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China, Rome, and the United States

Again, this is why people think Vietnamese are stupid because of logic like these. Using logic only, did we adopt their government system, currency, technology, and law and order? No they are using that from us. It is more like we civilized their barbaric way. Study the Xianbei. They are a great example of keeping half nomadic from the outside and civil system heavily employed the Han Chinese. Before the Vietnam occupation and being under our subject, you are more like a tribe dancing around a fire or running around in jungle in search of fruits and foods. We then came and taught you how to set up a government, language, business, currency, taxation, architecture, law and order so you reach statehood status.
Learn some facts first. When Vietnamese were doing farming, Chinese were still naked carnivores running around fighting with vultures for left-over food. When our Dong Son Bronze culture was flourishing, the Chinese were still running around hacking each others for sport. Keep your "civilized" culture of worshipping dog, phucking your cousins, binding foot, eating fetus/monkey brain etc...We flourished before we even heard of the word "Chinese". There are only two countries that adopt your culture; it speaks volume about how the world perceive your "civilized" civilization
Learn some facts first. When Vietnamese were doing farming, Chinese were still naked carnivores running around fighting with vultures for left-over food. When our Dong Son Bronze culture was flourishing, the Chinese were still running around hacking each others for sport. Keep your "civilized" culture of worshipping dog, phucking your cousins, binding foot, eating fetus/monkey brain etc...We flourished before we even heard of the word "Chinese". There are only two countries that adopt your culture; it speaks volume about how the world perceive your "civilized" civilization
Your kind are beyond hopeless,the Zhou dynasty already existed and the Central Plains exerted its influence on all borders.

Without Chinese civilization you would lack surnames,writing,bureaucracy etc.

Where is the Dong Son culture today?
Another lie. Many parts? Only western most region was once inhabited by Tocharians who were driven out and went on to establish Kushan empire in South Asia. There were no Indo-Europeans in China, Aryan invaded and stayed in South Asia. R1A is common among central east asians and siberian too.

I got your point. :laughcry:
Learn some facts first. When Vietnamese were doing farming, Chinese were still naked carnivores running around fighting with vultures for left-over food. When our Dong Son Bronze culture was flourishing, the Chinese were still running around hacking each others for sport. Keep your "civilized" culture of worshipping dog, phucking your cousins, binding foot, eating fetus/monkey brain etc...We flourished before we even heard of the word "Chinese". There are only two countries that adopt your culture; it speaks volume about how the world perceive your "civilized" civilization
LOL! you are obviously hurt by my words because it is the truth. I feel sorry for you, my friend. Before us, you are uncivilized. Sometime you just have to accept that fact. All countries that adopt our culture become successful today.

In ancient time, every people in the world have been living in time of tribes, including Han Chinese. Your ancestors eat dumbping, living cave hause, dancing around fire burnt from animals shxts, run around cows and horses in middle terain of China.

Hans Chinese learnt from Bai Yue how to planting wet rice, planting water rice and eat cooked rice and living in tilt houses..

Vietnamese kicked out Chinese invader from Vietnam. regretfully we could not regained Ling Nan. There is native land of us.
That is true but we reach statehood faster than most, especially the Asian neighbors, that including you the Vietnamese. Once we reach statehood, our culture became a high culture. A culture that preach philosophical thought, law and order, architecture, and technology.

Wrong. Rice was found in central and northern China before Han expanded to the Southeast. Once again, as tribe you are not entitle to the land you're owning because you are just an undeveloped civilization.
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LOL! you are obviously hurt by my words because it is the truth. I feel sorry for you, my friend. Before us, you are uncivilized. Sometime you just have to accept that fact. All countries that adopt our culture become successful today.

That is true but we reach statehood faster than most, especially the Asian neighbors, that including you the Vietnamese. Once we reach statehood, our culture became a high culture. A culture that preach philosophical thought, law and order, architecture, and technology.

Wrong. Rice was found in central and northern China before Han expanded to the Southeast. Once again, as tribe you are not entitle to the land you're owning because you are just an undeveloped civilization.

True. All countries that adopt our culture become successful today. Chinese culture civilized them, make them successful. Japan learn from China since very early time, now Koreans are trying to recover Chinese character education, they are more successful than Vietnam, besides South Korean has fewer natural resources than Vietnam. No need to mention Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore where all Chinese culture dominated.

In East Asian model, an efficient government, always play the main role, with national-wide governmental spending on education, scientific research.
True. All countries that adopt our culture become successful today. Chinese culture civilized them, make them successful. Japan learn from China since very early time, now Koreans are trying to recover Chinese character education, they are more successful than Vietnam, besides South Korean has fewer natural resources than Vietnam. No need to mention Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore where all Chinese culture dominated.

In East Asian model, an efficient government, always play the main role, with national-wide governmental spending on education, scientific research.
Amazingly, the countries that adopt our culture score extremely well in international test even when they are poor. In fact, the Confucian adopters are some of the best student in the world, rival that of Jewish education background.
Amazingly, the countries that adopt our culture score extremely well in international test even when they are poor. In fact, the Confucian adopters are some of the best student in the world, rival that of Jewish education background.

They are really smart I have to say. Even in ancient China, people are poor, they are very proud of being educated "读书人", although “科举” has some disadvantages, it really helps to improve the education level, to make our students more competent. This is a rare phenomenon in other culture. Human resource is the key factor to be come successful.

Now Vietnam are bashing China, they claim they have higher civilization is really a joke. I don't care about them, only I know is there are thousands of Confucian academies across the worlds. Vietnam will fail if they don't join China.
Xinjiang is the only Chinese region with the presence of the historical Indo-European tribes, while those R1a Han Chinese that I mentioned above didn't come from that region.

So did you get the point?

See how dumb his post are? This Indian troll has complex against Chinese, just like the vietnamese.
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You just can't stop making jokes around here don't you~

Mongolian and Manchurian were aggressors of Han people, not Chinese you stupid fool. As I have told you many times both ethnics consider themselves as Chinese 中國人 (PS: during the past "Chinese" mostly refer to "Han people" 漢人 only, yet nowadays "Chinese" refers to the "people of the whole China" 中國人, but Han people 漢人 never consider only themselves as中國人 in the history).

The were not smart to used Han language, but they MUST because their cultures were not civilized enough to rule the land which was advanced in culture. Your joke about "Mongolian and Manchurian civilized Han" is indeed a stupid joke from an uncivilized dumb head~ :D

Are you really that stupid?:lol: I have told you many times, MANY TIMES, that the difference between Japanese and Manchurian is that Japanese never consider themselves as Chinese you retard, yet Manchurian consider Manchu (North-East of China) is a PART of CHINA and the whole country is CHINA. Not to mention the emperors of Qing worshiped Ming emperors. Japanese would have NEVER call Japan a PART of CHINA and call themselves CHINESE. It doesn't matter how sinicised they are nor if they have adopted Han culture.

[元史] 列傳第二十七 鐵木兒塔識


[History of Yuan]
鐵木兒塔識 (son of Toqto'a): "Such action of spying on your enemy state is no double expected, but since the world is now a united family, why would they even do such thing? Even if they are really spying on us, let it be. They will see how great China 中國 is and report it to their king and let him obey (the Great Yuan/ China)."

[Nerchinsk Treaty]
"Argun river will be set as the border (between the two countries). The land from the south of the river belongs to China; the land from the north of the river belongs to Russia."

"(traitors) are so foolish that they don't even understand that Manchu is a part of China."
--Yongzheng, one of the emperors of Qing dynasty.

Even 200 hundreds year ago, the Manchurian empire himself already told you stupid fool to shut up~

Talking to you is like speaking to a primitive man, sigh :(

What's wrong with haircut~ :lol: hair style is just a semblance~ People of Shang also had to change their hair style to Zhou's style, yet both Shang and Zhou are no doubt Chinese and they are no doubt China~ :D

Tell you what, your native land is on Mars, go and claim it back :rofl:

Oh my god

Mongolian said that to rule Chinese, very funny when you Chinse could belive on such lie.

Mongolian conquered almost land in Eurasia, include China land. But Mongolian ruled Chinese very long time.

Why Chinese can not say that there is ( map below is ) history territory of China. :pleasantry:

Mongolian said that to rule Chinese, very funny when you Chinse could belive on such lie.

Mongolian conquered almost land in Eurasia, include China land. But Mongolian ruled Chinese very long time.

Why Chinese can not say that there is ( map below is ) history territory of China. :pleasantry:


You need more schooling. The so called Mongol empire after Genghis Khan was made up of 4 independent Khanate!!!
Yuan was the most short lived one, it got kicked out by MIng after lasted 90 years.

No border stay FIXED for 2200 years. Indian IQ strikes
Then your country was never united....

Exactly,my point is Indians have a inferiority complex about their origins so they fabricate history such as Aryans being native to India.
LOL.....read some actual history......we don't consider Aryans as Indians, the 'Aryans' are a Mythical race created by the Europeans to suit their white supremacist mindset......they thought Indians could never have developed such an advanced civilization on their own, the Aryans did it...........
some westerners prefer the truth over the attitude ofcourse......the 'Aryan Invasion' theory is a Myth(see the link below)......
Who Were the Aryans? Hitler's Persistent Mythology
Death of the Aryan Invasion Theory
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let me answer that with another question``why human and monkey genetically so close but so so different?

a monkey theory, cantonese is a dialect not a language (there are hundreds of dialects in China)``haha, your stupidity and ignorance``please come again about your monkey theory on languages?

slaves of Mongolia and Manchus until 1911 ACE cannot say about difference of monkey and human.
Mongolian said that to rule Chinese, very funny when you Chinse could belive on such lie.

Mongolian conquered almost land in Eurasia, include China land. But Mongolian ruled Chinese very long time.

Why Chinese can not say that there is ( map below is ) history territory of China. :pleasantry:


Yeah sure they even "lied" on the founding document of Great Yuan -the goddamn founding document (建國號詔), do you even know what that is you uneducated fool~ It is a goddamn national announcement declares and tell the whole world that that the whole new Chinese dynasty has been founded~ Are you saying that Mongolian lied to the whole world? :rofl:

The so-called Mongol Empire was never a united country nor an individual, besides it was Yuan a Chinese dynasty, not the whole "Mongol Empire"~ Not to mention nationality (Chinese) and ethnic (Mongolian) are two different subjects~ :rofl:
You need more schooling. The so called Mongol empire after Genghis Khan was made up of 4 independent Khanate!!!
Yuan was the most short lived one, it got kicked out by MIng after lasted 90 years.


But your country man Kirovairship said that:Mongolian were Zhong Guo ren ?
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