the relevant international laws, including the Charter of the United Nations, the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and 1988 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation and the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf.

"Such actions also undermined the freedom and safety of navigation in these waters, and damaged peace and stability in the region," Wang added.

The Chinese envoy stressed that Xisha Islands are an inherent part of China's territory, over which there is no dispute.

Wang quoted the documents as saying that, prior to 1974, none of the successive Vietnamese governments had ever challenged China 's sovereignty over the Xisha Islands.

"Vietnam had officially recognized the Xisha Islands as part of China's territory since ancient times," he said. "This position was reflected in its government statements and notes as well as its newspapers, maps and textbooks."

But now, Wang noted, the Vietnamese government goes back on its word by making territorial claims over China's Xisha Islands, which is a gross violation of the principles of international law, including the principle of estoppel, and the basic norms governing international relations.

Wang also underlined that China is a staunch force for maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea and promoting cooperation between and development of countries in the region.

He went on to say that China wants good relations with Vietnam, but there are principles that China cannot abandon.

Wang reiterated that China urges Vietnam to bear in mind the overall interests of the bilateral relations and peace and stability in the South China Sea, respect China's sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction, immediately stop all forms of disruptions of the Chinese operation and withdraw all vessels and personnel from the site, so as to ease the tension and restore tranquility at sea as early as possible.

"China will continue its effort to communicate with Vietnam with a view to properly addressing the current situation," he added.


The Operation of the HYSY 981 Drilling Rig: Vietnam's Provocation and China's Position

HYSY 981 Drilling Rig: Vietnam's Provocation and China's Position

BEIJING, June 8 (Xinhua) -- China's Foreign Ministry released an article about the HYSY 981 drilling rig in the Xisha Islands on its website on Sunday. The full text is as follows: Full story

Chinese vice FM says new security concept needed to solve Asia's security problems

YANGON, June 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin stressed on Monday the need for a new security concept to solve Asia's security problems under the new situation.

Liu made the remarks at a joint interview with Chinese and Myanmar media, citing Chinese President Xi Jinping's recent advocation of an Asian security concept with common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security at its core. Full story

China Voice: Vietnam's key choice: to trust China or not

BEIJING, June 4 (Xinhua) -- Shutting out third parties, which mostly meddle for their own gains, ending the oil rig tension in the South China Sea will come down to how China and Vietnam perceive each other.

Like a personal relationship, the closer two countries are, the more complicated their relations will be. Full story

Expert blames Vietnam for escalating tensions in South China Sea

BEIJING, June 1 (Xinhua) -- In a commentary carried by the Sunday edition of China Daily, a Beijing-based international relations expert argued that Vietnam must take responsibility for escalating tensions in South China Sea.

Chen Qinghong, an expert with the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, stated that the Xisha Islands have been China's inherent territory since ancient times, and Vietnam appeared to acknowledge and respect China's sovereignty over the islands before the mid-1970s. Full story

China territory is ended at Hainan Islands. Chinese invader has big mouth, big liar.

Is that your finger, Rechoice?


you can read more here.


Spratlys, Paracels not on 1904 Chinese map

A Han-Chinese map of China published in 1904 reveals that China stretched as far south as Hainan Island, and that Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) Islands did not belong to China.

Shanghai Publishing House printed the map whose Vietnamese name is “Hoàng triều trực tỉnh địa dư toàn đồ” (Map of all Chinese provinces).


After holding it for 30 years, Dr. Mai Hong, former head of the Library of the Institute for the Study of Chinese and Demotic Scripts and Cultures, has decided to release the historical evidence.

Hong recently sat down with Tuoi Tre for an interview about the map:

How did you get this map?

I got this map when I administered a library of Chinese and Demotic Script books (now Institute for the Study of Chinese and Demotic Scripts and Cultures) in 1977. At that time, collecting maps was not our administrative function. However, to my surprise, an elderly man who often sold books to us showed up at our office one day and recommended I buy this map. I spent one month’s salary to purchase it without my family’s knowledge.


Is it a valuable map made a long time ago?

Yes, it is. It’s a color-coded paper map that has a carton-paper cover and can be opened like a book. Inside the map, there are more than 35 pieces – each measured at 20cm wide, 30cm long – stuck on canvas. Because I can read Han-Chinese, I’ve translated about 600 Han-Chinese words into Vietnamese that adequately represents the origin and date of the map.

According to the translation, the map was created across nearly two centuries (1708 – 1904), from the Kangxi Emperor who ruled China from 1661 – 1722 to the Guangxu Emperor from 1875 to 1908. The emperors asked many clergymen and gifted astronomers and mathematicians to make this map.

More specifically, in 1708, King Kangxi recruited some western clergymen to draw the map of the Great Wall. In 1711, the King continued to ask the clergymen to survey lands in 13 provinces nationwide. After that, Chinese intellectuals and western clergymen worked together for nearly 200 years to finish this map. Among famous western clergymen helping King Kangxi with the map were Matteo Bicci from Italy, Joannes Adam Schall Von Bell from Germany, and Ferdinandus Verbiest from Belgium.

In 1904, Shanghai Publishing House printed this map and distributed it to all provinces of the Qing Dynasty, the last imperial dynasty of China ruling from 1644 to 1912. The introduction of the map was written by the director of a Chinese observatory.



What is some helpful historical data from this map?

In this map, the director of a Chinese observatory greatly appreciated achievements by western clergymen, who were at the time ahead of China in the field of astronomy and mathematics. As the map indicates, there are no photos, drawings or surveys of Truong Sa or Hoang Sa islands on the map. The Chinese themselves also admitted that Hainan Island was the end of their land to the south.

Why did you decide to release this map?

In my opinion, this map will provide some helpful evidence that helps Vietnam get more active in resolving disputes with China over the ownership of the two islands in the East Sea. This is also helpful data for local scholars or researchers who are studying the seas and the islands’ sovereignty.


“Đại Nam nhất thống toàn đồ” (A map of Vietnam made in 1834 that claims Hoang Sa and Truong Sa are Vietnam’s territory). Source: Ban Do (Map) Publishing House. Photo by Viet Dung

Official map

According to Pham Hoang Quan, a local researcher on Han-Chinese and Demotic Scripts, the map, measuring 115cm long and 140cm wide, was printed on separate sheets and belonged to a group of large-scale maps.

Quan added that during the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were only 60 maps of this kind.

The map’s accuracy in terms of longitude and latitude is nearly on par with modern maps. This map was made by experts at the Observatory of the Qing Dynasty, so it can be considered official, he said.

On July 4, Dr. Mai Hong contacted the National Museum of Vietnamese History to hand over the “Hoàng triều trực tỉnh địa dư toàn đồ” map for display and preservation. The ceremony marking the gift is scheduled for the morning of July 24 in Hanoi, with several historians expected to attend.

China territory is ended at Hainan Islands. Chinese invader has big mouth, big liar.


According to some Viet idiots ownership of the Paracels is legal due to the invasion of Champa - so who are you to play victim?

Certainly, these islands can be given to an independent Cham state.
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