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China says United States sitting on debt 'bomb'

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China says United States sitting on debt 'bomb'

China's state media Tuesday blasted the United States over its "ticking debt bomb" and urged American lawmakers to be more responsible after they failed to agree on deficit-cutting measures.

China is the world's largest foreign holder of US Treasuries with a portfolio of around $1.15 trillion, prompting Beijing's keen interest in the state of the US economy.

"Washington's political elites... are obligated to muster the courage to defuse the ticking debt bomb and start to show the world they have the wisdom and determination not to further jeopardise the fragile global economic recovery," Xinhua news agency said in a commentary.

A US Congress "supercommittee" Monday failed to reach a deal to rein in the government's galloping deficits due to angry partisan battles over how best to revive the nation's sluggish economy.

The move confirmed widespread expectations that the 12-member committee would miss its goal to cut US deficits by $1.2 trillion over 10 years amid political feuds over tax hikes on the rich and cuts to social spending.

Xinhua, a mouthpiece for the Chinese government, blamed partisan in-fighting, saying both Democrats and Republicans were ignoring the impact of a possible US default on the global economy.

"US politicians have never shied from lecturing other countries about global responsibility and now it is high time they showed a sense of true global leadership," Xinhua said.

Chinese state media have previously savaged the US over what they call its "addiction to debt" with one analyst going so far as to compare US debt to a "Ponzi scheme".

US President Barack Obama has held out hope lawmakers could reach a new deal and tried to reassure global markets, saying that despite a ballooning national debt of more than $15 trillion, there was no imminent threat of a US default.

China media says US sitting on debt 'bomb' - Yahoo! News
The numbers fudger comments on the US. We are on the way to reduce debt, but in slow economic times you don't cut job creating program spending. Proof- China went the opposite way and had the biggest stimulus of any country. China says this to push failure ... surreptitiously.
Jean-Claude Juncker, on the euro crisis: "We all know what to do, but we don’t know how to get re-elected once we have done it". This line adequately explains the situation in US aswell.
I don't think the US is sitting on a debt bomb but there is a debt bomb that sitting on a US.
I don't think the US is sitting on a debt bomb but there is a debt bomb that sitting on a US.

You tried so many ways just want to live in the US, and now you want to US getting collapse or feel happy when US got big debt?
So what happens eventually if the debt reaches disproportionate amounts ?
So what happens eventually if the debt reaches disproportionate amounts ?

US Declares Bankruptcy > Dollar loses value significantly > Other countries do "panick sell" on dollar > Dollar collapses > Economic Armeggadon for the world.

In the mean time pretty much all european countries will go bankrupt as well and there will be complete standstill situation in the economic world. Also, a hell lot of big firms will go bankrupt. General people will go nuts because they wont have any jobs or money. Also majors banks will all go bankrupt, which means people who put their hard earned money in their accounts will lose their money as well, you do know what people are gonna do when that happens. And countries who put all their "export earnings" on US Currency will go nuts because after dollar collapses all their money they earned all these years will be worth nothing.

Now this is just the worst case scenario aka doomsday prediction. But you get the idea.

indian debt bomb will be next.

indian economy is also identical to the US, its based on debt based overconsumption and is running yearly deficits that are 8% of gdp and its debt to gdp is over 50% and rising very fast due to massive deficits every year.

india runs a massive current account deficit, massive budget deficits, still a massive debtor country.

the entire economy is based on debt.
its a classic ponzi scheme.

indians laughing at anyone with their economy as the ponzi scheme it is, is beyond hilarious.
^^ Off topic ... We aren't discussing Indian economy here ...
Jean-Claude Juncker, on the euro crisis: "We all know what to do, but we don’t know how to get re-elected once we have done it". This line adequately explains the situation in US aswell.

you should asked Jean Claude to amend it to include the US, since you apparently don;t the difference between US issue and Euro
You tried so many ways just want to live in the US, and now you want to US getting collapse or feel happy when US got big debt?

I just point out the sad truth we have here.

Not that many ways I tried. I just applied a few colleges and they they offered me some thousands a month. Why not go and see the world when you are young?
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