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Featured China reluctant to approve $6b ML-I loan

I am not Ahmadi but I know for a fact that Ahmadis have become 3 star army generals. So please stop going after that tiny community. Ahmadis are as much Pakistanis as the rest
Where did I say your not Pakistani? I don't care if you snort pork and pray to the devil. If your a Pakistani then your Pakistani. I ws talking about the crazy Ahmedi mvement.
It's a false accusation that Ahmadis are not nationalists. Some of the finest men who served Pakistan army were Ahmadi Generals

Have you ever read one prosecution yourself? They are all technically bogus by design for political leverages.
Exactly all bogus

Where did I say your not Pakistani? I don't care if you snort pork and pray to the devil. If your a Pakistani then your Pakistani. I ws talking about the crazy Ahmedi mvement.
Crazy Ahmadi movement has given some of the finest men for Pakistan's military.

It even helped liberating Kashmir in 1948 war
Exactly all bogus

Why don't you try and steal Niazi clans buffaloes and see how efficient penal code is in Pakistan?

They will bring you down like Nixon.

The more you people chant Sharif Sharif and go silent on Sindh, more likely it is to be seen as some sort of tribal problem with Kashmiri clan with native Punjabis.

Now go annoy and instigate the secularistanis and make use of your intricate knowledge of tribal warfare in Punjab.
I would agree with most PDF members, lately there has been too much propaganda from Sanghi news outlets, I would wait until there is actual confirmation from GOP.
Leave about propaganda from India. When would CPEC project will become debt free and becomes engine of growth for Pak any rough figure will help
Generals Zia and Musharaf are history yet this spawn is still winning elections and power in Pakistan.
In Pakistan you can get rid of military dictators but never their political monsters

Leave about propaganda from India. When would CPEC project will become debt free and becomes engine of growth for Pak any rough figure will help
That's the entire problem. Nobody is calculating the cost / benefit of Cpec. All we have is rough estimates of ever growing debt since Cpec started.
I think the Chinese want more control, they want Pakistan to switch to yuan and transfer all lines to China effectively giving control to China over our encompassing policy. We should negotiate and get the best deal possible. This would make us fatf and imf proof . So decisions decisions.

we should get the bang for the buck and require return if Kashmir to Pakistan as part of the deal!!!

But accountability never happened in Pakistan and the whole project received unwanted bad rep just like PiA and ANF episode.

You cannot blame everything on PMLn. At one time or the other, PTI will be held accountable too
have you read the two reports by the esteemed and a loyal noonie journalist Javed Chaudhry? I advise you do it because if that isn't another reflection of the thief and crooked nature of noonies BY A NOONIE then I don't know what is....

Mulk Ab Badlay Ga | Javed Chaudhry | Daily Urdu Columns
Ye Mulk Hai Tissue Paper Nahi | Javed Chaudhry | Daily Urdu Columns
have you read the two reports by the esteemed and a loyal noonie journalist Javed Chaudhry? I advise you do it because if that isn't another reflection of the thief and crooked nature of noonies BY A NOONIE then I don't know what is....

Mulk Ab Badlay Ga | Javed Chaudhry | Daily Urdu Columns
Ye Mulk Hai Tissue Paper Nahi | Javed Chaudhry | Daily Urdu Columns

Why can't i make up my opinions?

Or is the country hostage to few sanctioned selected opinion makers recycled every government term?

Corruption is still rampant in all US Aid programs. Why can't PM stall those under guise of accountability?
With these people never say never. They got more lives then cats. They keep coming back. I remember like yestraday his mother - then a young Benezir talking nonsense in early 1980s with General Zia cavorting with President Reagan. Decade later she was PM. Then think of Nawaz Sharif and 2001. Generals Zia and Musharaf are history yet this spawn is still winning elections and power in Pakistan.
okay, for pepepe to ever come to centre again they need to win a sizable margin in Punjab! they are trying to take advantage of it with the split in noon league. however that has not yet proven to fruitful. secondly pepepe is starting to fade in sindh where it was invincible!

But Pakistan is unpredictable.
Why can't i make up my opinions?

Or is the country hostage to few sanctioned selected opinion makers recycled every government term?

Corruption is still rampant in all US Aid programs. Why can't PM stall those under guise of accountability?
YOU are entitled to your own chawal! mian has successfully been selling a chawal and people bought that chawal for 3 decades. despite all of its mal practises certain poojari types can easily mask their eyes and ears and be blind, by choice.

have to say its rich coming from you to ask for some form of accountability when you are always speaking against accountability and to you its subjected accountability. let noonies off the hook and everyone else is corrupt.

I prefer the truth which is not subjected.
China reluctant to approve $6b ML-I loan
Express concern over Pakistan’s growing debt

Shahbaz Rana May 08, 2021

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Expressing concern over Pakistan’s growing debt, China has shown reluctance to approve $6 billion loan for the Mainline-I (ML-I) railway track -- the single largest project under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor -- according to the record of a meeting and senior Pakistani officials.
The construction of ML-1 project in three phases had been approved by the Executive Committee of National Economic Council (Ecnec) in its meeting held in August last year. The actual cost of the project was $9bn initially, including equity amount of the government of Pakistan. But later, it was reduced gradually to $6.8bn.
“Beijing conveyed its concerns during a meeting held on March 30 to discuss financing modalities of the project,” the officials added.
Moreover, the officials said China also termed the total project cost of $6.8 billion at the lower side, which Islamabad is now willing to increase further by 15% or $1 billion.
The sources said that in the last meeting, Chinese authorities were wary of Pakistan’s ability to service its debt. The concerns have now also been reflected in the meeting records.

“The Chinese side have sought clarification regarding the possibility of raising further debt by Pakistan during currency of the IMF programme. The Pakistani side clarified that debt situation is being monitored and there is no restriction under the programme to raise debt for viable projects,” Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Dr Jehanzeb Khan told The Express Tribune while responding to a question.
The Chinese sides also showed its reservations over restrictions imposed by Group 20 nations and the International Monetary Fund which, in Beijing’s view, could undermine the ML-1 project, according to discussions that take took place in the last ML-I Financing Committee meeting held on March 30th.
“The Chinese side expressed concerns about Pakistan’s debts, including IMF’s requirements for the Pakistani government to avail loans and about the impact of restrictions under the G-20 Debt Servicing Suspension Initiative (DSSI) on the financing of the ML-I project,” showed a correspondence between Pakistan and China.
Pakistan’s public debt has jumped to 87.2% of the Gross Domestic Product at the end of the last fiscal year and the country is consuming over 60% of tax revenues in debt servicing. It was 72.5% of the GDP when the PML-N tenure ended about three years ago.
Pakistan has also availed the G-20 temporary debt relief worth $3.5 billion from July 2020 through December 2021 which, according to Beijing, was a signal of weakening debt repayment capacity.
“However, Pakistani authorities tried to remove the reservations shown by their Chinese counterpart,” the officials told The Express Tribune.

The Pakistani side stated that the IMF has not imposed any restriction on loans for the ML-I project and that country’s foreign debt was largely under control and the government has the ability to repay the debts, according to the documents.
The Pakistani side held that the implementation of the ML-I project would bring multiple benefits to Pakistan Railways, in addition to improving the financial situation of the company.
The ML-I project includes dualization and upgrading of the 1,872km railway track from Peshawar to Karachi and is a major milestone for the second phase of CPEC and its construction is facing a delay of over three years.
The government has planned to complete the ML-I project in various packages, spanning over almost 10 years and aimed at spreading the loan over a longer period due to concerns expressed by the IMF.
China also highlighted the dilapidated financial condition of Pakistan Railways that do not allow it to take $6 billion new debt on its books.
The negotiations to secure the loan have been going on for the last over one year but so far no conclusion has been reached. The project is facing delays of over three years against the original schedule agreed between the two countries.
In a meeting held on March 30, Pakistan again expected that the loan currency would be a combination of RMB and the US dollar, covering 85% of the project cost, with an interest rate comparable to the infrastructure project under CPEC and promised that the Pakistani government would provide guarantees.
The share of each currency has not been indicated in the revised term sheet. China wants to give the $6 billion loan in RMB, as it competes with global dominance of the US dollar.

“Pakistan has not yet accepted the Chinese stance of getting a mix of commercial and concessionary loans,” said the sources. Both the sides have not converged on the loan payback period. China has proposed 15 to 20-year payback period, including a five-year grace period.
Pakistan has asked for a 25-year repayment period, including a 10-year grace period.
The Chinese ambassador to Pakistan, Nong Rong, on Friday met with Minister for Planning Asad Umar and discussed matters related to bilateral relations and projects under the CPEC and the upcoming Joint Cooperation Committee meeting, according to a Planning Ministry handout.
But the handout was silent on the the 10th JCC meeting date, which Pakistan has been trying to hold since October last year.
The sources said that Asad Umar pointed that a deal on ML-I was important to showcase the JCC as a successful event. The sources added China was reluctant to hold the JCC until it is assured that CPEC is fully back on track.
Both the sides have now agreed that a joint roadmap to push forward the ML-I project implementation that will entail confirming financial terms, launching bidding process and concluding the commercial contract, will be finalised.
Amazing Chinese strategy. First put Pakistan in debt trap under CPEC and then stop further loans because Pakistan can't pay previous loans 🤣

@Horus @waz @beijingwalker @Beast @ziaulislam @Patriot forever @Indus Pakistan @Del @Dual Wielder @Joe Shearer @jamahir @Verve @koolio @Mav3rick @Muhammad Omar

Sheeple..... This is fake news.....
Yes Pakistan can pay it back. It’s a chicken and egg problem. You will not have industrialization and growth unless your infrastructure bottlenecks are not removed.

That’s exactly what is happening. Past few years these bottlenecks have been addressed and now we are loving towards SEZs which will usher in economic and export growth. Which in turn will allow us to easily pay off the debt. As long as in the future we don’t waste it on orange lines.

we can’t sit and do nothing and doing something will require cash injections.
3b dollars lahore metro and several excess LNG/coal projects will not give any return

Nor will some sparingly used highways in rural balochistan
10b$ two nuclear plants may also be debatable when it comes to short term comitmants (though long term its solid investment)
Sheeple..... This is fake news.....
No its not
What china is saying is that u guys import everything and play PUBG all day and eat imported cheese/buy iphones..resulting in 24b$ CAD ..CAD resulted in IMF and IMF doesnt want u to have more loans

Now one would argue we have fix things but problem is people of pakistan dont like it..they want to go back to that deficit
This is what Pakistanis want.View attachment 742460
yes because the middle class likes it..

you have cheaper imported stuff, who doesnt like low inflation(due to flooding of imports) and cheap cheese

i certainly do
now this will cause a crash, but live your life today, forget about tomorrow, is the moto of pakistani middle class..

secondly they think like in last 30 yrs someone will come and bail them out ..mostly the arabs
what we need is true bankruptcy once so that people understand the consequences

Pakistanis are like spoiled children, they think their votes and support of corruption & currency manipulation has no consequences, because honestly they havent been much, overall we have been doing decently despite our reckless macroeconomic policies..Pakistan is a miracle
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