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Featured China reluctant to approve $6b ML-I loan

The PM as consistently touted the Chinese on every forum. Local and global. What you want him to do? Become a athiest member of CCP to please you?
PM has time and again praised Chinese model for bringing record poverty reduction in China
Which news should we believe 🤔🤔🤔

Railway project sent to Chinese bank for approval of $6bn loan

The Chinese government has sent Pakistan’s first modern railways’ infrastructure project — Main Line-1 (ML-1) — to the Exim Bank of China for approval of a $6 billion loan after all technical, administrative and other issues have finally been resolved, paving the way for launching civil work on this scheme within this year.

“The latest on the $6.8 billion ML-1 project is that a finance committee comprising Chinese officials has sent the case related to $6 billion loan approval of the project to Exim Bank. Since the remaining $800 million will be provided by the government of Pakistan as equity, the total $6.8 billion will be spent on completion of the entire rail-related infrastructure, mainly the line, fencing, civil works etc,” Pakistan Railways Federal Secretary / Railway Board Chairman Dr Habibur Rehman Gillani said while talking to Dawn on Tuesday.

“We appreciate our Chinese counterparts for taking the ML-1, a project to be executed under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), seriously by resolving various issues in consultation with senior Pakistani officials concerned,” Mr Gillani added.

The construction of ML-1 project in three phases had been approved by the Executive Committee of National Economic Council (Ecnec) in its meeting held in August last year. The actual cost of the project was initially $9bn, including equity amount of the government of Pakistan. But later, it was reduced gradually to $6.8bn.

“The cost was reduced since money included / allocated earlier for train sets / rolling stock etc was not needed during completion period of the project,” the chairman explained. When the project will reach nearing completion, another project proposal regarding procurement of train sets / rolling stock etc would be prepared and approved separately, he maintained.

Mr Gillani said once the loan was approved by the Exim bank, the project would be sent to respective Chinese ministries dealing with the railways and planning / development related matters. This whole process would take a couple of months, after which the ministry would be able to initiate the international bidding / tendering process for execution of the project.

The project would have upgrade of ML-1 from Karachi to Peshawar and Taxila to Havelian (1,872km), laying of new track with improved sub grade for 160km/per hour, rehabilitation and construction of bridges, provision of modern signalling and telecom systems, conversion of level crossings into underpasses/flyovers, fencing of track, establishment of dry port near Havelian and upgrade of Walton Training Academy (Lahore).

It will create 24,000 direct (20,000 local labour/technical experts and 4,000 Chinese experts) jobs and reduce travel time from Karachi to Lahore from 18 to 10 hours
I have no idea of the veracity of this news but certainly things are not looking good. This is obvious in how it has been delayed for years. It was moving slowly even in PML-Ns tenure.
It's not like PMLn is going to hold a concert in Beijing for CPC100.

PTI has a torrid history with CPEC case being KPK government and her attitude towards Chinese projects.

It is fair to assume that PTI has a certain mistrust with China despite PM categorically stating that the States economic future lies with China for strategic security.
on que you have to come out of the gutters of raiwind and start acting like golum looking for thee precious!! you forget the fiasco of khatti train's contract, and multan metro that led to people involved in its corruption in China getting the axe! Chinese tolerance for corruption is 0.

so return to your realm,
on que you have to come out of the gutters of raiwind and start acting like golum looking for thee precious!! you forget the fiasco of khatti train's contract, and multan metro that led to people involved in its corruption in China getting the axe! Chinese tolerance for corruption is 0.

so return to your realm,

But accountability never happened in Pakistan and the whole project received unwanted bad rep just like PiA and ANF episode.

You cannot blame everything on PMLn. At one time or the other, PTI will be held accountable too
@Norwegian For what it's worth your Ahmedi lot or not any better then the Mullah inc in Pakistan. The only differance is they are less radical [obviously because they are the minority] and probably more pliant to the west [probably because that is only place of refuge].

But rest of it they bring on all the problems other mullahs do. You lot are after a univeral brotherhood and busy converting Africans, ghetto denizens in west, Tanzanians, South Africans etc etc. Non of this is nationalist or about Pakistan. this country needs nationalism or it will always trip when people are loyal to globalist movememts.
You cannot blame everything on PMLn. At one time or the other, PTI will be held accountable too
Yes, PTI is accountable for not sending enough looters to jail when the courts are hell bent on letting the looters out.
@Norwegian For what it's worth your Ahmedi lot or not any better then the Mullah inc in Pakistan. The only differance is they are less radical [obviously because they are the minority] and probably more pliant to the west [probably because that is only place of refuge].

But rest of it they bring on all the problems other mullahs do. You lot are after a univeral brotherhood and busy converting Africans, ghetto denizens in west, Tanzanians, South Africans etc etc. Non of this is nationalist or about Pakistan. this country needs nationalism or it will always trip when people are loyal to globalist movememts.
I am not Ahmadi but I know for a fact that Ahmadis have become 3 star army generals. So please stop going after that tiny community. Ahmadis are as much Pakistanis as the rest

My bad. Your software is still corrupted as before 😢

It's not my problem PTI took your money and didn't deliver.

Try Billo. He is bolder and may the guilt of his grandpas deed usher him to the sacrificial altar as wise Asif awaits.

Even faking nationalism is too much for you these days.
are you okay? bilawal PM? How would that happen?
With these people never say never. They got more lives then cats. They keep coming back. I remember like yestraday his mother - then a young Benezir talking nonsense in early 1980s with General Zia cavorting with President Reagan. Decade later she was PM. Then think of Nawaz Sharif and 2001. Generals Zia and Musharaf are history yet this spawn is still winning elections and power in Pakistan.
Yes, PTI is accountable for not sending enough looters to jail when the courts are hell bent on letting the looters out.

Have you ever read one prosecution yourself? They are all technically bogus by design for political leverages.

The PM is on the record of being censored himself after admitting to making changes in accountability law to help friends and donors conduct business in the country.
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