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China responsible for Pakistan’s economic quagmire: US

Now China should counter this by giving Pakistan US $ 10 billion aid. Will that happen??? No. China just uses Pakistan, would never help Pakistan unless its related to India or just a statement here n there.

China has taken Pakistan's support for granted esp since Pak US relations have deteriorated. Thats what happens when you are at the mercy of some one.

I really dont understand what has China done for Pakistan?? They are building CPEC for their own business to thrive. They are building power plants with loans which people of Pakistan have to pay back. Is China really a friend?? I seriously doubt that now.

No doubt China will have to step up to the plate. This is a critical moment.

Of course China is looking after its interest. Of course it is looking for a handsome return. That is business and any investor looks for a massive return when investing money. The US, West any other nation or bloc is no different. It is ludicrous when the West lectures China on debt trap blah blah blah when the biggest loan providers are Western nations and institutes.

Remember it is the previous government that made the CPEC deals. Imran Khan came in and tried to renegotiate some of the deals and that is not a bad thing at all. China didn't appreciate this from the new government and this has left a sour taste.

Time has come to sit with the Chinese and look for solutions and get things back on track.
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Pakistan is an economic quagmire, due to joining the US in fighting a never ending war.

Anyone who believes otherwise is a complete and utter moron, who doesn't know history.
Pakistan is an economic quagmire, due to joining the US in fighting a never ending war.

Anyone who believes otherwise is a complete and utter moron, who doesn't know history.

Exactly. It is funny the US should lecture Pakistan on how it is facing an economic meltdown due to Chinese investment when the true devil is the US itself. It is the US war that has destroyed Pakistan's economy and security.
yaar app toh mulk keh gaddar ho! how can you ignore sacrifices of fauj why only look at dha keh plots?
DHA ke baare main kuch na bolna ni to uthwalunga aapko bhi. :buba_phone:

Sincerely, here is where you guys get it completely go wrong. Military anywhere in any stable countries are never rulers. They are supposed to take orders not give orders. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
So where did i supported military rule? I'm stating the obvious.
Only Pakistani rulers are responsible for current Pakistan's economic situation. Both Civil & Military rulers.
the reasons are very obvious---------- shaddy deals with china? kick backs and commissions--
army the guarantor as well as protector --- civilian govt just a mouth piece---
ite not realy the panama that got nawaz out of squad--- it was the threats he made about spilling the beans of pak army private limited company running the show...

out of 259 people who,s names appeared in panama leaks not a single person has been questioned by NAB.........which include retired and serving judges.. army elite.

how come the rest are spared,,,,,,,,,,, and rudd ul fassad is just against rivals of imran khan...
Just leave us alone. Why obsessed with a bankrupt country?
I am missing Nikki.

Nikki her self is broke /wink surprised US Indians are not fund raising for her, may be she wil publish a book and they can pickup a copy for $1K each, or host some speech somewhere for $1K / dinner seat.
Nikki her self is broke :( surprised US Indians are not fund raising for her, may be she wil publish a book and they can pickup a copy for $1K each, or host some speech somewhere for $1K / seat.

That remains to be Seen. Timing is all that matters
Nikki her self is broke /wink surprised US Indians are not fund raising for her, may be she wil publish a book and they can pickup a copy for $1K each, or host some speech somewhere for $1K / dinner seat.

Exactly...I am not sure why Pakistani posters feels like Nikki is an Indian fan or lobbyist kind of thing...Rather Tulsi Gabbad is the only parliamentarian who has some connect with Indian Hindus in US....
CPEC has been a boon for the Chinese economy.

Yeh, CPEC has been a pain for India.

You are Indians keep crying about the Chinese rates for the deals, firstly it is none of your business, secondly the rates are better than any other nation was prepared to supply and thirdly investments always deliver short term concerns until the fruits of the investments start be tasted.
Mushy cleared Pakistan's debt, only the corrupt politicians are responsible. The next generation of Pakistanis are going to have to carry the debt of these greedy and nasty people.

There were also massive domestic debts. Musharaf built a lot; most of it with borrowed money.

He gets the glory, and the morons who came after him had to clear up the mess.
So where did i supported military rule? I'm stating the obvious.

Irrespective of the obvious, just don't refer the military as rulers. It's as simple as that. :-)
Shahbaz Shareef spent 2 billion dollars on Orange train from CPEC fund. And other projects.
Pakistan should be wary of CPEC and huge debt it comes with.

Pakistan has a strategic location but its economy is on life support. Its perhaps one of the most resourceful and most mismanaged country of the world.

With economy in tatters, Pakistan has little leverage on CPEC projects and how China wants to execute them. I m ferful we might end up with huge loans and bartering our strategic location. In end, we will lose both our strategic value and will end up paying back these CPEC related loans.

I still dont understand how CPEC will be a 'game changer' for Pakistan. It could be for China. A rising power with global ambitions.

I dont want our nation to act stupid by playing up this 'dosti' sh*t. Nations have interests only. There is no friendship or animosity, just self interest.

I hope the current government manages this CPEC thing much better and brings clarity to what Pakistan will achieve through this initiative.
The US intervention in Afghanistan has proven to be a catastrophe for both regional security and economic growth, the sooner the Yanks vacate the region the better, then all the pieces will fall in place, only then can we expect a safe and secure environment which can and will create the necessary confidence for economic growth, any supposed responsibility of the Chinese for our dismal fiscal state is merely supposed to throw us folk off the scent, the people are wise and do not appreciate being patronised by this vulture of a nation USA, nobody is buying their nefarious propaganda.
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