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China responsible for Pakistan’s economic quagmire: US

Well we cant entirely blame china. But a fact to be known by everyone is.

Pakistan Trade Deficit with China is over 9 Billion Dollars per anum
1.74 Billion USD Exports
Less 11.46 Billion USD Imports

While Trade Deficit with USA is just 766 Million Dollars i.e
2.8 Billion USD Exports
Less 3.6 Billion USD Imports

Export to USA 2.8 Billion, Export to China 1.74 Billion.
Import from USA 3.6 Billion, Import from China 11.46 Billion.

I am not supporter of any foreign power as FRIEND. But facts always speak something. I don't know whom to call friend or not. Cant Chinese even support our local industries by giving our businesses preferred Access to their markets? Let alone Aid or Support?. Don't even include Foreign trade reserves. Sign a Yuan Trade Agreement, Purchase from us in Yuan so that we are able to pay our imports and Loans from china easing on our USD reserves.
I am not very sure about Chinese trade policies for developing countries.
LOL at US desperation, they stabbed us in the back and now trying to bad mouth the friend who helped us recover from that stab wound.
Secularism is only way to move forward. You must compete with international players, Must bring country interest first instead of Religion, keep good relation with all countries, secularism will bring harmony, more open to each other. Intolerance , violence will decrease.
When you do dharna/protest, violence on streets in the name of religion, no country in world will take you seriously and you will remain isolated.

u.s mever misses any chance to isolate Pakistan.It is there attempt to damage our relation with china which we will not allow and govt should condemn u.s statement immediately as u.s want to stop cpec project. accounts backed by their governments which destroyed our economy
U.S.A want good relation with Pakistan, but mistrust increased after they found world number 1 terrorist Osama bin Ladin in Pakistan and when we supported Shakeel afridi who help world to kill number 1 terrorist and when We asked to release terrorist afia siddique who escaped in Afghanistan for mission, ISIS, Taliban cry hard after arrest of Afia siddique , they are still demanding release of her, even ISIS asked Afia siddique to trade with U.S journalist in 2014 and still we are demanding release of Afia siddique “the main weapon of militants”.
Hypocrisy... Isn’t this?

Even after this U.S.A still want to work with new government.
Well we cant entirely blame china. But a fact to be known by everyone is.

Pakistan Trade Deficit with China is over 9 Billion Dollars per anum
1.74 Billion USD Exports
Less 11.46 Billion USD Imports

While Trade Deficit with USA is just 766 Million Dollars i.e
2.8 Billion USD Exports
Less 3.6 Billion USD Imports

Export to USA 2.8 Billion, Export to China 1.74 Billion.
Import from USA 3.6 Billion, Import from China 11.46 Billion.

I am not supporter of any foreign power as FRIEND. But facts always speak something. I don't know whom to call friend or not. Cant Chinese even support our local industries by giving our businesses preferred Access to their markets? Let alone Aid or Support?. Don't even include Foreign trade reserves. Sign a Yuan Trade Agreement, Purchase from us in Yuan so that we are able to pay our imports and Loans from china easing on our USD reserves.
I am not very sure about Chinese trade policies for developing countries.

I blame PMNL for pushing CPEC before addressing this.

Pakistan should have asked to reduce trade deficit with China before moving forward with anything else.

CPEC is a win win but more of a win for China who gets access to Gwadar for the cheap supply route. Its a monopolization of this route for their goods. Pakistan will always lag behind when they give everyone else a headstart.

Focus should have always been on local industries and export orders and everything else secondary.

If Imran Khan had taken over 2013 things would have been very very different.
second biggest land developer in Pakistan-Pak Army fact
What librals don't know is that our lambar wan Amry has Air Defence Missile batteries hidden under their DHA villas. You h8s.
Imf now looks like a really bad deal why dint they tell that the main reason of increased debt was expensive token projects by sharifs and artificial price of PKR for political brownie points?
Indeed they need to get their act together...FAST.Kudos Zibago
Exactly. It is funny the US should lecture Pakistan on how it is facing an economic meltdown due to Chinese investment when the true devil is the US itself. It is the US war that has destroyed Pakistan's economy and security.

Partly correct.
But it's not only the 'US war'. Pakistan, back in the 90's, when the Talibans were ruling Kabul, should have cleaned up Afghanistan of foreign terrorists--especially after the USS Cole attack. If America needed an excuse to be in Afghanistan--Pakistan helped them along. Strategic over-reach with empty pockets, deep corruption, violent political transitions (from 1988 till 2008!), rivalry against an economic power like India... a witch's brew.

Back to the topic: I think the fact that the Chinese FM himself recently came to Pakistan for several days makes me think that major parts of CPEC are being reconsidered to allow Pakistan some breathing space...
That's not true!! at least not until they understand it is:coffee:
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