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China’s third confrontation with India’s border build-up


Jun 12, 2012
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China’s third confrontation with India’s border build-up


An IAF AN-32 landing at Nyoma in Sept 09, activating the crucial landing ground in Ladakh

By Ajai Shukla
Business Standard, 26th Apr 13

China’s intrusion into the Daulat Beg Oldi (DBO) sector, at the northern tip of India just below the towering Karakoram Pass, is a demonstration of anger --- certainly that of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), and possibly that of Beijing as well --- at the Indian Army’s third surge towards the Sino-Indian border.

The first Indian move to militarily occupy the Sino-Indian border began after 1957, when New Delhi discovered that China had built a nearly 200-kilometre-long highway through the Aksai Chin, a high altitude desert that abuts Ladakh on the east. Belatedly realizing the need to establish a presence along its claim lines in Ladakh and the North East Frontier Agency (NEFA, now Arunachal Pradesh), New Delhi rushed troops into these unknown areas in what was known as the “Forward Policy”. With the PLA fearing that India was backing a massive Tibetan rebellion, and with that apprehension inflamed by the refuge that New Delhi granted the Dalai Lama India in 1959, the Indian move forward degenerated into war.

The second Indian move to the border began in 1982. Army chief, General KV Krishna Rao persuaded Prime Minister Indira Gandhi that twenty years of fearful holding back had to end and the Indian Army moved forward again, deploying in strength over the next four years in Tawang and Chushul. In 1986, a Chinese patrol pitched up tents in a disputed area called Wangdung, north of Tawang, triggering a furious Indian Army build up that came close to actual hostilities. China sought a flag meeting; the PLA realized that it was dealing with a very different Indian Army from the one it had whipped in 1962. Diplomatic engagement led to Rajiv Gandhi’s 1988 visit to China. In 1993, Prime Minister Narasimha Rao visited Beijing and signed an “Agreement on the Maintenance of Peace and Tranquility along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the India-China Border Area,” which maintains a largely peaceful border even today.

We are now in the middle of the third Indian surge to the border and, like the previous two, it is being contested by China. It began with the raising of two Indian mountain divisions for the defence of Arunachal Pradesh and with the activation of three Sukhoi-30 fighter bases in the Brahmaputra valley. Simultaneously, seven Advanced Landing Grounds (ALGs) in Arunachal were refurbished, permitting their use for forward replenishment and for heliborne operations. Two armoured brigades are currently being raised and a mountain strike corps will begin raising shortly. The improvement of road infrastructure forms a part of this effort.

In Ladakh, too, India is thickening its presence on the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the de facto border with China. The arrival of 8 Mountain Division in Kargil during the Kargil War freed a full brigade for the LAC. With militancy reducing in Kashmir, another brigade moved out to Chushul. Landing grounds were activated in Nyoma and DBO and roads started coming up to connect isolated posts.

All this raises China’s hackles. Road building near the LAC, especially in the areas of Chushul-Demchok and a new alignment that will connect DBO, has been steadfastly resisted by the PLA. Chinese patrols objected to new bunkers built by the Indian Army near Chushul several years ago; like today, the PLA retaliated by establishing a camp on India’s side of the LAC, forcing the Indian Army to negotiate a settlement. The current PLA encampment at DBO is again retaliation for Indian Army defences constructed elsewhere.

The Indian Army has no good options in DBO, unlike in 1986 during the Wangdung intrusion. Then, the army was close to its road head and the helicopter base at Tawang, permitting a massive build up that quickly dominated the Chinese camp. Today India has no surface link to DBO, and the DBO landing ground permits only a limited build up. In contrast the Chinese enjoy a road link to their camp across the wide Depsang Plain. Like in 1962, India’s logistical build up has not kept up with the operational build up. Now there is little option but to negotiate a Chinese withdrawal.

China has clearly signaled its discomfort with India’s troop build up, submitting a draft proposal for a freeze on troop levels that will solidify and make permanent India’s disadvantage along the LAC. The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), eager to create “deliverables” that could create an air of success around Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to India next month, is studying the proposal.

China’s strategy is evident: to confine Indian strategic attention to the Sino-Indian border, preventing New Delhi from looking beyond at Tibet and Xinjiang, China’s most sensitive pressure points. Beijing apprehends --- with the fearfulness of a state that knows its weaknesses --- that signing a border settlement would free India from the burden of having to continually lay claim to, and physically defend, a challenged border. China realizes that a settlement would change the fundamental nature of the New Delhi-Beijing engagement. No longer a supplicant, India could raise the issue of Tibet, a lead that western democracies would quickly follow.

So far, India’s military, bureaucracy and political elite have fallen for China’s game, directing their energies into placating China in the hope of a border settlement. Realizing our ill preparedness to defend our territorial claims has created endemic strategic defensiveness. New Delhi remains disinclined to change the game by challenging China on Tibet.

This remains so despite frequent reminders of China’s vulnerabilities. On Tuesday, 21 people were killed near Kashgar, in Xinjiang, in a violent armed stand off. The anger against Beijing in its restive border regions was again underlined on Wednesday when two Tibetan monks in Sichuan set themselves afire, adding to the gory tally of more than 100 self-immolations since 2011. China has flooded Xinjiang and Tibet with black-suited armed militias, whose members now carry portable fire extinguishers to douse Tibetans who are attempting self-immolation. But there remains widespread resentment at Beijing’s increasingly colonial presence in these areas.

In contrast, India’s border population along the LAC remains heartwarmingly Indian. In Ladakh, Himachal, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, despite New Delhi’s inexplicable neglect, pro-India sentiment is high and China is regarded with distrust and suspicion that is constantly reinforced from across the border.

Broadsword: China’s third confrontation with India’s border build-up

I had opined earlier that the needling was because of the infrastructure build up and re-activation of various ALGs...here it is from Ajai Shukla...Prasun Sengupta has mentioned the same thing...

In my opinion we need to hunker down..absorb such needling without escalating towards hostilities..let the GOI, MEA and MOD understand that we do not want "deliverables"..we do not want them to save face nor try and operate under the pretext of "saving the honor of the nation".

We learnt a harsh lesson in logistics and acclimatization in 62. Let us not ditch that for low hanging fruits.

If we accept the Draft put in by China then it shall be a turn for the worse.

Hunker down and continue with the infrastructural projects. Finish the raising of the mountain strike corps and armoured brigade in the NE and the addition of the armoured brigade to 14th Corps in Ladakh so as to bring the armoured strength up to a division up there.
@arp2041 @Ayush @samantk @Abingdonboy @kurup @Koovie @KRAIT @Capt.Popeye @S-DUCT @sancho @third eye @Joe Shearer
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India needs to speed up the infrastructure and military modernization on war scale so that after 5 years we will not see such embarrassing situation. :sick: :angry:

Its the duty of Indian youth to keep an eye on the politicians and burocrates so that they can't sell out to chinese on their terms and don't stop the infrastructure projects and military modernization. :angel:
There's sweet Fanny Adams that Indian youth can do to tell politicians and burocrates (sic) what to do.

Indian youth would be better advised to complete its studies, start working and get into responsible positions and to correct its spellings.
On our part, What we have projected as required:-

The new proposal now given final shape, includes raising of three more mountain divisions (20,000 soldiers each), complete with tactical airlift capability and armed with necessary armoured regiments and artillery components.

The IAF has also projected its requirement in this plan. It includes deployment of the C-130J Hercules aircraft meant for Special Operations like para-dropping.

General Bikram Singh will personally outline the proposal to the CCS later this month so that India's defences along the China border get a further boost. He is also expected to brief the CCS on the slippages in building infrastructure in the difficult mountain terrain of Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim in the Eastern Command.

India's plans to build border infrastructure including roads, air strips and living quarters for additional troop deployment, has not kept pace with the need.

If the CCS clears the proposal to raise the mountain strike corps, it will take anywhere between three and four years to recruit, train and deploy troops in a manner that acts a strong deterrent against any Chinese adventurism

What we have done so far:-

As part of the overall plan for "major force accretion" along the "northern borders" with China, two new mountain divisions (35,000 soldiers and 1,260 officers), have already been raised at Lekhapani and Missamari in Assam in 2009-10. Their operational tasking is the defence of Arunachal Pradesh, which China often claims as its territory.

These have already been established and come under 4th Corps (Tezpur) which has a total of three divisions and 3rd Corps (Dimapur) which has three divisions.

Three SU30 MKI bases have already been made operational in the NE along with 7 ALGs re-activated in Arunachal alone.

@arp2041 @Ayush @samantk @Abingdonboy @kurup @Koovie @KRAIT @Capt.Popeye @S-DUCT @sancho @third eye @Joe Shearer

ALSO:- A Rs 26,155 crore plan to develop infrastructure along the 4,057-km LAC by 2020-21 is already underway. Can someone please find some details about this..specifics..what roads, railways, refurbishments, the loads they can carry..all weather or not, STATUS?

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Technically Ladakh was never a part of India. China does have a moral and ethical obligation to free that illegally occupied region from India, IF indeed china violated the LAC. :coffee:

Uhunh...perhaps we should liberate Bangladesh from the Jamaati loons..its our moral obligation too. Oh wait, we already bought your PM and are in the process of buying the opposition too. :coffee:

Small countries who's government is owned and run by the IA of another country should not butt in.
We need to continue to do whatever we need to do on our side as we didnt cry fould when China was doing the same on their side of border.

If they dont listen, then make them listen...

Technically Ladakh was never a part of India. China does have a moral and ethical obligation to free that illegally occupied region from India, IF indeed china violated the LAC. :coffee:

and GOI is listening;)
@Dillinger cant find the details now but some months back I read a report somewhere that India has completed about 65% of total infrastructure needed along LAC.......and by 2018-2020 all projects would be completed including 7-8 strategic railway lines in north east and leh.......
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@Dillinger cant find the details now but some months back I read a report somewhere that India has completed about 65% of total infrastructure needed along LAC.......and by 2018-2020 all projects would be completed including 7-8 strategic railway lines in north east and leh.......

If you can then please dig up the report/article and post the link here. VMT in advance.
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Technically Ladakh was never a part of India. China does have a moral and ethical obligation to free that illegally occupied region from India, IF indeed china violated the LAC. :coffee:

Technically ??

How technical is it for a region to belong to a nation ?

Does the CHT belong more to BD or Burma ' technically "

Technically , is it necessary to give unsolicited opinions on a subject that has no relevance ..
LOL Indians were crushed in 1986. But they surrendered so fast we couldn't humiliate them as much as in 1962.

China's 3rd confrontation with India's border build-up

China's intrusion into the Daulat Beg Oldi (DBO) sector, at the northern tip of India just below the towering Karakoram Pass, is a demonstration of anger - certainly that of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), and possibly that of Beijing as well - at the Indian Army's third surge towards the Sino-Indian border.

The first Indian move to militarily occupy the Sino-Indian border began after 1957, when New Delhi discovered that China had built a nearly 200-km highway through the Aksai Chin, a high altitude desert that abuts Ladakh on the east. Belatedly realising the need to establish a presence along its claim lines in Ladakh and the North East Frontier Agency (NEFA, now Arunachal Pradesh), New Delhi rushed troops into these unknown areas in what was known as the "Forward Policy". With the PLA fearing that India was backing a massive Tibetan rebellion, and with that apprehension inflamed by the refuge that New Delhi granted the Dalai Lama in 1959, the Indian move forward degenerated into war.

The second Indian move to the border began in 1982. Army chief, General KV Krishna Rao persuaded prime minister Indira Gandhi that 20 years of fearful holding back had to end and the Indian Army moved forward again, deploying in strength over the next four years in Tawang and Chushul. In 1986, a Chinese patrol pitched tents in a disputed area called Wangdung, north of Tawang, triggering a furious Indian Army build up that came close to actual hostilities. China sought a flag meeting; the PLA realised that it was dealing with a very different Indian Army from the one it had whipped in 1962. Diplomatic engagement led to Rajiv Gandhi's 1988 visit to China. In 1993, prime minister Narasimha Rao visited Beijing and signed an "Agreement on the Maintenance of Peace and Tranquility along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the India-China Border Area," which maintains a largely peaceful border even today.

We are now in the middle of the third Indian surge to the border and, like the previous two, it is being contested by China. It began with the raising of two Indian mountain divisions for the defence of Arunachal Pradesh and with the activation of three Sukhoi-30 fighter bases in the Brahmaputra valley. Simultaneously, seven Advanced Landing Grounds in Arunachal were refurbished, permitting their use for forward replenishment and for heliborne operations. Two armoured brigades are being raised and a mountain strike corps will begin raising shortly. The improvement of road infrastructure forms a part of this effort.

In Ladakh, too, India is thickening its presence on the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the de facto border with China. The arrival of 8 Mountain Division in Kargil during the Kargil War freed a full brigade for the LAC. With militancy reducing in Kashmir, another brigade moved out to Chushul. Landing grounds were activated in Nyoma and DBO and roads started coming up to connect isolated posts.

All this raises China's hackles. Road building near the LAC, especially in the areas of Chushul-Demchok and a new alignment that will connect DBO, has been steadfastly resisted by the PLA. Chinese patrols objected to new bunkers built by the Indian Army near Chushul several years ago; like today, the PLA retaliated by establishing a camp on India's side of the LAC, forcing the Indian Army to negotiate a settlement. The current PLA encampment at DBO is again retaliation for Indian Army defences constructed elsewhere.

The Indian Army has no good options in DBO, unlike in 1986 during the Wangdung intrusion. Then, the army was close to its road head and the helicopter base at Tawang, permitting a massive build up that quickly dominated the Chinese camp (that the Chinese are still there is another matter). Today India has no surface link to DBO, and the DBO landing ground permits only a limited build-up. In contrast the Chinese enjoy a road link to their camp across the wide Depsang Plain. Like in 1962, India's logistical build up has not kept up with the operational build up. Now, there is little option but to negotiate a Chinese withdrawal.

China has clearly signalled its discomfort with India's troop build up, submitting a draft proposal for a freeze on troop levels that will solidify and make permanent India's disadvantage along the LAC. The ministry of external affairs (MEA), eager to create "deliverables" that could create an air of success around Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's visit to India next month, is studying the proposal.

China's strategy is evident: to confine Indian strategic attention to the Sino-Indian border, preventing New Delhi from looking beyond at Tibet and Xinjiang, China's most sensitive pressure points. Beijing apprehends - with the fearfulness of a state that knows its weaknesses - that signing a border settlement would free India from the burden of having to continually lay claim to, and physically defend, a challenged border. China realises that a settlement would change the fundamental nature of the New Delhi-Beijing engagement. No longer a supplicant, India could raise the issue of Tibet, a lead that western democracies would quickly follow.

So far, India's military, bureaucracy and political elite have fallen for China's game, directing their energies into placating China in the hope of a border settlement. Realising our ill preparedness to defend our territorial claims has created endemic strategic defensiveness. New Delhi remains disinclined to change the game by challenging China on Tibet.

This remains so despite frequent reminders of China's vulnerabilities. On Tuesday, 21 people were killed near Kashgar, in Xinjiang, in a violent armed stand off. The anger against Beijing in its restive border regions was again underlined on Wednesday when two Tibetan monks in Sichuan set themselves afire, adding to the gory tally of more than 100 self-immolations since 2011. China has flooded Xinjiang and Tibet with black-suited armed militias, whose members now carry portable fire extinguishers to douse Tibetans who are attempting self-immolation. But there remains widespread resentment at Beijing's increasingly colonial presence in these areas.

In contrast, India's border population along the LAC remains heartwarmingly Indian. In Ladakh, Himachal, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, despite New Delhi's inexplicable neglect, pro-India sentiment is high and China is regarded with distrust and suspicion that is constantly reinforced from across the border.

I liked how the OP removed the highlighted text to cover up his humiliation from being Indian :omghaha:

China's 3rd confrontation with India's border build-up | Business Standard
why jaffa keep making noise?^^^^^ lol.... luffy please dude don't troll here.... just go and make some Jockey, crocodile, tantex... we will very thank full to you....
Technically Ladakh was never a part of India. China does have a moral and ethical obligation to free that illegally occupied region from India, IF indeed china violated the LAC. :coffee:

Did i dare you to say no???...Like tecnically entire South Asia should be for India only???...But does technicalities matter in this world??....
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