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China’s Trade Surplus Surges to $31.5 Billion as Exports Exceed Estimates

The chinese needs to study some basic economics.

Ghost Towns in China Prove GDP Is a Farce

Damien Hoffman: Ghost Towns in China Prove GDP Is a Farce

Government officials in China, the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt, have been chastising the U.S. over Standard & Poor’s downgrade to AA+.

Guan Jianzhong, chairman of Dagong Global Credit Rating, has said the U.S. dollar is “gradually [being] discarded by the world,” and the “process will be irreversible.”

But China’s debt-to-GDP ratio is worse than the United States’ ratio. It is worse than insolvent Portugal, which is now relying heavily on the European Central Bank for help, and had to go to the International Monetary Fund to get a financial bailout.

Damien Hoffman: Ghost Towns in China Prove GDP Is a Farce

By Aljazeera

chinese debt is higher than US debt? lol

US debt is over $200 trillion counting all their debts.

china is building new cities to move people into them, u indians wouldnt have the slightest clue what china is doing.
instead of people moving into existing cities, china is building new cities to relieve the over crowded populations in the eastern part of china due to urbanization.

indians can only quote china hating westerners and retarded indian analysts.
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chinese debt is higher than US debt? lol

US debt is over $200 trillion counting all their debts.

china is building new cities to move people into them, u indians wouldnt have the slightest clue what china is doing.
instead of people moving into existing cities, china is building new cities to relieve the over crowded populations in the eastern part of china due to urbanization.

indians can only quote china hating westerners and retarded indian analysts.

Didnt you quote ( falsely) Jim Rogers other day ? Is being a hypocrite your hobby or profession too ? With each of your post you are exposing your own lack of knowledge on anyhting let alone economics.
funny how these indian rats tell china that chinese economy is bad when the entire indian economy is built upon a debt based ponzi scheme where they have to go into debt every year to get the gdp number high.

the irony of that is hilarious.
Didnt you quote ( falsely) Jim Rogers other day ? Is being a hypocrite your hobby or profession too ? With each of your post you are exposing your own lack of knowledge on anyhting let alone economics.

jim rogers is a billionaire that that is world famous for his quantum fund.
indians quote some unknown hack from a china hating website.

jim rogers understand the world economy.

i dont have economics knowledge? can u counter any of my arguments by urself without putting up an article?

ur an economic illiterate.
chinese debt is higher than US debt? lol

US debt is over $200 trillion counting all their debts.

china is building new cities to move people into them, u indians wouldnt have the slightest clue what china is doing.
instead of people moving into existing cities, china is building new cities to relieve the over crowded populations in the eastern part of china due to urbanization.

indians can only quote china hating westerners and retarded indian analysts.

It says China’s debt-to-GDP ratio

Your patriotism blocks your brain.

China's mall glut reflects an unbalanced economy

China's mall glut reflects an unbalanced economy - The New York Times

One of 1000+ empty retail spaces in South China Mall



'New South China Mall': World's Largest--and Empty | China Debate

Ghost mall: The world's largest (and loneliest) shopping centre | Mail Online

Crisis in China: 64 million empty apartments

CHINA Crisis in China: 64 million empty apartments - Asia News
uindians are butthurt becaise u know deep down u are inferior in every possible way to chinese and china.
in evrything, u are behind.
It says China’s debt-to-GDP ratio

Your patriotism blocks your brain.

China's mall glut reflects an unbalanced economy

China's mall glut reflects an unbalanced economy - The New York Times

One of 1000+ empty retail spaces in South China Mall



'New South China Mall': World's Largest--and Empty | China Debate

Ghost mall: The world's largest (and loneliest) shopping centre | Mail Online

Crisis in China: 64 million empty apartments

CHINA Crisis in China: 64 million empty apartments - Asia News
All I see is an India quoting some pseudo sources and questionable articles in order to paint a smeared picture. Unfortunately, here is what CIA has to say:


112. China's debt to GDP ratio: 18.9%
49. India's debt to GDP ratio: 51.9%

Next you're probably going to say Chinese cooked up those numbers, except in this case the Americans published them.
jim rogers is a billionaire that that is world famous for his quantum fund.
indians quote some unknown hack from a china hating website.

jim rogers understand the world economy.

i dont have economics knowledge? can u counter any of my arguments by urself without putting up an article?

ur an economic illiterate.

So you are not only cognitive challenged, you are also amnesic ! You quoted Jim rogers saying India is running Ponzi scheme. Can you give the link ? Lets see who know more economics
problem with india is that they are indirectly ruled by the anglo-american empire.
the west uses indians living in the west to do the dirty work for them in indian politics.
its very easy to control a democracy, thats why the west always wants democracies.
u can bribe and rig elections and install puppet regimes like the one in india.

indians are too gullible to figure this out. they think fellow indians will never be traitors, but the indian politicians are working for the west.
americans are angry they are getting overtaken by china.

indians are jealous china is moving well ahead of india and hanging with the big boys.

Dont deflect the topic. Look above, Answer my question. Your bluff will be called soon .
So you are not only cognitive challenged, you are also amnesic ! You quoted Jim rogers saying India is running Ponzi scheme. Can you give the link ? Lets see who know more economics

i dont need a freaking link, its on cnbc. watch cnbc when he is on. he says that when ever india is mentioned.

i dont quote links like u indians, i can use my own brain to understand economics.
running a debt based consumer driven economy is a ponzi scheme, its what greece did.
its called economics 101.
Dont deflect the topic. Look above, Answer my question. Your bluff will be called soon .

lol answer my question, u say india is not a ponzi scheme, tell me why not?
i told u to use ur own knowledge to counter my arguments, ur running away and trying to bring jim rogers into this.

use ur own knowledge to answer in here, not quoting anyone else.

u know why? because u cant counter my argument that india is a ponzi scheme.

that and u dont have the basic economic knowledge to counter me.
ur frustrated that im shredding u to bits and u dont have the advanced economics knowledge that i have, so u are powerless. thus u are resorting to bringing jim rogers into this to deflect the direction of this beat down im giving all indians. im oozing the goo out of india.
im sh!tting on india and ur powerless to counter my aruments on an intellectual level.

forget jim rogers, forget anyone, U try to counter my arguments with ur limited knowledge.

come on, big shot, u think india is not a ponzi scheme, explain why not.
i dont need a freaking link, its on cnbc. watch cnbc when he is on. he says that when ever india is mentioned.

i dont quote links like u indians, i can use my own brain to understand economics.

running a debt based consumer driven economy is a ponzi scheme, its what greece did.
its called economics 101.

Again ! You are lying without blinking! You mean it is on CNBC all the time? Atleast be truthful to yourself sometimes.
ur subhuman indian brain blinds u from reality kiddo.

the fact that india is an inferior race and an inferior country to china, eats u up alive.
u cannot stand the fact that china is racing ahead of india in every possible way.

in space, in military, in economics, in global compaines, in political power, in technology advancement, in information power, in global influence, in UN veto power, in IMF and world bank voting power, in olympics games, in sports in general, etc.

If you are the Master race ,then why are you making Ipod and Iphones for the American masters.


Factory floors covered in fence.


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