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Well because I do this 24/7 and Horus was the first one to break the news that Pakistan on highest level has requested J-20 and Chinese have said yes and I can tell you with utmost surety J-31 days are gone I mean for PAF
Ok sir but not before 2023-2025 timeframe:disagree:first customer of J-20 is PLAAF which need J-20 in numbers to counter emerging threats from South Korea ( KFX), Japan ( X2, ATDX), USA (F-22,F-35) think logically and use the commonsense if You have a brain sir:enjoy:
Ok sir but not before 2023-2025 timeframe:disagree:first customer of J-20 is PLAAF which need J-20 in numbers to counter emerging threats from South Korea ( KFX), Japan ( X2, ATDX), USA (F-22,F-35) think logically and use the commonsense if You have a brain sir:enjoy:
I know PLAAF is first customer still I am telling the moment we decide it would not take more than one and half year for us to get first of the Jets
I know PLAAF is first customer still I am telling the moment we decide it would not take more than one and half year for us to get first of the Jets
So when we decide sir o_Oand you say to me another similar kind of thread that PAF already selected J-20 over J-31, by the way J-20 will be overcapability for PAF, J-31 will be more suitable for PAF doctrine:p:
Well because I do this 24/7 and Horus was the first one to break the news that Pakistan on highest level has requested J-20 and Chinese have said yes and I can tell you with utmost surety J-31 days are gone I mean for PAF

What if Horus is wrong? once again we have your 'sources' at play which means nothing in the real world.
What if Horus is wrong? once again we have your 'sources' at play which means nothing in the real world.
He could have been if not several from PAF would have confirmed me this. I have checked with various men and Horus is dam right on this one too like I said I never have trusted the story of Horus of just being a farmer or accountant this guys knows stuff which is some times not even know to many high ranking officers only few in Armed Forces know stuff which this guys gets to know about

J-20 Stealth Fighter - The brand-new air-superiority fighters, developed by Chengdu Aerospace Corporation, will be primarily deployed for precise and decapitation strikes

The landmark inauguration of the J-20 gives Beijing not only strategic deterrence but also an advantageous position in technical cooperation

It can be said that a fleet of fifth-generation stealth fighters can be the very hallmark of a top-notch air force. For quite some time the US Air Force was the only member of the elite club, with its F-22 Raptor and F-35 fighters dominating the skies since their respective inaugurations in 2005 and 2015, until the J-20 shot China into the same league this year.

Russia is apparently stuck in its decades-long development endeavor for the Sukhoi Su-57, with a slew of technical glitches, design flaws and accidents that may ground the fighter for a number of years to come.

Japan has also been following the trend to develop fifth-generation fighters with its X-2 Shinshin, albeit at an early stage, with the prototype’s maiden flight in April 2016.

The KF-X, South Korea’s second fighter development program after the FA-50, in collaboration with Indonesia is making headway, though experts say the fighter’s stealth capabilities can only be categorized as “4.5th generation.”

Fifth-generation fighters must meet criteria ranging from stealth to high maneuverability, particularly short-field capabilities, advanced avionics, networked data fusion from sensors and avionics, and multi-role capabilities.

Nations eager to launch their own cutting-edge tactical fighter aircraft must have resolve and deep pockets.

The F-22 program cost a grand total of US$60 billion, from blueprint to mass production, and it has been reported that India is considering pulling out of co-funding for Russia’s Su-57 program as the investment now looks like a “black hole.”

The reason countries still hold on to their various fifth-generation fighter programs is all about posture, as no major power can afford to lag behind in the race to develop super-fighters, even if that means pouring in substantial resources with no guarantee of surmounting the high technical and financial threshold, PLA Daily noted in an editorial in a feature about the J-20’s inauguration in April.

Meanwhile, it has also been revealed by China News Service on its affiliated WeChat account that China may be considering sharing its J-20 technologies with allies such as Pakistan, amid the latter’s long-running feud with India as well as the strained Sino-Indian ties following a stiff face-off since June on the Doklam Plateau, a border area claimed by both Beijing and New Delhi.

Beijing may also want to compare notes on fighter development with Moscow and invest for a stake in the Su-57 program, with is now running on a shoestring budget, in exchange for the latter’s expertise in aerospace and rocket and missile development.


Absolute Nonsense that China is sharing such sensitive tech with Pakistan.
He could have been if not several from PAF would have confirmed me this. I have checked with various men and Horus is dam right on this one too like I said I never have trusted the story of Horus of just being a farmer or accountant this guys knows stuff which is some times not even know to many high ranking officers only few in Armed Forces know stuff which this guys gets to know about

Do you think things through before typing them out? Horus knows more than people in the services! Incredible.
Do you think things through before typing them out? Horus knows more than people in the services! Incredible.

Hazrat has a Jinn in his service, who whisper such things in his ear. So stop being sarcastic. He might send some Kafir jinn to possess you who is too difficult to be taken out.
Hazrat has a Jinn in his service, who whisper such things in his ear. So stop being sarcastic. He might send some Kafir jinn to possess you who is too difficult to be taken out.

Oh damn and blast! I have been having jin problems lately.
Hazrat has a Jinn in his service, who whisper such things in his ear. So stop being sarcastic. He might send some Kafir jinn to possess you who is too difficult to be taken out.

Really than may be I don't have source and that is why a week ago I was warned by PAF

I am only talking about J-20 right now as it has already been shared by Indian website and cat is out of the bag other wise I am trying to avoid it for some reasons but I can tell every one here J-31 game is over it would be J-20 now

Please Assure me with some credible sources ..if not than its just a baseless rumor
My sources are as credible as it can get
Really than may be I don't have source and that is why a week ago I was warned by PAF

Hazrat I think its time the agencies picked you up so you have a disconnection from 24/7 internet. who knows you might discover there is something more to life than internet :yes4::yes4:

Really than may be I don't have source and that is why a week ago I was warned by PAF

I am only talking about J-20 right now as it has already been shared by Indian website and cat is out of the bag other wise I am trying to avoid it for some reasons but I can tell every one here J-31 game is over it would be J-20 now

My sources are as credible as it can get

these credible sources were telling you that SCAR manuals have been handed out to troops and it's entered service?
Hazrat I think its time the agencies picked you up so you have a disconnection from 24/7 internet. who knows you might discover there is something more to life than internet :yes4::yes4:

these credible sources were telling you that SCAR manuals have been handed out to troops and it's entered service?
What I know for sure is PAF is monitoring my group on facebook and I was send a warning. But now Indian Article is here so now they can't blame me
Best if Technology from These Projects are applied to the JF-17

Stealth Shaping, Aesa Radar, IRST, EW RF Jamming Sensor built into the airframe Preferably with GaN, Fused Avionics, E/O Targetting Pod, Supercruise capable engine and airframe modification to enable it, Advanced IFF capability, Fast Data Gigabit Ethernet between Sensors, Latest Mission Computer, PL-10E WVR Missile, PL-15 BVR Missile, Helmet Mounted Display, more use of composites and better build quality to minimize RCS/IR signature, APU (Auxillary Power Unit) so plane can start fast and autonomously, retractable refueling probe, integrated internal rotary cannon into the top of the airframe, stealthy/Low IR signature Nozzle for engine exhaust, refueling probe Modern and highly secure Datalinks.

These are the key Techs
JF-17 is world first operational DSI feature fighter. Beating even J-10B , J-20 and F-35 :enjoy:
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