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China’s hawks demand cold war on the US

I think this whole fiasco is just nothing more than efforts to earn points in local public in both countries ..!
"Originally Posted by sathruvinasakh
So you mean,china will be split similar to USSR?

Atmost i can see is Tibet and Xinxiang splitting from china.
Am i missing anything?"
By the way,where is Xinxiang???A good joke
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"Originally Posted by sathruvinasakh
So you mean,china will be split similar to USSR?

Atmost i can see is Tibet and Xinxiang splitting from china.
Am i missing anything?"
By the way,where is Xixiang???A good joke

Xixiang is another name for Zangnan, aka South Tibet! :)

Yes, yes, you're the only person on this giant rock who can "properly" use English words to describe himself. Get a life, as long as people can express themselves, who the heck cares about SAT style vocab. You need to honestly get a life and stop showing off buddy.

So after failed for 700 times(what's the total number of your posts again?) , you are waiting for that breakthrough? Say, you sound more and more like Edison, at least the spirit is good.

I hope you don't mind my saying this, but take TOEFL before it's too late. :partay:
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Here begins the decline of Peoples republic of china.

Lets await a soviet style implosion very soon.

"Here begins blahblah, let's await our own rifles, airplanes and toilets blahblah very soon" -

What, you work for Indian govenment? :blink:
"Here begins blahblah, let's await our own rifles, airplanes and toilets blahblah very soon" -

What, you work for Indian govenment? :blink:

its OKAY guys let him wait, let him wait forever if he wants
Soviets felt exactly the very same way.
May be your patriotic sense is blinding the world opinion and views.
Can you imagine a china struggling to export their cheap goods to thier regular importers?

and Think it this way, how many jobs you will loose and how much burden will it put on the economy to sustain.
2 .5 trillion reserves will dissolve in no time,and you have to buy you renembi to sell those reserves,thus appreciates your currency value and deflating those few exports, blah,blah....

Lol.......we might loose very little initially to coverup the imports ,when sanctions are put on chinese imports,but we can make a big market domestically which is struggling due to cheap imports.

Socialism collapsed in Soviet but China will stand on its Capitalism—— the real competitive and rational Capitalism.
Soviets felt exactly the very same way.
May be your patriotic sense is blinding the world opinion and views.
Can you imagine a china struggling to export their cheap goods to thier regular importers?

and Think it this way, how many jobs you will loose and how much burden will it put on the economy to sustain.
2 .5 trillion reserves will dissolve in no time,and you have to buy you renembi to sell those reserves,thus appreciates your currency value and deflating those few exports, blah,blah....

Lol.......we might loose very little initially to coverup the imports ,when sanctions are put on chinese imports,but we can make a big market domestically which is struggling due to cheap imports.

well unlike the history if India, even in the worst of times mainland china had not split for long, it has always gotten together after one power in china grows strong enough, there are countless examples, infact in the civil war the idea of splitting rule down the yellow river was floated but went no where because no one wanted to live forever as a traitor to the chinese people(not government, the people, the culture) and this was in a time when there was no certainty that any side could win. so in the end at worst there would be a government change maybe even lose lands at the edge of chinese territory of the mainland but the country would arise again under one rule, oh and if the mainland is seriously weaken to the point of government change you can bet ur @s$ the nationalist in taiwan's gonna want to come back(come back to rule that is, maybe even with the support of western power it is in their interest to have a china that is in their debt)
What happened to your country-of-origin flag and your "studies", little bud_bud? Did I stop you from "expressing" yourself?

SAT? :yahoo:

SAT is your problem not mine. :hang2:

I did my TOEFL yyyyears ago.

Hey hey, SAT isn't my problem either, it's done and dusted, but rather, I was referring to your "SAT Style" vocab you were showing off with ;)

Well I should probably be more "sensitive", lockh33d/little bud_bud. For all I know your @ss could be hiding in LA. Who knows, another 朱成虎 opens his trap and things could get unpleasant.

Maybe that's why you are not showing your country-of-origin flag ...

Now now, no need for violence and offensive language sonny. Also, I can't read those 3 characters so if you don't mind, please don't post any non-English related languages here, thanks. Hmm, I need not to "hide" myself in LA, why can't someone holding an F-1 stay in the US for studies, is it not legal?
Going on a cold war between US and China is very immature at this stage. The Chinese despite their excellent growth are still not close enough to match the yesteryear's Soviet might and therefore cannot entirely challenge the United States.

Another factor that comes into play here is that unlike the time of Cold War where United States and the Soviet Union were the only two developed military powers capable of influencing the world, in today's world there are multiple players that can minutely or to a lesser extent than China exert pressure. While Chinese goods dominate the scene around the globe, products from countries like Brazil and India are catching up as well. Indian pharmaceutical industry for example, despite a heavy presence of local medicines in Europe, are still well known in the entire European continent.

This was the reason why BRIC was formed; so that all the four emerging countries namely Brazil, Russia, India and China can influence the world in a truly multi-polar fashion.

Also as the world order is today in terms of military, while China might have made an enormous success of its domestic industries in arms, Russia still remains ahead in terms of technical capability and is only second to United States in terms of exports. Also, general Russian technology is far superior at the present moment to Chinese industries and therefore I think Beijing has a lot to catch up before it can really challenge the United States of America.

Even if Beijing comes parallel to United States sometimes in future, it as well as the USA will not be having the same stranglehold around the world any longer that USA and USSR did since the spread of power would be much greater in various areas of influence by various emerging economies who would compete both in terms of both soft and hard powers. This will, according to what I see give rise to a more inter-locked and interdependent world where wars would be virtually impossible between countries.

If at all any military confrontations take place, it will be between a sovereign country and some terrorist organization that harms the interests of that particular country.
Well, you could be right, Narad.

However, your "logic" is only sound if your assumptions are valid. Do you think Gorbachev would've chosen the course he took, and more importantly, the Soviet Army would've sided with Yeltsin had they been able to foresee how things were to unfold?

Hindsight to predict the "end of history" was 20/20. The prevalent Russian view, however, was that the Soviet Union did not die of homicide, but rather from "suicide". They "imploded" only because they wanted to.

They thought they had enough and maybe they did.

Will the PRC feel the same way in due time? Or will they dig in and "fight for wrath, for ruin, and the red dawn?" We all live only once and life is finite to begin with. Will a country view things through the same nihilistic lens?

I don't have any answers but you seem to have it all figured out.

Well good luck in Mumbai.

I agree with this. I do not think China will go the Russia way. There are several reasons to that.

1. China has allowed and grown certain safety valve pockets by opening up the economy partially.
2. That has also created a slightly openness in governance also.
3. Unlike Russia the economic condition across the population and geography is more varied. Disparity can take more shock than homogenous distribution.

There can be some more.

So the implosion (as rightly said - suicide incited by Yeltsin) may not be full blown.

The shocks, at the best, will affect a narrow band of people mostly in urban areas. Rest will have means to survive.

But again the pressure will be there both internally and externally to open up further.
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