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China says it held wartime drone drills to rush supplies to its Himalayan border troops


Sep 26, 2018
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Making clear its determination to fight to change the status quo on the border of Tibet under its occupation with India in the Ladakh sector, China has indicated that it was continuing to prepare for a conflict with a series of military drills. The latest was a wartime drone supply-delivery drill carried out in the Tibetan Plateau’s hinterland at an altitude of 4,500 meters under the guidance of the PLA Army’s Logistics Department and the PLA Tibet Military Command’s Support Department recently, reported the official armyrecognition.com Nov 17.

The report said: “The front is blocked by ‘enemy’ fire, and the vehicles and personnel of the transportation unit have much trouble in marching on. The drone delivery unit must act quickly to deliver supplies to the designated area!” Upon receiving the order, the drone delivery unit immediately assembled and debugged nine drones and flew them to the area where the transportation unit was blocked.

The transportation unit assigned to the PLA Tibet Military Command was stated to have quickly transferred the hot food, drinking water, medicine and other urgently needed materials into the drones’ incubators at their arrival, which then took off in a battle group successively.

The report said that since the beginning of this year, the PLA’s Logistics Department had organized multiple-drone delivery tests in the plateau areas to unblock the “last mile” of material supplies for troops deployed at high-altitude areas like Tibet. It added that they will gradually solidify and further expand this model to include ammunition supplies.

Everyone talking about how drones will change warfare. No one is talking about how they will change logistics.
Interesting, though I imagine these will be relatively easy targets to jam electronically unless they're pre programmed.
Interesting, though I imagine these will be relatively easy targets to jam electronically unless they're pre programmed.
Your troops don't have food to eat and they will jam drones with EW tech .... every two months a soldier rants on YouTube and ends up dead ..... nothing beats low flying UAVs this is a game changer in terms of logistics even if roads are destroyed a drone can resupply without a problem
Your troops don't have food to eat and they will jam drones with EW tech .... every two months a soldier rants on YouTube and ends up dead ..... nothing beats low flying UAVs this is a game changer in terms of logistics even if roads are destroyed a drone can resupply without a problem

How much load can they carry tho??
Interesting, though I imagine these will be relatively easy targets to jam electronically unless they're pre programmed.
Remote controlling is easy and for such drones limited to line of site, they'll be autonomous and self navigate that's the alarming thing. Even DJI drones are programmed to return if signal to controller lost.
Interesting, though I imagine these will be relatively easy targets to jam electronically unless they're pre programmed.
They are using military grade secure network. It's not so easy to jam them.
How much load can they carry tho??
10kg per drone. Need to take note these drone are operating at super high attitude which significantly reduced many other drone payload and performance.

There performance will be greatly enhance if operate at sea level.
Interesting, though I imagine these will be relatively easy targets to jam electronically unless they're pre programmed.
Theocratically yes. Remains yet to be seen what CM will Chines Or any user would employ to make it work. The battlegrounds are fast turning into EW warfare zones.

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