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China says US should retract Dalai Lama invitation to prevent hurting bilat


Mar 15, 2010
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“We firmly oppose any foreign official to meet with the Dalai Lama in any form,” Hong said.

China called on the U.S. to withdraw an invitation for the Dalai Lama to meet with President Barack Obama at the White House, saying Saturday that it could hurt relations between the two countries.

China denounced the meeting and called on the U.S. to withdraw its invitation to avoid interfering in China’s internal affairs, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said in a statement posted on the ministry’s website.

China’s warning comes after months of warming ties between the world’s No. 1 economy and dominant military power and the rising Asian giant, buoyed by President Hu Jintao’s successful visit to Washington in January.

Obama’s planned meeting with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader on Saturday could sour relations between the two sides ahead of expected visits over the coming months.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton plans to visit the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen on July 25. Vice President Joseph Biden is also scheduled to visit China this summer, followed by a trip to Washington by his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping.

Experts say a meeting between Obama and the Dalai Lama, paired with the recent intervention by the U.S. in Vietnam’s ongoing dispute with China in the South China Sea, could cool improving ties.

“The Dalai Lama and Tibet have long been issues that have caused tension between China and the U.S., and this meeting will without a doubt negatively impact bilateral relations,” said Niu Jun, a professor of international relations at Peking University.

“U.S. presidents have met with the Dalai Lama in the past, but this has always been unacceptable for China. The two sides will have to communicate and struggle to work through it,” he said.

Obama last met with the Dalai Lama in February 2010, infuriating Beijing, which views the Nobel Peace Prize laureate as a separatist intent on ending Chinese rule over the Himalayan region.

The Dalai Lama has repeatedly denied the accusations and says he seeks only a high level of autonomy for Tibet.

“We request the U.S. side to honor its serious commitment that recognizes Tibet as part of China and opposes Tibet independence,” Hong said in the statement.

Tibet has been a source of controversy for decades, since Beijing sent troops to occupy the country following the 1949 Communist revolution. It insists the region has been part of Chinese territory for centuries, a claim disputed by many Tibetans.

A failed uprising in 1959 led the Dalai Lama to flee into exile in India.

China says US should retract Dalai Lama invitation to prevent hurting bilateral relations - The Washington Post

Haha, Dalai Lama and joint Vietnam naval training, while Mullen wraps up his "conciliatory" visit... Americans are slapping you in the face and you can't do **** about it. (like always)
i hope lama can enjoy the last few remaining years to be the puppet, he is seriously old now, dont know which puppet U.S is going to choose to replace him`?
I wonder if the US is consulted when foreign dignitaries are invited to China.

I thought China takes pride in 'not interfering with the internal affairs of another country'. That is why they supply weapons to Mugabwe and Sudan, both of whom kill their own countrymen with Chinese gifted weapons. But one cannot blame China for that, for after all, China 'never interferes with the internal affairs of another country'.

So, I am surprised that China is interfering with the internal affairs of the US.
That's just stupid of the Chinese foreign ministry to ask Obama not to meet Dalai Lama. First it makes them look childish and second it makes Obama look better by "resisting Chinese pressure". I swear they hire retards specifically for their PR.

Let Obama meet who he wants, but give them a little squeeze on the bonds issue. Discreet and effectve that way, instead of this media fiasco.
Vietnam these days has many hidden activities with Tibetan and Uyghur Anti-China forces, the Vietnamese have been donating money and exchanging intelligences with those forces. Make sure your China know what they are doing behind your back, also I want to inform you that the riot last month in China cost you few hundred people died just because of Viet hands.
Let Obama meet who he wants, but give them a little squeeze on the bonds issue. Discreet and effectve that way, instead of this media fiasco.


And China should impose trade sanctions on USA, too. No?

Osama is already pleading with China thru back channels, that USA be spared trade sanctions and things like "please, please dont's sell US treasuries".
Wow man,seriously China grow up,don't overact,stay in your limits and smell some coffee,your getting boring now.
BTW,Obama is going to mee DL.
So in the end China seems to be the laughing stock :lol:
Well, when your family has some members being beaten down to death by lovely Tibetan monks you will understand the definition of terrorism.

Again, God bless you and your family!!!

P.S: humm a Singaporean with location "xxx" humm!? :)

Good.. so, you couldn't find something bad about Singapore.

Because of the friendship between Cambodia, Singapore, ASEAN and USA, perhaps. :laugh:
Obama has already met the great leader.:usflag::usflag:

You mean he could not care less for what China had to say? :eek:

Now, God's wrath will descend, but he is lucky the Chinese don't believe in God and so God will look the other way!

Maybe he believes that a lot of comic actors derive their main force from childish behaviour. Most great comics are doing such silly things; you'd say, 'That's what a child would do.'
Most Singaporean are friendly to China, except some Indian-Singaporean:lol:

JingDong is an Indian. It is too obvious. :P

Most of the other Singaporean members on this forum are ethnic Chinese, like Anonymous user.
JingDong is an Indian. It is too obvious. :P

Most of the other Singaporean members on this forum are ethnic Chinese, like Anonymous user.

Come again?

Have you spoken to the Minister Mentor?

He has just allowed the US to permanently base two US warships in Singapore to block Chinese interest in the IOR.:wave:
Then should all Chinese who are genuine Han return to the hell hole North of the Yellow River?

Singapore's ruler was Srivijayan prince Parameswara, Indian, if you don't mind.

So, it is you Chinese who should vamoose and hightail it!

Before you open your mouth ignorantly, read up, rather than come out foolish.
Yeah yeah yeah everybody know that your India was being dominated and forced to use your master British language, people all know about that but why you love to insist your proudly history repeatedly!? :rofl: Are you concerning that the World will forget your valiant history!? :rofl:

In India, among the 1 billion population, there are millions people could speak English fluently and the rest of Indian can't speak English; yet in these speaking English people half of them don't know how to read and write in English as well as their speak!!! :lol: Hundred million Indians are illiterates.

So Indian superior, please don't be jealous with my Cambodian Engrish, I just have been learning it for 3 months!!! :lol:

My friend, if malice or envy were tangible and had a shape, it would be the shape of a boomerang. You are now an expert since you have just experienced it!

We do speak English.

You are a Cambodian?

Pol Pot set you on the right path?

Angkor Wats reminds you of anything? You earn a lot of foreign exchange because of the same?

You survive on Angkor Wats.

Thank Suryavarman II . He is also an Indian! ;)

Namak Haram is an Indian word meaning ungrateful.
Vietnam these days has many hidden activities with Tibetan and Uyghur Anti-China forces, the Vietnamese have been donating money and exchanging intelligences with those forces. Make sure your China know what they are doing behind your back, also I want to inform you that the riot last month in China cost you few hundred people died just because of Viet hands.
any link for your accusation ??if not, I will send the report !
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