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New Study Is the Most Successful Attempt to Gene Edit Human Embryos So Far
By Shelly Fan
Aug 28, 2018

In the quest for CRISPR supremacy, China just won another first. Last week, a team used CRISPR-Cas9 to correct a single mistaken DNA letter in over a dozen human embryos—and succeeded 16 out of 18 tries, a massive improvement over previous attempts.

The high success rate is, in part, thanks to a relatively new CRISPR method called base editing. If standard CRISPR is a pair of scissors, then base editing is a surgical knife. Introduced in 2016, the technology precisely swaps out a mistaken DNA letter for the correct variant—for example, C for a T, or G for an A—which in turn corrects the genetic disease.

Cool, right? There’s more: the edited embryos were created through IVF using standard techniques. Other than carrying a mutation—which would eventually lead to a rare disease that tears apart the body’s connective tissues—the embryos were otherwise healthy. If given the chance, they could potentially develop into full-fledged humans.

This is notably different than many previous attempts at embryo editing, which often use discarded or mutated embryos created by one egg and two sperm—embryos with no chance of ever becoming a human.

The reason is ethics: editing genes in mature cells in the body is limited to that single patient. In contrast, because embryos carry all genomic instructions—including making new eggs or sperm—any changes to their DNA will also affect their offspring. Editing embryos is essentially forcing genetic changes onto future generations that have no say in whether or not they want to accept the risk.

CRISPR and Germline Editing: The Long Tortuous Road
Back in 2015, a Chinese team first reported using CRISPR on human embryos in an obscure journal. A media firestorm subsequently ensued. Although the experiments were conducted on discarded embryos with an extra pair of chromosomes, experts were widely divided in opinion on whether the study was ethical, with some calling it “irresponsible.”

The success rate wasn’t great either. Only four of the 54 surviving embryos after treatment carried the intended genetic tweaks. And even those weren’t completely fixed: the “successes” were mosaics, in that only some of the cells were edited, whereas others still contained the mutated gene. The edits also triggered a sea of off-target snips in the genome, which could potentially lead to a cascade of genetic deficits.

Debates about safety partially underlies objections against using CRISPR for germline editing. And these concerns have merit: a recent study strikingly showed that edited cells may be more likely to turn cancerous, while another suggested that off-target effects are far .

Yet hypothetical nightmare scenarios of using CRISPR to create monstrous fetuses haven’t stopped scientists from further pushing boundaries.

Just two years later, another Chinese team reported that they had successfully edited cells in three normal, viable human embryos out of six attempts. While viable, these embryos were made using donated immature eggs, which need the additional step of being coaxed into mature cells inside a test tube.

Then in 2017, a team from Oregon released a blockbuster studyclaiming that they had successfully used CRISPR to correct a mutation that leads to congenital heart disease with high efficiency and few side-effects. Critics immediately pushed back—arguing that the evidence was unpersuasive—and further intensified the controversy over germline editing in a debate that still rages today.

A Better Path?
The new study wades into these murky waters and offers a tantalizing glimpse of a brighter CRISPR future.

The authors took a path less traveled: rather than using traditional CRISPR tools, they relied on base editing which currently seems much more precise. The classic approach works by breaking doubled-stranded DNA and letting it repair itself—which invites mistakes. Base editing works much more like autocorrect for the genome: it precisely swaps one DNA letter for another while leaving everything else alone.

The team used the tool on embryos with mutations for Marfan syndrome, a rare disorder that breaks down connective tissue and causes a myriad of unpleasant symptoms: loose joints, vision problems, or even rips in the heart. The culprit is a single letter mistake: an “A” in place of a “G” in a gene called FBN1.

Starting out with a healthy egg, the team injected sperm from a man with Marfan syndrome using a standard IVF technique. They then treated some of the embryos with the CRISPR base editor molecules and nurtured them for two days in the lab—just long enough to see if the technique worked.

At no point did the team consider transplanting the edited embryos into surrogate mothers, which isn’t currently legal in China.

By sequencing the DNA of the edited embryos, the team found that all 18 had been edited, with 16 having a “perfect correction”—healthy gene and no side-effects. The two outliers had “undesirable editing besides the correction of the mutation,” saidstudy author Dr. Xingxu Huang at Shanghai Tech University, which was a single unintended swap in both cases.

Surprisingly, the team didn’t find any signs of the sort of widespread genomic havoc that older CRISPR technologies inflict. They used an algorithm to predict with genomic sites are likely candidates for unintended editing, then carefully checked those sites—and found nothing astray.

At 89 percent success rate, the study is the most successful attempt at CRISPRing human embryos so far. It may even be sufficiently high for IVF clinics, which can then screen the embryos and only transplant those with the corrected genes into mothers.

Dr. David Liu at Harvard University, who invented the base editor but was not involved in this study, gave his nod of approval.

“[It’s] a nice demonstration that continues to expand the breadth of settings and applications suitable for base editing, including the correction of [mutations] associated with genetic diseases in human cells and human embryos,” he told STAT News.

That said, Liu is unwilling to proclaim that his base editor worked better than traditional CRISPR in a clinical setting.

“Despite more than 50 publications using base editors from laboratories around the world, the entire field of base editing is only about two years old, and additional studies are needed to assess as many possible consequences of base editing as can be reasonably detected,” he cautioned.

The study authors agree. “Overall, this pilot study provided proof of concept, and opened the potential of base editing-based gene therapy,” said Huang. “Nevertheless, there is still a long way to go to use it in IVF clinics.”

One thing is clear: this is just the next step in the CRISPR germline editing saga. And it won’t be the last. Although once considered morally indefensible, more recently, public attitudes and regulatory opinions are gradually shifting towards acceptance for heritable genetic editing—at least for treating inherited diseases, rather than for augmenting human abilities a la “designer babies.” With momentum on the rise, we can likely expect the next chapter soon.

New Study Is the Most Successful Attempt to Gene Edit Human Embryos So Far | SingularityHub
Scientists map out opium poppy genome
Source: Xinhua| 2018-08-31 02:12:19|Editor: Liangyu

WASHINGTON, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) -- Chinese, British and Australian scientists have determined the DNA code of the opium poppy genome, uncovering key steps in how the plant evolved to produce the pharmaceutical compounds used to make vital medicines.

The study published on Thursday in the journal Science may pave the way for scientists to improve yields and the disease resistance of the medicinal plant, securing a reliable and cheap supply of the most effective drugs for pain relief and palliative care.

The scientists from the University of York and Wellcome Sanger Institute in the United Kingdom together with colleagues from Xi'an Jiaotong University and Shanghai Ocean University in China and Sun Pharmaceutical Industries (Australia) Pty Ltd, produced a high quality assembly of the 2.7 Giga-Base genome sequence distributed across 11 chromosomes.

The findings revealed the origins of the genetic pathway leading to the production of the cough suppressant noscapine and painkiller drugs like morphine and codeine.

It enabled the researchers to identify a large cluster of 15 genes that encode enzymes involved in two distinct biosynthetic pathways involved in the production of both noscapine and the compounds leading to codeine and morphine.

According to the researchers, plants have the capacity to duplicate their genomes and when this happens the duplicated genes can evolve to develop new machinery to make a diverse array of chemical compounds that are used to defend against attack from harmful microbes and herbivores and to attract beneficial species such as bees to assist in pollination.

The genome assembly revealed the ancestral genes that came together to produce the a kind of gene fusion that is responsible for the first major step on the pathway to morphine and codeine.

This fusion event happened before a relatively recent whole genome duplication event in the opium poppy genome 7.8 million years ago, according to the study.

The paper's co-corresponding author Professor Ye Kai from Xi'an Jiaotong University said: "It is intriguing that two biosynthetic pathways came to the same genomic region due to a series of duplication, shuffling and fusion structural events, enabling concerted production of novel metabolic compounds."

Li Guo, Thilo Winzer, Xiaofei Yang, Yi Li, Zemin Ning, Zhesi He, Roxana Teodor, Ying Lu, Tim A. Bowser, Ian A. Graham, Kai Ye. The opium poppy genome and morphinan production. Science, (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aat4096
Alkaline earth metals can form 18-electron complexes
The elements use d-orbital backbonding to make octacarbonyl compounds
by Sam Lemonick

It’s a helpful rule of thumb: Main group elements prefer forming bonds that give them eight valence electrons; transition metals go for 18 electrons. Now scientists have shown that main group elements calcium, strontium, and barium can form 18-electron complexes with carbon monoxide at temperatures near absolute zero thanks to contributions from the metals’ d orbitals. (Science 2018, DOI: 10.1126/science.aau0839).

Past research already suggested heavy alkaline earth metals like these might break the rule because their d orbitals are often involved in bonding, something usually limited to transition metals. But Pekka Pyykkö, a physical chemist at the University of Helsinki who was not involved in the work, says demonstrating the elements can form 18-electron complexes is a significant step in understanding the rules of alkaline earth metal bonding.

---> Alkaline earth metals can form 18-electron complexes | Chemical & Engineering News

Xuan Wu, Lili Zhao, Jiaye Jin, Sudip Pan, Wei Li, Xiaoyang Jin, Guanjun Wang, Mingfei Zhou & Gernot Frenking. Observation of alkaline earth complexes M(CO)8 (M = Ca, Sr, or Ba) that mimic transition metals. Science (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aau0839
Alkaline earth metals can form 18-electron complexes
The elements use d-orbital backbonding to make octacarbonyl compounds
by Sam Lemonick

It’s a helpful rule of thumb: Main group elements prefer forming bonds that give them eight valence electrons; transition metals go for 18 electrons. Now scientists have shown that main group elements calcium, strontium, and barium can form 18-electron complexes with carbon monoxide at temperatures near absolute zero thanks to contributions from the metals’ d orbitals. (Science 2018, DOI: 10.1126/science.aau0839).

Past research already suggested heavy alkaline earth metals like these might break the rule because their d orbitals are often involved in bonding, something usually limited to transition metals. But Pekka Pyykkö, a physical chemist at the University of Helsinki who was not involved in the work, says demonstrating the elements can form 18-electron complexes is a significant step in understanding the rules of alkaline earth metal bonding.

---> Alkaline earth metals can form 18-electron complexes | Chemical & Engineering News

Xuan Wu, Lili Zhao, Jiaye Jin, Sudip Pan, Wei Li, Xiaoyang Jin, Guanjun Wang, Mingfei Zhou & Gernot Frenking. Observation of alkaline earth complexes M(CO)8 (M = Ca, Sr, or Ba) that mimic transition metals. Science (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aau0839
Chemists show that the 18-electron principle is not limited to transition metals
August 31, 2018 by Bob Yirka, Phys.org report
A team of researchers from Fudan University and Nanjing Tech University, both in China, has demonstrated that the 18-electron principle is not limited to transition metals. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes their work with calcium, strontium and barium atoms and what they found. P. B. Armentrout with the University of Utah offers a Perspective piece on the work done by the team in China in the same journal issue.

As many chemistry students will remember, elements in the periodic table are classified into main group elements divided by blocks—they include the s and p blocks, the d block, which includes transition metals, and of course, the f block, which includes actinides and lanthanides. Also, the main group elements calcium, strontium and barium are known to form bonds using their orbitals, and follow what is known as the octet rule—where atoms wind up with eight electrons in their valence shell. Transition metals, on the other hand, have another five d orbitals which when filled result in a stable formation with 18 electrons. In this new effort, the researchers have shown that even main group elements like calcium, strontium and barium can be made to follow the octet rule, demonstrating that the octet rule is not limited to just transition metals. The group suggests this finding indicates that the old octet rule, which is found in virtually all chemistry textbooks, is not actually correct in some instances.

In their work, the researchers showed that main group elements could form 18-electron complexes with carbon monoxide when put in a very cold chamber. They report that they were studying Ba(CO)+ and Ba(CO)- using spectral analysis when they found something amiss—the wavenumbers for the C-O stretching mode were oddly shifted. An analysis of their findings suggested that the Ba atoms had d orbitals rather than the expected s or p orbitals. To demonstrate their theoretical findings, they placed mixes of Ba, Sr and Ca in a cold neon matrix and used infrared spectroscopy to get a better look at what was going on—they found evidence of eight CO ligands and back-bonding—a demonstration of non-transition metals following the octet rule.

Chinese medical stent makes Lancet breakthrough

2018-09-06 13:21:01

Global Times Editor : Li Yan

The debut of a China-developed medical device in the world's oldest and best-known medical journal has been hailed by Chinese media as a breakthrough for Chinese medical innovation.

For the first time in its 200-year history, The Lancet published Tuesday a report on the clinical tests of a China-made device, the Firehawk stent, a drug-eluting stent independently developed by the Shanghai-based MicroPort Scientific Corporation.

The Firehawk could be a solution to a problem that has perplexed the field of cardiovascular intervention for more than 10 years, the Yangtze Evening Post reported Wednesday, citing the Lancet article.

The Firehawk is a stent that contains drugs in tiny grooves engraved by lasers on the surface. The design effectively prevents the drug from leaking during the transportation of the stent, which greatly improves efficiency and avoids wasting medication, the Yangtze Evening Post reported.

Shao Zhanqiang, a senior surgeon at Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, told the Global Times on Wednesday that The Lancet report signals progress in medical innovation in China, but that new devices and instruments must be fully examined before they can be put into wide use.

"Ideally, the Firehawk stent is expected to solve the problem of blood clots after [heart] surgery, which could adversely influence cardiovascular intervention therapy," Shao said.

The MicroPort Scientific Corporation has spent 15 years developing the stent, finally adopting a polymer coating technology to effectively and precisely deliver the drug within the blood vessel.

The technology could save patients who need post-surgery medication a great deal of money, the Yangtze Evening Post reported.

Chinese medical apparatus and instruments represented by MicroPort are also being recognized by more people around the world, said the newspaper.

Chinese medical stent makes Lancet breakthrough

2018-09-06 13:21:01

Global Times Editor : Li Yan

The debut of a China-developed medical device in the world's oldest and best-known medical journal has been hailed by Chinese media as a breakthrough for Chinese medical innovation.

For the first time in its 200-year history, The Lancet published Tuesday a report on the clinical tests of a China-made device, the Firehawk stent, a drug-eluting stent independently developed by the Shanghai-based MicroPort Scientific Corporation.

The Firehawk could be a solution to a problem that has perplexed the field of cardiovascular intervention for more than 10 years, the Yangtze Evening Post reported Wednesday, citing the Lancet article.

The Firehawk is a stent that contains drugs in tiny grooves engraved by lasers on the surface. The design effectively prevents the drug from leaking during the transportation of the stent, which greatly improves efficiency and avoids wasting medication, the Yangtze Evening Post reported.

Shao Zhanqiang, a senior surgeon at Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, told the Global Times on Wednesday that The Lancet report signals progress in medical innovation in China, but that new devices and instruments must be fully examined before they can be put into wide use.

"Ideally, the Firehawk stent is expected to solve the problem of blood clots after [heart] surgery, which could adversely influence cardiovascular intervention therapy," Shao said.

The MicroPort Scientific Corporation has spent 15 years developing the stent, finally adopting a polymer coating technology to effectively and precisely deliver the drug within the blood vessel.

The technology could save patients who need post-surgery medication a great deal of money, the Yangtze Evening Post reported.

Chinese medical apparatus and instruments represented by MicroPort are also being recognized by more people around the world, said the newspaper.


I actually went through this research paper. And while yes, it is a big deal that it was featured in Lancet, Lancet also listed quite a bit of negative points about this, and actually predicted that there is limited commercial need for it right now.

But by selectively picking up facts, this article, tries to bloat Chinese progress, a trend that is harmful to China.

Quoting from Lancet commentary:

However, while the primary non-inferiority clinical endpoint was met, the clinical need for a new drug-eluting stent might be questioned given that the deliverability of the FIREHAWK appeared to be worse than that of the XIENCE stent and angiographic endpoints also tended to favour XIENCE. At 86 μm, the strut thickness of the FIREHAWK is slightly larger than that of the XIENCE stent (81 μm) and larger than many other new-generation drug-eluting stents. The technical success rate in the intention-to-treat population was lower in the FIREHAWK group than in the XIENCE group (92·4% vs 94·8%, difference −2·4% [95% CI −4·4% to −0·3%], p=0·025). Significantly more lesions could not be treated with the study stent compared with the XIENCE stent (assigned study stent implanted in 1148 [94·2%] patients for FIREHAWK vs 1127 [95·6%] patients for XIENCE, p=0·013; crossover in nine [0·7%] vs zero patients, p=0·004). Angiographic follow-up at 13 months also showed slightly greater stent late lumen loss with the FIREHAWK than with the XIENCE (0·17 mm [SD 0·52] vs 0·11 mm [0·48], p=0·48) and numerically more in-stent restenosis (8·5% vs 5·6%, p=0·75), although these differences were not significant. The rate of definite stent thrombosis with the FIREHAWK was not significantly different from that of the comparator stent but was higher than that seen in other trials and registries of stents with thinner struts.
These points might limit the clinical applicability of this stent and the attraction to using this particular stent of the many well performing new-generation drug-eluting stents already available, at least on the European market. In other markets with more limited stent availability and different pricing, this stent could be an important new option. The question is therefore how far from TARGET the FIREHAWK will fly.
China unveils blueprint for huge underground ‘Higgs factory’
06 Sep 2018 Michael Banks

Planning ahead: physicists at Beijing's Institute of High Energy Physics are supporting a plan to build a huge 100 km circular collider in China to study the Higgs boson in unprecedented detail. (Courtesy: IHEP)

Scientists in China have released details for a huge particle collider that will produce over a million Higgs bosons in a seven-year period. The conceptual design report for the China Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) calls for a 100 km underground tunnel that would smash together electrons and positrons at energies of 240 GeV. The CEPC would be a successor to the Beijing Electron Positron Collider at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing, which is expected to shut in 2020.

The CEPC, which was first proposed in 2012, is a “Higgs factory” – a facility to measure the precise properties of the Higgs boson, which was discovered at CERN in 2012 by scientists working on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). An electron-positron machine can make much cleaner measurements than a proton collider like the LHC as its collisions do not produce as much debris. The CEPC will therefore allow the Higgs boson to be studied in unprecedented detail.

A preliminary conceptual design report for the CEPC was originally published in March 2015. That was followed by a progress report in April 2017, but the new 510-page conceptual design report, released this week on the arXivpreprint server, outlines the technical details of the accelerator. A second volume, featuring details of the CEPC detectors, is due to be released soon.

Particle factory
Estimated to cost around $6bn, the “heart” of the CEPC is a double-ring collider in which electron and positron beams will circulate in opposite directions in separate beam pipes. They will then collide at two “interaction points”, which will each contain a particle detector. The report reveals the CEPC will seek to generate over a million Higgs bosons over a seven-year period. The design also calls for the CEPC to operate at 91 GeV for two years to generate a trillion Z bosons as well as run at 160 GeV for a year to produce around 15 million pairs of W+ and W- particles.

Scientists will now build prototypes of key components of the accelerator and plan the manufacturing process required to construct the CEPC. If given the go-ahead by the government, construction of the CEPC could begin in 2022 and be complete by 2030. Following a decade of studying the Higgs, Z and W bosons, it is hoped that developments in magnet technology will be sufficient to begin construction of a proton-proton collider inside the existing tunnel in the early 2040s. This would operate in the range of 70-100 TeV and search for particles beyond the Standard Model of particle physics.

The location of the CEPC has not yet been decided with six locations currently satisfying the “technical requirements”. However, it is thought that the leading site is 300 km east of Beijing at the port city of Qinhuangdao. Speaking to Physics World earlier this year, IHEP director Yifang Wang says that a more detailed investigation of the geological conditions at some of the possible sites is needed before a decision can be made. “We need to know what kind of support from the local government we will receive in terms of, for example, laboratories, living conditions, roads and power supply,” he says.

Analysis: China could win the Higgs factory race

The race is on to build a Higgs factory – a successor to CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. For years it was thought that the International Linear Collider (ILC) was in pole position. The ILC’s five-volume technical design report was published in June 2013, calling for a 30 km-long linear collider that would smash electrons with positrons at around 500 GeV. The Japanese physics community quickly got behind the project expressing their desire to host the machine with a site in the Tōhoku region, about 400 km north of Tokyo, chosen as a potential location.

However, the Japanese government has dragged its feet over deciding to support the project and last year — to make the ILC more palatable — physicists came up with a revised plan, reducing the ILC’s energy to 250 GeV and shortening the length of the tunnel to around 20 km. While physicists hope that the Japanese government will now get behind the facility by the end of the year, there are many other projects vying for funding, no less a major new neutrino facility in Kamioka. It is likely that a decision about the ILC will be kicked further down the road.

There is another design for a linear collider to study the Higgs. The Compact Linear Collider would smash together electron with positron at energies up to 3 TeV, but despite a three-volume conceptual design report being released in 2012, it remains behind the ILC in terms of technical development. That now leaves the door open to China and momentum seems to be on their side. Speaking to Physics World earlier this year, Yifang Wang, head of China’s Institute of High Energy Physics, noted that there was “enormous interest” for the CEPC from funding agencies in the country.

Given the amount of cash that the Chinese government is ploughing into science as well as the technical ability of Chinese scientists and engineers to build world-class facilities, it would be hard to bet against the CEPC being first.​

China unveils blueprint for huge underground ‘Higgs factory’ – Physics World
China Focus: Chinese scientists ponder benefits of human hibernation
Source: Xinhua| 2018-08-30 20:01:05|Editor: Yamei

SHENZHEN, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) -- In the Hollywood blockbuster, Interstellar, the astronauts hibernate for years during long-distance space travel.

Low-temperature dormancy is a feature in many sci-fi novels and movies. Can humans get into a low-energy consumption state like hibernating animals by reserving energy, and reducing body temperature and metabolism?

Chinese scientists are looking for the key to regulate body temperature.

Scientists have found the hypothalamus, an area in the central lower part of the brain, is responsible for regulating body temperature. But traditional methods cannot determine exactly which neurons play the key role.

Wang Hong, a brain scientist at the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, led her team to mark the neurons responsible for setting and regulating body temperature in mice by means of a cutting-edge genetic biology technique.

In the in-vitro experiment, they found 20 percent of the neurons in the hypothalamus of mice showed reaction to heat. Those neurons had a common feature: they all expressed a gene called TRPM2.

In further experiments, they injected the drug, Clozapine N-oxide, into mice to activate the neurons expressing TRPM2. The body temperatures of the mice dropped from 37 degrees centigrade to 27 degrees centigrade in two hours. With the metabolizing of the drug, their body temperatures returned to normal after about 10 hours.

The team found the change in body temperature caused no harm to the health of the mice. Their study was published in the academic journal, Science, in September 2016.

Chinese scientists are not alone in such research. NASA is reported to have funded SpaceWorks Enterprises aerospace engineering company to study hibernation systems that could be used in human missions to Mars.

Wang's team is focusing more on medical applications.

Studies showed that if the brain can be cooled soon after a patient has a stroke, it can help protect the nervous system. Mild hypothermia therapy was introduced into the clinical treatment of stroke in the 1990s.

However, the therapy requires sophisticated instruments, and is hard to apply in emergency treatment.

"We hope to find the target area in the brain, and develop a drug that can drop the body temperature of the patient immediately after a stroke to protect the nervous system," Wang said.

"We are still not quite clear about why low temperatures help protect the nervous system. It's commonly believed that reducing the metabolic rate of cells depresses the production of free radicals."

Next, Wang's team plan to conduct experiments on primates to find out whether the neurons expressing TRPM2 can play the same role in regulating body temperature.

"The discrepancy between different species is the most difficult problem. We don't know if we can develop a drug that can regulate human body temperature. We still need a lot of study," Wang said.

Even if the researchers master the technique to regulate human body temperature, can hibernation be realized in space travel?

"It still seems like a distant dream," Wang said. "Just solving the problem of regulating body temperature cannot realize hibernation, since many other factors such as circadian rhythms and nutrition must be taken into consideration. How to wake the dormant astronaut is another complication."

Some scientists worry about the social and ethical issues of artificial hibernation. What if a person who has slept for many years awakes to find that he or she is much younger than his or her offspring? What if they cannot adapt to a world that has changed during the long sleep?

"Luckily we still have a lot of time to discuss artificial hibernation before it is realized," said Wang. "Nevertheless, regulating body temperature according to our needs will be the first step."
Yigong Shi’s group reports on the structure of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease related to the PKD1/PKD2 complex

The kidney is an important living organ of the human body. It has many physiological functions such as excreting metabolic products, regulating water and electrolyte balance and the endocrine system. Under a variety of pathological conditions, the kidneys need to excrete blood from the organs and supply it to more important organs (e.g. the heart and brain). While of such great importance, the kidneys, however, are among those most vulnerable organs. Genetic factors, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia are important causes of chronic kidney disease. According to the National Institute of Health, the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in US adults (approximately 200 million in total) has reached 11.3%.

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is one of the most important causes of chronic kidney disease, with an incidence of 1/400-1/1000. About 12 million patients worldwide are affected by this disease. The bilateral kidneys of the patient gradually produce fluid-filled vesicles with increasing age, squeezing and destroying the surrounding normal tissues. About 50% of patients develop end-stage renal failure, requiring heterologous kidney transplantation or life-long hemodialysis. There are about 1.5 million patients with this disease in China. Every year, tens of thousands of patients are on the waiting list for donated kidney transplantation or sustaining life through continuous dialysis. ADPKD not only causes severe physical and mental suffering to the patient, but also imposes a heavy financial burden on the patient's family.

The genes associated with ADPKD pathogenesis are PKD1 and PKD2, and their gene products are the membrane proteins PKD1 and PKD2 respectively. Mutations in both accounted for approximately 85% and 10% of all patients respectively. The human pkd1 gene is located on chromosome 16, encoding a protein of PKD1 with a length of 4302 amino acids containing 11 transmembrane helices. Because of the huge molecular weight of PKD1, researchers have been challenged with great technical difficulties in their research. Since the successful sequencing of the pkd1 gene in 1993, many scientists have been investigating this protein for more than 20 years. Although these studies have broadened the perception of ADPKD, the function of the PKD1 protein and the pathogenesis of polycystic kidney disease remains controversial for lack of sufficient information. Another pathogenic protein, PKD2, is a chaperone molecule of PKD1, and plays an extremely important role in the folding of PKD1, transporting among organelles and protein maturation. PKD1 and PKD2 proteins can interact to form hetero-tetrameric complexes and may perform important physiological functions on primary cilia.

On August 10th, 2018, UTC+8, Yigong Shi's group, published a research article entitled "Structure of the human PKD1 and PKD2 complex" online in the journal Science, reporting the first near-atomic resolution (3.6 ?) of the polycystic kidney disease-associated protein PKD1/PKD2 complex.

Figure 1: A. schematic diagram of the topology of human PKD1 and PKD2 proteins. B. The overall structure of human PKD1 and PKD2 protein complex; C. The unique channel domain of PKD1.

Yigong Shi's group first resolved the near-atom resolution structure of human PKD1 and PKD2 complexes. This structure reveals that the PKD1 and PKD2 proteins form a distinctive one-to-three complex (1 PKD1: 3 PKD2). Based on this structural and biochemical data, the team found that PKD1 and PKD2 were able to form complexes without the protein C-terminal coiled-coil domain. This result is inconsistent with the mainstream doctrine which previously thought that “no protein complex can be formed when there is no coiled-coil domain”. Therefore, many studies based on this conclusion need to be reconsidered. In addition, the researchers found that the pore domain structure of PKD1 is different from that of all currently known voltage-gated ion channels. The S6 transmembrane helix of PKD1 has a number of positively charged amino acids protruding into the central cavity of the channel, potentially blocking the central channel path which is for calcium permeation. There have been many debates about whether PKD1 and PKD2 form calcium channels in the field. The current conformation of this structure does not support the channel hypothesis, which brings new thinking to the investigation of the mechanism of polycystic kidney disease.

Yigong Shi's research team cooperated with Prof. Mei Changlin and Prof. Yu Shengqiang from Shanghai Changzheng Hospital. Since 2013, the structure of two human proteins, PKD1 and PKD2, has been conceived. During the past five years, unremitting efforts on the protein boundary, frozen sample preparation conditions and detergent optimization have been tried and screened. Finally, the structure of PKD1 and PKD2 protein complex was resolved with an overall resolution of 3.6 ?, and the core region resolution was able to reach 3.2 ?. This was the first time that the structure of a TRP channel family heterologous complex had been obtained.

Professor Yigong Shi from the School of Life Sciences of Tsinghua University and the Center for Structural Biology and Innovation, is the corresponding author of this article; Qiang Su, a third-year doctoral student at the School of Life Sciences of Tsinghua University, and Dr. Feizhuo Hu from the School of Medicine,, are the co-first authors of this article; Ge Xuefei, an undergraduate student in the six-character class of the School of Life, Tsinghua University, helped complete some of the experiments. Dr. Lei Jianlin from Tsinghua University's cryo-electron microscopy facility provided assistance in the collection of cryo-electron microscopy data. Professor Zhou Qiang, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, provided cryo-EM data processing guidance. Associate Professor Wang Tingliang, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, was involved in the early operation of the subject. The electron microscope data was collected from the cryo-electron microscope facility of Tsinghua University. The calculation work was supported by the Tsinghua University High Performance Computing Platform and National Protein Facility Experimental Technology Center (Beijing). This work has received funding support from the Beijing Center for Structural Biology and the National Natural Science Foundation.

Research article link: http://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2018/08/08/science.aat9819

Contributor: School of Life Sciences
Editors: John Olbrich, Guo Lili

Tsinghua University News | Yigong Shi’s group reports on the structure of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease related to the PKD1/PKD2 complex

Qiang Su, Feizhuo Hu, Xiaofei Ge, Jianlin Lei, Shengqiang Yu, Tingliang Wang, Qiang Zhou, Changlin Mei & Yigong Shi. Structure of the human PKD1-PKD2 complex. Science (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aat9819.​
China’s 2018 Future Science Prize winners announced
By Ma Danning (People's Daily Online) 14:14, September 10, 2018


China's Future Science Prize, one of the country's most prestigious non-governmental science awards, announced on Saturday the 2018 winners in the areas of life science, physical science, and mathematics and computer science.

Renowned agricultural scientist Yuan Longping, China's "Father of Hybrid Rice," in collaboration with Zhang Qifa and Li Jiayang from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), shared The Life Science Prize for their pioneering work in breeding new rice varieties with high-yield and superior quality.

Ma Dawei from the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry at CAS, Feng Xiaoming from Sichuan University, and Zhou Qilin from Nankai University received The Physical Science Prize for creative contributions to the invention of new catalysts and reactions, which have provided a new approach to the synthesis of organic molecules, especially drug molecules.

Lin Benjian, an academician from CAS and also an expert with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, world's largest dedicated independent semiconductor foundry, received The Mathematics and Computer Science Prize for expanding nanoscale integrated circuits.

The winners will also share $100 million in prize money for each award category.

Touted as China's “Nobel Prize,” as both are privately funded, the Future Science Prize aims to increase public internet in science and connect science and business.

The Future Science Prize rewards outstanding original research that was finished in China and has global impact. It is not limited to Chinese citizens and is privately funded by 12 eminent Chinese entrepreneurs who want more public involvement in the country’s development of science.

The prize was launched in 2016 by entrepreneurs aiming to utilize cutting-edge computer science technology, such as AI and big data in the business sector, and investors who understand that scientific development is the foundation of long-term prosperity. Fifteen prominent scholars worldwide form the panel of judges, including Wang Xiaodong, director of the National Institute of Biological Sciences in Beijing Li Kai, a member of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States Computer science professors Paul M. Wythes and Marcia R. Wythes, Princeton University and Luo Liqun, professor of Biology at Stanford University.
China unveils blueprint for huge underground ‘Higgs factory’
06 Sep 2018 Michael Banks

Planning ahead: physicists at Beijing's Institute of High Energy Physics are supporting a plan to build a huge 100 km circular collider in China to study the Higgs boson in unprecedented detail. (Courtesy: IHEP)

Scientists in China have released details for a huge particle collider that will produce over a million Higgs bosons in a seven-year period. The conceptual design report for the China Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) calls for a 100 km underground tunnel that would smash together electrons and positrons at energies of 240 GeV. The CEPC would be a successor to the Beijing Electron Positron Collider at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing, which is expected to shut in 2020.

The CEPC, which was first proposed in 2012, is a “Higgs factory” – a facility to measure the precise properties of the Higgs boson, which was discovered at CERN in 2012 by scientists working on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). An electron-positron machine can make much cleaner measurements than a proton collider like the LHC as its collisions do not produce as much debris. The CEPC will therefore allow the Higgs boson to be studied in unprecedented detail.

A preliminary conceptual design report for the CEPC was originally published in March 2015. That was followed by a progress report in April 2017, but the new 510-page conceptual design report, released this week on the arXivpreprint server, outlines the technical details of the accelerator. A second volume, featuring details of the CEPC detectors, is due to be released soon.

Particle factory
Estimated to cost around $6bn, the “heart” of the CEPC is a double-ring collider in which electron and positron beams will circulate in opposite directions in separate beam pipes. They will then collide at two “interaction points”, which will each contain a particle detector. The report reveals the CEPC will seek to generate over a million Higgs bosons over a seven-year period. The design also calls for the CEPC to operate at 91 GeV for two years to generate a trillion Z bosons as well as run at 160 GeV for a year to produce around 15 million pairs of W+ and W- particles.

Scientists will now build prototypes of key components of the accelerator and plan the manufacturing process required to construct the CEPC. If given the go-ahead by the government, construction of the CEPC could begin in 2022 and be complete by 2030. Following a decade of studying the Higgs, Z and W bosons, it is hoped that developments in magnet technology will be sufficient to begin construction of a proton-proton collider inside the existing tunnel in the early 2040s. This would operate in the range of 70-100 TeV and search for particles beyond the Standard Model of particle physics.

The location of the CEPC has not yet been decided with six locations currently satisfying the “technical requirements”. However, it is thought that the leading site is 300 km east of Beijing at the port city of Qinhuangdao. Speaking to Physics World earlier this year, IHEP director Yifang Wang says that a more detailed investigation of the geological conditions at some of the possible sites is needed before a decision can be made. “We need to know what kind of support from the local government we will receive in terms of, for example, laboratories, living conditions, roads and power supply,” he says.

Analysis: China could win the Higgs factory race

The race is on to build a Higgs factory – a successor to CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. For years it was thought that the International Linear Collider (ILC) was in pole position. The ILC’s five-volume technical design report was published in June 2013, calling for a 30 km-long linear collider that would smash electrons with positrons at around 500 GeV. The Japanese physics community quickly got behind the project expressing their desire to host the machine with a site in the Tōhoku region, about 400 km north of Tokyo, chosen as a potential location.

However, the Japanese government has dragged its feet over deciding to support the project and last year — to make the ILC more palatable — physicists came up with a revised plan, reducing the ILC’s energy to 250 GeV and shortening the length of the tunnel to around 20 km. While physicists hope that the Japanese government will now get behind the facility by the end of the year, there are many other projects vying for funding, no less a major new neutrino facility in Kamioka. It is likely that a decision about the ILC will be kicked further down the road.

There is another design for a linear collider to study the Higgs. The Compact Linear Collider would smash together electron with positron at energies up to 3 TeV, but despite a three-volume conceptual design report being released in 2012, it remains behind the ILC in terms of technical development. That now leaves the door open to China and momentum seems to be on their side. Speaking to Physics World earlier this year, Yifang Wang, head of China’s Institute of High Energy Physics, noted that there was “enormous interest” for the CEPC from funding agencies in the country.

Given the amount of cash that the Chinese government is ploughing into science as well as the technical ability of Chinese scientists and engineers to build world-class facilities, it would be hard to bet against the CEPC being first.​

China unveils blueprint for huge underground ‘Higgs factory’ – Physics World
CEPC Study Group Completes Accelerator Conceptual Design Report---Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sep 10, 2018

The Conceptual Design Report (CDR), Volume I – Accelerator for the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) was published on September 2, 2018. The CEPC Accelerator CDR has reached its goal in multiple energy ranges, including the Higgs, W and Z poles.

The CEPC Study Group has been working on the conceptual design of the CEPC since the publication of the Preliminary Conceptual Design Report (Pre-CDR) in March 2015. The Fully Partial Double-Ring with Crab-Waist Collision scheme is the baseline accelerator design used in the CDR. A number of accelerator designs, including Single-Ring Pretzel, Partial Double-Ring, Advanced Partial Double-Ring and Fully Partial Double-Ring, were considered and optimized by the CEPC Study Group. The detailed comparison of various design options and the final choice of the baseline was documented in CEPC-SppC Progress Report – Accelerator, published in April 2017.

The CEPC accelerator team completed the first draft of the current CDR in November 2017. The team soon conducted a preliminary review and revised it. A committee of international experts then reviewed the CDR from June 28-30 at Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In its subsequent report, the committee said it “unanimously congratulates the CEPC team on the completion of the CDR, with remarkable successes in various aspects of the design.” The review committee also said it believes “the CDR has already reached a sufficient level of maturity to allow approval to proceed to a Technical Design Report.” The CEPC Study Group incorporated the comments from the reviewers into the CDR and released the document on September 2, 2018.

The CEPC Accelerator CDR comprises 505 pages, 12 chapters and eight appendices. It covers machine layout, design of the collider, the booster, linac accelerator, the injector, design of the superconducting radio frequency (RF), RF power source, magnets, power supply, vacuum, and monitoring, control and mechanical systems. It also covers the cryogenic system, common facilities, civil engineering, radiation protection, and the option of upgrading to a Super proton-proton Collider (SppC). Alternative options for CEPC accelerator and opportunities for polarization at Z-pole are discussed in the appendices.

The CEPC Accelerator CDR can be found at https://arXiv.org (document 1809.00285) or at the official CEPC website: http://cepc.ihep.ac.cn/CDR_v6_201808s.pdf.
Regrowing dental tissue with stem cells from baby teeth | Penn Today
A successful Phase 1 clinical trial in China, co-led by School of Dental Medicine researcher Songtao Shi, paves the way for more widespread investigation into the utility of dental stem cells.

Stem cells extracted from baby teeth were able to regenerate dental pulp (above, with fluorescent labeling) in young patients who had injured one of their adult teeth.

Sometimes kids trip and fall, and their teeth take the hit. Nearly half of children suffer some injury to a tooth during childhood. When that trauma affects an immature permanent tooth, it can hinder blood supply and root development, resulting in what is essentially a “dead” tooth.

Until now, the standard of care has entailed a procedure called apexification that encourages further root development, but it does not replace the lost tissue from the injury and, even in a best-case scenario, causes root development to proceed abnormally.

New results of a clinical trial, jointly led by Songtao Shi of the University of Pennsylvania and Yan Jin, Kun Xuan, and Bei Li of the Fourth Military Medicine University in Xi’an, China, suggest that there is a more promising path for children with these types of injuries: using stem cells extracted from the patient’s baby teeth. The work was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

“This treatment gives patients sensation back in their teeth. If you give them a warm or cold stimulation, they can feel it; they have living teeth again,” says Shi, professor and chair in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology in Penn’s School of Dental Medicine. “So far we have follow-up data for two, two and a half, even three years, and have shown it’s a safe and effective therapy.”


Songtao Shi

Shi has been working for a decade to test the possibilities of dental stem cells after discovering them in his daughter’s baby tooth. He and colleagues have learned more about how these dental stem cells, officially called human deciduous pulp stem cells (hDPSC), work, and how they could be safely employed to regrow dental tissue, known as pulp.

The Phase 1 trial was conducted in China, which has a research track for clinical trials. The 40 children enrolled had each injured one of their permanent incisors, and still had baby teeth. Thirty were assigned to hDPSC treatment and 10 to the control treatment, apexification.

Those who received hDPSC treatment had tissue extracted from a healthy baby tooth. The stem cells from this pulp were allowed to reproduce in a laboratory culture, and the resulting cells were implanted into the injured tooth.

Upon follow-up, the researchers found that patients who received hDPSCs had more signs than the control group of healthy root development and thicker dentin, the hard part of a tooth beneath the enamel, as well as increased blood flow.

At the time the patients were initially seen, all had little sensation in the tissue of their injured teeth. A year following the procedure, only those who received hDPSCs had regained some sensation. Examining a variety of immune-system components, the team found no evidence of safety concerns.

As further support of the treatment’s efficacy, the researchers had the opportunity to directly examine the tissue of a treated tooth when the patient re-injured it, and had to have it extracted. They found that the implanted stem cells regenerated different components of dental pulp, including the cells that produce dentin, connective tissue, and blood vessels.

“For me, the results are very exciting,” Shi says. “To see something we discovered take a step forward to potentially become a routine therapy in the clinic is gratifying.”

It is, however, just a first step. While using a patient’s own stem cells reduces the chances of immune rejection, it’s not possible in adult patients who have lost all of their baby teeth. Shi and colleagues are beginning to test the use of allogenic stem cells, or cells donated from another person, to regenerate dental tissue in adults. They are also hoping to secure FDA approval to conduct clinical trials using hDPSCs in the United States.

Eventually, they see even broader applications of hDPSCs for treating systemic disease, such as lupus, which Shi has worked on before.

“We’re really eager to see what we can do in the dental field,” Shi says, “and then building on that to open up channels for systemic disease therapy.”

The research was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China, the Natural Science Foundation of China and a pilot grant from Penn Dental Medicine.

Kun Xuan, Bei Li, Hao Guo, Wei Sun, Xiaoxing Kou, Xiaoning He, Yongjie Zhang, Jin Sun, Anqi Liu, Li Liao, Shiyu Liu, Wenjia Liu, Chenghu Hu, Songtao Shi, Yan Jin. Deciduous autologous tooth stem cells regenerate dental pulp after implantation into injured teeth. Science Translational Medicine (2018). DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aaf3227
Synopsis: Bismuthates Are Surprisingly Conventional
September 13, 2018

Photoemission experiments challenge the long-held belief that the high-temperature superconductivity of certain bismuth oxides is of the unconventional type.

C. H. P. Wen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. (2018)
Certain bismuth oxides, called bismuthates, were among the first compounds found to exhibit high-temperature superconductivity. The mechanisms behind their superconductivity has, however, remained mysterious, although researchers suspected they were related to those of so-called unconventional superconductors like cuprates and iron pnictides. Now Donglai Feng at Fudan University in China and colleagues might have solved the 30-year-old bismuthate puzzle with data from new photoemission experiments. Their measurements suggest that bismuthates are not unconventional superconductors but are instead conventional Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superconductors, in which superconductivity arises from the strong coupling between electrons and phonons.

The go-to technique to study superconductors is angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), which provides a direct measurement of a material’s electronic structure by mapping the momenta of electrons the material emits when illuminated by UV or x-ray light. However, ARPES measurements of bismuthates were previously unfeasible, as crystals with large, clean, flat surfaces—a requirement for experiments—weren’t available. Feng’s team solved this problem by improving the synthesis process for bismuthate crystals. They also deployed an ARPES technique that uses a small-spot-size light beam, allowing them to probe crystal domains as small as 50 μm .

The team’s results indicate a stronger-than-expected electron-phonon coupling in bismuthates. By comparing the measured electronic bands with density-functional-theory calculations, the authors explain that the strong coupling is due to long-range Coulomb interactions between electrons in the material—an effect that previous theoretical work had underestimated. The authors argue that accounting for such long-range interactions could help theorists predict other conventional superconductors with high critical temperatures.

This research is published in Physical Review Letters.

–Matteo Rini
Matteo Rini is the Deputy Editor of Physics.

Unveiling the Superconducting Mechanism of Ba0.51K0.49BiO3

C. H. P. Wen, H. C. Xu, Q. Yao, R. Peng, X. H. Niu, Q. Y. Chen, Z. T. Liu, D. W. Shen, Q. Song, X. Lou, Y. F. Fang, X. S. Liu, Y. H. Song, Y. J. Jiao, T. F. Duan, H. H. Wen, P. Dudin, G. Kotliar, Z. P. Yin, and D. L. Feng
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 117002 (2018)
Published September 13, 2018

Physics - Synopsis: Bismuthates Are Surprisingly Conventional

Flawed Crystals are Beautiful in the Eyes of Scientists | Inside Science
Defects in crystals may be useful for designing spintronic devices, which use the magnetic properties of electrons for processing information.

Rights information: CC0 Public Domain
Thursday, September 13, 2018 - 13:15
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer

(Inside Science) -- Jewelers may disagree, but flaws in a crystal can be a good thing. Recently published research suggests that crystals with specific defects can be useful for making future computers more efficient.

Enter the spin zone
Spin, like charge and mass, is a fundamental property of subatomic particles, and is what makes certain particles magnetic and others not. And spintronic devices, as the name suggests, are a relatively new class of devices that use the spins in addition to the charges of electrons to process information. Most familiar electronic devices, in contrast, utilize only the charges.

"The electronic devices we have now all operate based on the transfer of electrons, but when the charges move through the material they generate heat and dissipate energy, which is a problem," said Feng Liu, a materials scientist from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City and one of the authors of the new paper in the journal Physical Review Letters.

By also utilizing the spins, more information can be packed into every electron without having to increase overheads such as energy input or cooling requirements, so that computing devices can operate more efficiently than they are currently, according to Liu.

"For now, most of these imagined applications are still at the conceptual level, but scientists have already begun building prototypes," said Song Jin, a nanomaterials expert from the University of Wisconsin-Madison not involved in the study.

Unlike an electric current, a spin current can go through a material without relying on the movement of electrons. It can propagate through a material like a human wave through a stadium crowd. But just like uncoordinated fans can be bad at sustaining a human wave, these spin currents are often too incoherent for practical usage.

A spin current (top) can carry information through a material without relying on the movement of electrons (bottom).
Abigail Malate, Staff Illustrator
Copyright, American Institute of Physics

"We call it 'spin relaxation' and information is lost when it happens," said Liu. "We want the coherence time to be as long as possible, so that when you inject a 'spin-up' it can stay as a 'spin-up' at least until the signal is processed."

In the recent paper, Liu and his team theorize that there may be a way we can help these spin currents to keep their shape better -- by making crystals with flaws.

Spiraling into control
Their calculations showed that, like the spiraling grooves inside a gumball machine that help steer the candy to a waiting child’s hands, spiral-shaped defects can help guide a spin current. This is thanks to a quantum effect known as spin-orbit interaction, which happens when an electron links up its spin direction to its physical movement. The spiraling defect serves as a sort of funnel for the spin-orbit coupled electrons, helping them to keep their spins consistent as they move through the material.

As a nice little bonus, their calculations also showed that the energy range of these spin-orbit coupled electrons is isolated from that of other electrons in these flawed crystals. This means that the signal carried by the spin currents will be easy to distinguish from the noisy signals produced by the other electrons, like a FM radio station isolated by its unique, designated frequency.

With these promising claims, it is now left to the crystal growers and experimentalists to put their predictions to the test by forming flawed crystals.

"These kinds of defects and dislocations are almost like the fact of life for growing crystals. I mean, they're everywhere," said Jin. "Having them controllably formed in materials will be a little bit harder, but it's not impossible."

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