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China Sends More Students Abroad Than Any Other Country

That's why Pakistan and india never went to war!

LOL at the irony -- an uneducated indian starting an education thread :rofl:

You missed the word OVERWHELMINGLY..........and you even missed the fact regarding democracy in Pakistan......

High IQ syndrome :rofl:
That's why Pakistan and india never went to war!

LOL at the irony -- an uneducated indian starting an education thread :rofl:

This is a classic example of the state of the Chinese state run education. :yahoo: Pakistan was under various dictatorship when it went to war with India.
your sensitivity to epoch notwithstanding. The point being made to me is - that China and I include India in it too, need to beef up it's post high school education institutions to be at par to that of European and american standards. There have been strides made in this direction- but it's only a few notches.

When a publication's main objective is to publish the negative side of a country only it loses the value of credibility, sensibility has nothing to do with it. I see you often use the Epoch Times as your source of information on China and it's rather surprise me an intellectual like you can not distinguish the true from myth.

American high school education system has been know way below par as to international standard, to emulate it can only produce sub par performances of its student body. I don't know about the Indian side but I do know the Chinese pre college education system goes the way of her immediate neighbors, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, which unarguably consider the best in the world and produce the best of the lot.
When a publication's main objective is to publish the negative side of a country only it loses the value of credibility, sensibility has nothing to do with it. I see you often use the Epoch Times as your source of information on China and it's rather surprise me an intellectual like you can not distinguish the true from myth.

American high school education system has been know way below par as to international standard, to emulate it can only produce sub par performances of its student body. I don't know about the Indian side but I do know the Chinese pre college education system goes the way of her immediate neighbors, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, which unarguably consider the best in the world and produce the best of the lot.

you prefer state fed media I prefer free media. So you disliking epoch because it does not force feed you all is hunky dory is not my problem.

second- my post was about the state of post high school education in China /India and the fact that so many decide to go the US is proof positive. Notwithstanding your cheer leading of Chinese students mental abilities- that was not the point of the article or mine.
obvious the news is a BullSh*t. it is just a CCP‘s propaganda。china is a infamous Totalitarianism,anyone who want to leave the country will be shoot to death,and their family will be excute too , so no one can get away from the tyranny, let alone students。
you indians who living in the democracy paradise dont know how poor we chinese are,please, send your powerful army to save us from hell!

Nope, at least not in UK!!

When I was studying in Wales, every 5-6 th student was Chinese! When I moved to Cambridge...it was roughly the same proportion (every 7th student was Chinese) with A good number of white men with Chinese wives!
you prefer state fed media I prefer free media. So you disliking epoch because it does not force feed you all is hunky dory is not my problem.

second- my post was about the state of post high school education in China /India and the fact that so many decide to go the US is proof positive. Notwithstanding your cheer leading of Chinese students mental abilities- that was not the point of the article or mine.

Appears like somebody's inferiority complex is truly shining today...
you prefer state fed media I prefer free media. So you disliking epoch because it does not force feed you all is hunky dory is not my problem.

second- my post was about the state of post high school education in China /India and the fact that so many decide to go the US is proof positive. Notwithstanding your cheer leading of Chinese students mental abilities- that was not the point of the article or mine.

It's a shock to me how anyone can consider a one sided media to be a true 'free media'. Yes it's free but also bias.

OK I grand I miss the word post and also concede that China's higher education institutes have a way to go before catching up with the west. If her high school system is a guide, a distant from that standard doesn't mean she is not trying for betterment in that area. It took the west hundreds of years to build the likes of Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard and MIT while China and India only began a few decades ago. One also have to give allowances that both countries have huge populations that no matter what they do they still have to rely on western universities to accommodate their youngsters' tremendous desires for higher learning.

It's ashamed for countries that don't try but one can not belittle the ones that do even though it'll take awhile.
Appears like somebody's inferiority complex is truly shining today...

is this banglaish? How do you figure I have any inferiority complex? Besides I never even mention your nation. This region has only two powers that can change and will change for the better. Rest are just side notes as far as their futures go- well, according to 100% of every respectable economist.
It's a shock to me how anyone can consider a one sided media to be a true 'free media'. Yes it's free but also bias.

OK I grand I miss the word post and also concede that China's higher education institutes have a way to go before catching up with the west. If her high school system is a guide, a distant from that standard doesn't mean she is not trying for betterment in that area. It took the west hundreds of years to build the likes of Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard and MIT while China and India only began a few decades ago. One also have to give allowances that both countries have huge populations that no matter what they do they still have to rely on western universities to accommodate their youngsters' tremendous desires for higher learning.

It's ashamed for countries that don't try but one can not belittle the ones that do even though it'll take awhile.

In a world where we get fed only rubbish state run media obfuscation all the time, it's refreshing to have the truth be written. You call it one sided - I call it truth to power.

secondly- it aint about how much time you've had- america is a very young country, you had plenty of time and so has India. But regardless, it's merely a statement of fact where things lie today.

If you really want to know my opinion about why you guys are lacking, it's very similar to why India is too-- bunch of selfish , corrupt, me first attitude that thinks investment in schools or higher education stops at building classrooms and a black board.
。china is a infamous Totalitarianism,anyone who want to leave the country will be shoot to death,and their family will be excute too , so no one can get away from the tyranny, let alone students。

Obvious isnt it so why so many Chinese suddenly flee the wonderful education system of the workers paradise to imerse them selves in the inferior corupt system of the west.

China has “lots of students who either are forced to or volunteer to collect information,” he said. “I’ve heard it said, ‘If it wanted to steal a beach, Russia would send a forklift. China would send a thousand people who would pick up a grain of sand at a time.’”

American Universities Infected by Foreign Spies Detected by FBI - Bloomberg
China sends more students aboard on the planet to seek for a better life? picking articles from "Epoch time" i thought the curry scumbag OP claimed take pride of posting China bashing threads from so-called "creditable sources" whats now? running out of anti-China bullets?

Anyway seems like Indians are in similar situation if not worsen

Quit India!

Sixty years ago Indians asked the British to quit India. Now they are doing it themselves. To live with dignity and enjoy relative freedom, one has to quit India! With this massive exodus, what will be left behind will be a violently charged and polarized society.

Hindutva’s fake National Pride on India

A 2006 opinion poll by Outlook—AC Nielsen shows that 46 % of India’s urban class wants to settle down in US. Interestingly, in the Hindutva heart land of Gujarat, 54 % of people want to move to US.

Even Parliament members of the Hindutva party are involved in human trafficking from India. Recently police arrested, Babubhai Katara, a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP, who was part of such a racket. He received 20,000 US $ per person for US migration from victims.

When Indians are fleeing around the world to find a job, how can this hindutva idiots can claim on “National Pride of India”?

India is the World Bank’s largest borrower, In June 2007 it provided $3.7bn in new loans to India. Due to the fake ‘India Shining’ propaganda launched by Hindutva idiots, foreign donors are reluctant to help the poor people in this country. According to figures provided by Britain’s aid agency, the total aid to India, from all sources, is only $1.50 a head, compared with an average of $17 per head for low-income countries. [Financial Times]

Gridlocked in corruption, greed, inhumanity and absolute inequality – of class, caste, wealth, religion – this is the Real INDIA. Hindutva Idiots, Your false pride and actions make our life miserable.
A Zillion reasons to escape from India
China sends more students aboard on the planet to seek for a better life? picking articles from "Epoch time" i thought the curry scumbag OP claimed take pride of posting China bashing threads from so-called "creditable sources" whats now? running out of anti-China bullets?

Anyway seems like Indians are in similar situation if not worsen

A Zillion reasons to escape from India

how do you figure you coming from a country that has some of the weirdest eating rancidness on their menu- that calling me curry eating is going to be taken as an insult?

Epoch times is openly sold in our nation's capital too. Does that make us Hot dog eating... wait a minute did i just say " dog eating"... :bunny:
is this banglaish? How do you figure I have any inferiority complex? Besides I never even mention your nation. This region has only two powers that can change and will change for the better. Rest are just side notes as far as their futures go- well, according to 100% of every respectable economist.

Surely you are not talking about India, right? :P

Africa and Africans are superior to Indians in every way, even though you might think they are the same.

Africa has less poverty, more toilets, less malnutrition, etc. than India does. Oh, and Africans are actually capable of winning Gold medals at the Olympics, which 1 billion Indians could not do.
how do you figure you coming from a country that has some of the weirdest eating rancidness on their menu- that calling me curry eating is going to be taken as an insult?

Epoch times is openly sold in our nation's capital too. Does that make us Hot dog eating... wait a minute did i just say " dog eating"... :bunny:

Don't even get me started with your drinking and eating habits:lol:
Epoch time on sale or as free propaganda in US? where do you think i live? "Korean"? So is A zillion reasons to escape from India a well trusted "FREE MEDIA":lol:

BTW, any explanation for the above picture, is that some kind of naked protest for freedom in a third world hole.
Surely you are not talking about India, right? :P

Africa and Africans are superior to Indians in every way, even though you might think they are the same.

Africa has less poverty, more toilets, less malnutrition, etc. than India does.

You are a classic by a product of the Chinese education even as a self-identified mainland locust in HK.:cheers: 300 million Hans living in better conditions out of 1.6 billion does not make you guys a " developed" country. ~ in fact even you own politico call themselves as not being a " developed" nation.

Don't even get me started with your drinking and eating habits:lol:
Epoch time on sale or as free propaganda in US? where do you think i live? "Korean"? So is A zillion reasons to escape from India a well trusted "FREE MEDIA":lol:

BTW, any explanation for the above picture, is that some kind of naked protest for freedom in a third world hole.

naked is an expression. You do it by opening " special parlors" in SF and charge for it. They do it as an expression of penance for their religion" - for free. each to his own.
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