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China, Russia And Pakistan: The World’s New Superpower Axis

even on papers pakistan is US ally... US still has lot of influence in pakistan... no matter how hard you try to pretend...

you are still dependent.... jealousy of what???
can you elaborate your statement how we are dependent...........????? jealousy of Pak-China corridor and Pakistan economic growth

What does Pakistan BRING to the table ?
Pakistan brings kashmir the major dispute between Pakistan and india which is hard to swallow for india......
can you elaborate your statement how we are dependent...........????? jealousy of Pak-China corridor and Pakistan economic growth

Pakistan brings kashmir the major dispute between Pakistan and india which is hard to swallow for india......

Jealousy of CPEC???? just chill dude.. one corridor is not enough for a country...
Jealousy of CPEC???? just chill dude.. one corridor is not enough for a country...
don't think Pakistan is as big as india for Pakistan this would be a major progress in economy when it will be completed.
don't think Pakistan is as big as india for Pakistan this would be a major progress in economy when it will be completed.

am talking in the sense of pakistan only... why would i get jealous of CPEC???
What new in this ?
In Cold war Pakistan was in US camp now in China camp.
Old wine in new bottle.
Pakistan cannot be in the same league as Russia or China. China Pakistan have similar goals wrt India, Russia China have similar goal wrt USA I fail to see whats a good common goal between Russia and Pak. I mean, you are major non NATO ally of USA.

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As expected with Pakistan joining the block,the balance of power has shifited drastically in favour of the worlds new superpower axis.lol seriously big lol.
Its the center of the world syndrome.
Sorry but Pakistan is irrelevant in this "axis"

Ask the 146 Million Russians.....what a consumer market of 200 Million can do for them. Pakistan can replace majority of EU countries for Russia due to its high growth market. Then, also ask what a $ 4 - 6 billion in weapons contracts can do to the Russian military complex and you'd be surprised.

There is a reason why the Russians offered SU-35 to the Pakistanis. If you can't learn from what's painted on the wall, then good luck to you. Nothing can fix this disorder :tup:

The article is a very balanced article. The US president from 2016 (hopefully, Big D) or whoever else, needs to realize that the US can't lose Pakistan. Pakistan has been the real staunch ally (irrespective of the rocky relations), throughout the cold war and after the cold war. Plus, having good relations (military to military on top), would ALWAYS help the US be involved in that area. We can't leave that area empty.

Pakistan provides access to deeper territories that are otherwise TOO FAR from the ocean, and eyes on Iran, RIGHT next door. That's super strategic. This is why the US government has de-hyphenated the India - Pakistan relationship already. Because it needs an independent Pakistan focused policy whether India likes things or not.

The next 5 years will be interesting, if I was to bet, to gain strategic advantage, the American businesses like GE, Boeing, Lockheed, CNN and the likes, will be investing a TON of money inside Pakistan, to keep the American foothold stronger. That's the way to go!!

Pakistan is too weak to form any axis. Even if it form, it shall be a member without any importance.

Is it really weak? May want to ask your Army Chief (and previous Chiefs) and then post their comments on here. If you can't get to them, here is a comment made by the son of a previous IA chief (who is a very good friend): " everyone inside the Indian governments at all times would love to attack Pakistan and settle the score once and for all. But the problem is, they are not exactly Sri-Lanka, and we can't be trying to look like a super power and lose over 100 top line fighters in two weeks. There is no winning there so it'll just be a constant Punjabi style verbal arm-wrestling every now and then, without a result". Let's see if you can identify which IAF chief was this. If I hadn't known these guys, I'd have guessed it still, just the way the verbiage was said......
But the problem is, they are not exactly Sri-Lanka, and we can't be trying to look like a super power and lose over 100 top line fighters in two weeks.

yes, you are not srilank I agree but There is a huge huge gap between being a srilanka and form a formidable alline agaist Hyper power US. You are no where near forming any axix against US. Even if US bomb your citizen, You can not protest. This is your standing against US. US can do anything in your country they want. So stop this orgasm.
It ain't gonna happen gentlemen! No matter what all those yahoos and what have you saying that Pakistan will be joining an axis. Pakistan my friends is a "MAJOR NON NATO ALLY". They had been for the past several or so decades. It is a good thing that several members here aren't the "POWERS THAT BE" of the Pakistani Government or else we might see the whole subcontinent and more go up in flames or something like it.
Again the warmongers and US bashers can yelp all they want but the relationship between US and Pakistan will always be there! I wish Musharaf is still the President though... :(

If you can't get to them, here is a comment made by the son of a previous IA chief (who is a very good friend)
LOLwut @MilSpec :lol:
It ain't gonna happen gentlemen! No matter what all those yahoos and what have you saying that Pakistan will be joining an axis. Pakistan my friends is a "MAJOR NON NATO ALLY". They had been for the past several or so decades. It is a good thing that several members here aren't the "POWERS THAT BE" of the Pakistani Government or else we might see the whole subcontinent and more go up in flames or something like it.
Again the warmongers and US bashers can yelp all they want but the relationship between US and Pakistan will always be there! I wish Musharaf is still the President though... :(

Yup. Why join an axis when they can screw us just fine being a 'MAJOR NON NATO ALLY'
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