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China Sails Warships Near Guam in Warning to U.S. Over Taiwan


Nov 4, 2011
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China Sails Warships Near Guam in Warning to U.S. Over Taiwan​

The Chinese deployment of its aircraft carrier Liaoning, which Japanese officials confirmed, capped a year of tensions with the U.S., particularly over Taiwan.

By Paul D. Shinkman
Dec. 29, 2022, at 3:12 p.m.

China has sailed one of its three aircraft carriers near the U.S. territory of Guam, Japanese officials confirmed, ending an already combative year with a rare move that Beijing signaled as a clear warning to the Biden administration over Taiwan.

The Chinese fleet, led by the aircraft carrier Liaoning, had already spurred several clashes with U.S. allies in the region with its tour of the western Pacific, most recently by conducting roughly 260 takeoff and landing drills near the Japanese island of Okinawa, home to a major U.S. military presence. The operations prompted the Japanese air force to scramble fighter jets and helicopters, as well as a destroyer and other elements of its self-defense forces.

But Japanese officials also confirmed Thursday that the Chinese vessels had transited to the south, near the western edge of territory the U.S. claims as part of the remote island of Guam – a critical element of America’s ability to project military might in the region as both a stopping point and a base for strategic Air Force bombers and Navy submarines.

Chinese state news framed the deployment as an overt provocation to the U.S. and a warning against continuing behavior this year that has outraged Beijing.

The operation “showed that the Chinese carrier is ready to defend the country against potential US attacks launched from there, including military interference attempts over the Taiwan question,” according to an article from the English-language Global Times, citing Chinese analysts.

Though not a direct mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist Party, U.S. officials believe the outlet is aligned with its views and regularly publishes what officials in Beijing choose not to say publicly themselves.

China claimed the Liaoning had never sailed so close to U.S. territory before. Press reports in 2019 indicated the carrier had approached Guam as a likely response to U.S. military exercises with its allies in the region at the time.

The U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet, responsible for operations in the region, did not immediately respond to requests for comment, nor would it say if it had responded to the Chinese deployment in any way.

The move punctuates a year that has seen heightened tensions between Beijing and Washington. The Biden administration has expressed outrage at China’s continued national security crackdown on Hong Kong, the former British colony and semi-independent economic powerhouse that Beijing has increasingly taken under its control. Analysts generally believe China sees the assimilation of Hong Kong as a test-run for similar moves on other territories it considers its own.

New tensions have not been limited to the military sphere. China similarly condemned the Biden administration’s decision to require COVID-19 tests for travelers from China, citing a “lack of adequate and transparent” data from the government in Beijing about a surge in cases there.

More directly, the two countries clashed over Taiwan, another entity whose independence has embarrassed the Chinese Communist Party, which sees control of the island nation as critical to its legitimacy.
Beijing expressed outrage at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan in August – a move the California Democrat had previously rescheduled, reportedly over concerns about blowback from China. Though the White House supported the move, it conspicuously distanced itself from what it considered an independent decision from the congressional leader.

Nonetheless, China has not forgotten what it considers an unforgivable diplomatic slight. The Global Times referenced it clearly in its analysis of the Liaoning’s latest deployment.

“China will never attack US military bases in Guam as long as the US military does not attack China or interfere in the Taiwan question,” it wrote, citing Chinese analysts, “but having such capabilities is a deterrent against potential US provocations.”

It also cited the latest U.S. military funding bill that Biden signed this week that funds unprecedented levels of weapons sales and other military support directly to Taiwan – a move U.S. officials agree is designed to shift the balance of military power in the Pacific.

Sen. Robert Menendez, New Jersey Democrat and chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, earlier this month called the legislation “one of the most consequential in years” by “setting the theater for real deterrence by implementing a more resilient strategy for Taiwan should China continue pursuing a collision course toward war.”


China Sails Warships Near Guam in Warning to U.S. Over Taiwan​

The Chinese deployment of its aircraft carrier Liaoning, which Japanese officials confirmed, capped a year of tensions with the U.S., particularly over Taiwan.

By Paul D. Shinkman
Dec. 29, 2022, at 3:12 p.m.

China has sailed one of its three aircraft carriers near the U.S. territory of Guam, Japanese officials confirmed, ending an already combative year with a rare move that Beijing signaled as a clear warning to the Biden administration over Taiwan.

The Chinese fleet, led by the aircraft carrier Liaoning, had already spurred several clashes with U.S. allies in the region with its tour of the western Pacific, most recently by conducting roughly 260 takeoff and landing drills near the Japanese island of Okinawa, home to a major U.S. military presence. The operations prompted the Japanese air force to scramble fighter jets and helicopters, as well as a destroyer and other elements of its self-defense forces.

But Japanese officials also confirmed Thursday that the Chinese vessels had transited to the south, near the western edge of territory the U.S. claims as part of the remote island of Guam – a critical element of America’s ability to project military might in the region as both a stopping point and a base for strategic Air Force bombers and Navy submarines.


If and WHEN a conflict breaks out, there won't be enough time for these larger deployments of AC's etc. I believe both sides will take out as much Naval power as possible within the first couple of days of the conflict. I would even dare to say that 75% carrier's might not even get to their ordered place within a certain geography. The next war will be fought with "carrier / ship killer missiles", "precision strikes" and Hypersonic weapons. Whatever would be left after weak 1, would then be used in the "war of attrition". If the West dominates in the SCS within a week, it will end up making China the next Russia! If China is able to take out a few CBG's (aircraft carriers specifically), as well as destroying Taiwan and Japan's majority air defense and navy, the equation dramatically changes. But then it would need to also watch what India would do as India won't side with the West but will definitely use the opportunity as it's an opportunist nation.

China Sails Warships Near Guam in Warning to U.S. Over Taiwan​

The Chinese deployment of its aircraft carrier Liaoning, which Japanese officials confirmed, capped a year of tensions with the U.S., particularly over Taiwan.

By Paul D. Shinkman
Dec. 29, 2022, at 3:12 p.m.

China has sailed one of its three aircraft carriers near the U.S. territory of Guam, Japanese officials confirmed, ending an already combative year with a rare move that Beijing signaled as a clear warning to the Biden administration over Taiwan.

The Chinese fleet, led by the aircraft carrier Liaoning, had already spurred several clashes with U.S. allies in the region with its tour of the western Pacific, most recently by conducting roughly 260 takeoff and landing drills near the Japanese island of Okinawa, home to a major U.S. military presence. The operations prompted the Japanese air force to scramble fighter jets and helicopters, as well as a destroyer and other elements of its self-defense forces.

But Japanese officials also confirmed Thursday that the Chinese vessels had transited to the south, near the western edge of territory the U.S. claims as part of the remote island of Guam – a critical element of America’s ability to project military might in the region as both a stopping point and a base for strategic Air Force bombers and Navy submarines.

Chinese state news framed the deployment as an overt provocation to the U.S. and a warning against continuing behavior this year that has outraged Beijing.

The operation “showed that the Chinese carrier is ready to defend the country against potential US attacks launched from there, including military interference attempts over the Taiwan question,” according to an article from the English-language Global Times, citing Chinese analysts.

Though not a direct mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist Party, U.S. officials believe the outlet is aligned with its views and regularly publishes what officials in Beijing choose not to say publicly themselves.

China claimed the Liaoning had never sailed so close to U.S. territory before. Press reports in 2019 indicated the carrier had approached Guam as a likely response to U.S. military exercises with its allies in the region at the time.

The U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet, responsible for operations in the region, did not immediately respond to requests for comment, nor would it say if it had responded to the Chinese deployment in any way.

The move punctuates a year that has seen heightened tensions between Beijing and Washington. The Biden administration has expressed outrage at China’s continued national security crackdown on Hong Kong, the former British colony and semi-independent economic powerhouse that Beijing has increasingly taken under its control. Analysts generally believe China sees the assimilation of Hong Kong as a test-run for similar moves on other territories it considers its own.

New tensions have not been limited to the military sphere. China similarly condemned the Biden administration’s decision to require COVID-19 tests for travelers from China, citing a “lack of adequate and transparent” data from the government in Beijing about a surge in cases there.

More directly, the two countries clashed over Taiwan, another entity whose independence has embarrassed the Chinese Communist Party, which sees control of the island nation as critical to its legitimacy.
Beijing expressed outrage at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan in August – a move the California Democrat had previously rescheduled, reportedly over concerns about blowback from China. Though the White House supported the move, it conspicuously distanced itself from what it considered an independent decision from the congressional leader.

Nonetheless, China has not forgotten what it considers an unforgivable diplomatic slight. The Global Times referenced it clearly in its analysis of the Liaoning’s latest deployment.

“China will never attack US military bases in Guam as long as the US military does not attack China or interfere in the Taiwan question,” it wrote, citing Chinese analysts, “but having such capabilities is a deterrent against potential US provocations.”

It also cited the latest U.S. military funding bill that Biden signed this week that funds unprecedented levels of weapons sales and other military support directly to Taiwan – a move U.S. officials agree is designed to shift the balance of military power in the Pacific.

Sen. Robert Menendez, New Jersey Democrat and chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, earlier this month called the legislation “one of the most consequential in years” by “setting the theater for real deterrence by implementing a more resilient strategy for Taiwan should China continue pursuing a collision course toward war.”

USN Ohio Class Sub armed with 20 ICBM's lurking around Pacific oceans, which can devastate any country on a moment notice. World needs peace, specially after so much death from Covid, lets not talk about war when there is one already raging in the Europe & China
USN Ohio Class Sub armed with 20 ICBM's lurking around Pacific oceans, which can devastate any country on a moment notice. World needs peace, specially after so much death from Covid, lets not talk about war when there is one already raging in the Europe & China
Pretty soon,if not already in motion,PLAN will have a fields day hunting subs with hundreds of thousands of sub detecter and miniature underwater drones backed by ai to detect ssbns. SUb's invincibility is a myth propagated by US . In upcoming era of drones and ai ,ssbns are dead fish.
If and WHEN a conflict breaks out, there won't be enough time for these larger deployments of AC's etc. I believe both sides will take out as much Naval power as possible within the first couple of days of the conflict. I would even dare to say that 75% carrier's might not even get to their ordered place within a certain geography. The next war will be fought with "carrier / ship killer missiles", "precision strikes" and Hypersonic weapons. Whatever would be left after weak 1, would then be used in the "war of attrition". If the West dominates in the SCS within a week, it will end up making China the next Russia! If China is able to take out a few CBG's (aircraft carriers specifically), as well as destroying Taiwan and Japan's majority air defense and navy, the equation dramatically changes. But then it would need to also watch what India would do as India won't side with the West but will definitely use the opportunity as it's an opportunist nation.
Definitely agree, India is an opportunistic venomous snake that will strike out at opportune times as seen esp through out in modern history. China have to keep an eye on India on the borders and sealines if China engages war with US or Japan.
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Chinese aircraft carrier nears US territory of Guam​

The Liaoning sailed less than 400 miles from the island, which hosts American bases.
By RFA Staff

The Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning made a rare approach to the U.S. island territory of Guam in what a Chinese newspaper interpreted as a warning to the U.S. over Taiwan.

The Liaoning and its escorting vessels have been conducting drills in the West Pacific since mid-December, when Japan announced its new security strategy that named China as an unprecedented “strategic challenge.”

The Japanese Ministry of Defense’s Joint Staff Office said in a statement on Wednesday that during ten days from Dec. 17 to Dec. 27, Chinese carrier-based aircraft conducted a total of about 260 take-offs and landings, prompting Japan to scramble military aircraft and vessels.

The Chinese fleet, consisting of the Liaoning, one Type 055 large missile destroyer and a number of other vessels, was sailing near the remote Okinawa Prefecture islands of Okidaito and Kitadaito, but also near Okinotorishima, the southernmost part of Japan.

The statement said on Dec. 25 the Liaoning was spotted 670 kilometers (416 miles) southeast of Okinotorishima, about 618 km (384 miles) northwest of Guam, before returning to the waters between Taiwan and Japan.

Guam is home to two key U.S. military bases hosting strategic bombers and submarines.

By approaching Guam, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has extended its reach well beyond the so-called First Island Chain onto the Second Island Chain.

The First Island Chain is a chain of main archipelagos surrounding the East Asian continental mainland, including Japan and Taiwan.

Threat to Guam?

The Liaoning’s operation “showed that the Chinese carrier is ready to defend the country against potential U.S. attacks launched from there, including military interference attempts over the Taiwan question,” said the Global Times, a sister publication of the Chinese Communist Party’s mouthpiece People’s Daily.

“The U.S. is building a group of military bases in Guam, Japan and Australia targeting China, with Guam being a core forward operating base featuring all types of military services,” it quoted Chinese military analysts as saying, adding that Guam is considered “an important node in the Second Island Chain that is designed to contain China.”

In June 2019, the Liaoning also approached Guam as an apparent response to U.S. military exercises with its allies in the region at the time.

“This deployment should be seen as a reflection of the PLA thinking about Guam's importance to U.S. operations,” said Carl Schuster, a retired U.S. Navy captain and former director of operations at the U.S. Pacific Command's Joint Intelligence Center.

“It is also a harbinger of future PLA Navy plans and operations, particularly when more capable platforms are in service,” Schuster said.

“The geo-political and strategic signal being sent is: "We can and may reach you. If not today, then soon," the analyst added.

Schuster argued that the Liaoning, as China’s first aircraft carrier and one saddled with an obsolete design, “serves primarily as a doctrinal development and experimentation but also as an operational test and training platform.”

The Liaoning's carrier group includes ships equipped with long-range land attack cruise missiles that can strike Guam from several hundred nautical miles away.

“More importantly, the coming Type 003 aircraft carriers will have greater striking power than the Liaoning and if employed in combination with air, surface and subsurface-launched missiles and perhaps ballistic missiles, will pose a significant threat to Guam,” the analyst told RFA.

Definitely agree, India is an opportunistic venomous snake that will strike out at opportune times as seen esp through out in modern history. China have to keep an eye on India on the borders and sealines if China engages war with US or Japan.
You're now a confirmed Pakistani in disguise of a fake Chinese name
2 important points here IMO -
A. 260 takeoff - PLAN pilots are getting good amount of practise in carrier operation.
B. Guam was captured by US barely 100 years back. Why is nobody asking the question why US is allowed to capture territories like Guam, have military bases in Chagos Islands without following international laws?
USA is not ruled by politicians like China.

If China blow up whole Guam, American elite doesnt give a sht.

If you want to give warnings to real decision making people in USA state, then send a warship to sail near from the Hamptons.
Now this is something. It looks like PLAN is understanding HOW to "project power" in distant locations and what type of tools are required to do so.

People are fixated on those fanciful ballistic missiles but no war was won with conventionally armed ballistic missiles. These are but a part of the equation.

It is the Carrier Strike Group (CSG) that can evade numerous threats emanating from the lands due to being on the move, and bring the kind of FIREPOWER to any location that is needed to fight and potentially win a battle there.
USA is not ruled by politicians like China.

If China blow up whole Guam, American elite doesnt give a sht.

If you want to give warnings to real decision making people in USA state, then send a warship to sail near from the Hamptons.
If the artificial islands blew up the Chinese elite wouldn't give a crap.
Now this is something. It looks like PLAN is understanding HOW to "project power" in distant locations and what type of tools are required to do so.

People are fixated on those fanciful ballistic missiles but no war was won with conventionally armed ballistic missiles. These are but a part of the equation.

It is the Carrier Strike Group (CSG) that can evade numerous threats emanating from the lands due to being on the move, and bring the kind of FIREPOWER to any location that is needed to fight and potentially win a battle there.
??why do you act like they didnt "understand" how before?
china, even now cannot not project power too far(only out to the second island chain in a high intensity scenario), not because they don't know how, but because all the pieces haven't come together yet. its still surrounded by us allies and more importantly a chain of sensors running from japan to the Philippines. a carrier group out in the open pacific is not going to be immensely useful right this minute because china has no workable wartime support system yet out that far, these carriers dont operate long without it. but china knows this and has known this, its one of the reasons (historical sentiments aside) that china will never acknowledge a independent taiwan and will take it back some day. and why it is trying to build up relations with the pacific island nations. it will looks for bases out there some day. its all building up towards being able to project power far and wide, but again the situation today is because not all the pieces are in place, not because they dont know how.
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