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China reducing army size ?


Jan 1, 2010
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China to downsize PLA by 7,00,000 | Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

China to downsize PLA by 7,00,000

October 2009
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Missiles, Space, Nuclear and Defence Review
International Defence Issues

Reports noted that China is planning to cut down the strength of the PLA by nearly 7,00,000 within the next 2-3 years to enable the country to “modernise its military capabilities.” Presently, PLA strength is around 2.185 million, with the army alone accounting for 1.6 million. Besides, China’s reserves and paramilitary forces constitute a further 1.5 million. Between 1985 and 2003, China reduced PLA strength by 1.7 million.

Can someone try to confirm this or is this bogus news ?
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It is a proposal to cut the non-combat units, who take a quite a chunk of our defense budget. These units are mostly for propaganda and entertainment, a relic from the Mao era and pointless in mordern combat. However I don't think it will be 700,000. More likely 300,000. The PLA will be much more efficient without those units.

China to downsize PLA by 7,00,000 | Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

China to downsize PLA by 7,00,000

October 2009
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Missiles, Space, Nuclear and Defence Review
International Defence Issues

Reports noted that China is planning to cut down the strength of the PLA by nearly 7,00,000 within the next 2-3 years to enable the country to “modernise its military capabilities.” Presently, PLA strength is around 2.185 million, with the army alone accounting for 1.6 million. Besides, China’s reserves and paramilitary forces constitute a further 1.5 million. Between 1985 and 2003, China reduced PLA strength by 1.7 million.

Can someone try to confirm this or is this bogus news ?
China air, naval boost risks raising tension
Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:17am EDT

EXCLUSIVE: China air, naval boost risks raising tension | Reuters
EXCLUSIVE: China air, naval boost risks raising tension | Reuters
EXCLUSIVE: China to cut army by 700,000 troops: sources
12:53am EDT

By Benjamin Kang Lim and Lucy Hornby

BEIJING (Reuters) - China plans to cut back its army and boost the navy and air force, sources with ties to the People's Liberation Army said, extending its military reach and risking greater regional tensions.

China, which celebrates the 60th founding of the People's Republic on Thursday with a massive military parade, aims to cut its army by 700,000 troops over two to three years as part of its drive to modernize the world's biggest military into a leaner high-tech force, the two sources said.

The PLA also plans to boost navy and air force personnel over that period, the sources said. Both requested anonymity to avoid repercussions for speaking to foreign reporters without authorization.

Xu Guangyu, a former PLA officer now at the government-backed China Arms Control and Disarmament Association, said he had not heard of the 700,000 figure but was sure cuts were coming.

"After several years there will have to be more reductions so we can continue improving weapons and creating crack troops," Xu told Reuters. "The land forces will remain dominant, but the navy and air force will rise as a proportion of the PLA."

China watchers are monitoring international deployments for signs of China's rising global status translating into a more assertive foreign policy and presence. Chinese warships steamed to waters off Somalia in December to help in anti-piracy patrols.

Recently, Chinese vessels have become involved in jostling with U.S. surveillance vessels in seas off the Chinese coast that Beijing claims are in its exclusive economic zone.

And China has never renounced the use of force to bring self-ruled and democratic Taiwan, which it considers sovereign territory, under its rule. But ties have improved since the election of Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou last year.

Increased Chinese military activity around a series of disputed atolls and rocks in the South China Sea has worried Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines, which have their own territorial claims. Japan urged China this week to cut its nuclear arsenal, illustrating its wariness of China's might.

"Cutting the army doesn't affect the rest of Asia very much, what people are concerned about is boosting the air force and navy, such as by having aircraft carriers," said Ikuo Kayahara, professor of security studies at Takushoku University and a retired major general in Japan's ground forces.

"If they are increasing them by the same amount as they cut the army, this is a very big problem. But I do wonder if it's actually possible."

Uday Bhaskar, of the National Maritime Foundation in India, which has long-festering border disputes with China, said any large army should concentrate on technology over manpower.

"For India, I think if the Chinese are able to implement this particular policy that they're now articulating, it would heighten the asymmetry between India and China in terms of straight military capacity in China's favor," he said.


The PLA was born out of the Red Army, a five-million-strong peasant army, and became the national armed force after Communist leader Mao Zedong swept to power 60 years ago.

The cuts to land forces and additions to the other arms of the military would mean that PLA troop numbers shrink from 2.3 million, but the final tally is unclear.

China has cut troop numbers in recent years to free up cash for better training and conditions and more advanced weapons. The navy is considering building an aircraft carrier.

Neither source was sure when the planned reduction would be announced. It needs the approval of the Communist Party's Central Military Commission, which is headed by President Hu Jintao.

One of the sources said China plans to retire and replace aged aircraft over the next three to five years. The streamlining will also involve hiving off military hospital personnel and performing troupes, the sources said.

Xu, the former PLA officer, said that under Beijing's long-term plan for military modernisation, reductions could happen gradually over the coming decade.

"Costs are rising, so we have to keep military spending in line with budgetary capacity," he said.

China's armed forces are far bigger than the world's second-largest military, that of the United States, whose forces number around 1.5 million.

Thursday will be marked by a show of military force along the Avenue of Eternal Peace, which is expected to feature an array of new and improved weaponry, including missiles.

President Hu has made the navy's modernization his personal project, but it has far from erased a technological gap with the United States and other major powers. The PLA Navy has about 290,000 personnel, many on aged vessels.

China has become increasingly vocal about its ambition to become a deep-water power, concluding it must master the logistical and technological demands of a blue water navy.

China boasts the world's third-largest air force, with about 400,000 personnel and 2,000 combat aircraft.

(Additional reporting by Ben Blanchard, Chris Buckley and Emma Graham-Harrison in BEIJING and by Isabel Reynolds in TOKYO; Editing by Nick Macfie)

© Thomson Reuters 2009 All rights reserved
The news was release on Oct, and I wrote this on July.

Friday, July 31, 2009

During the past few weeks, the Chinese internet was buzzing with speculation of a major military reorganization. Rumored organizational changes include merging of the existing seven military regions into four strategic zones, removal of the Senior Colonel rank, increasing the personnel of both the navy and the air force by 20,000 while downsizing the army by as much as 800,000. The reduction of military regions has been suggested from time-to-time since the late 1990s, for example, You Ji’s “The Armed Force of China” also discussed the strategic implication of reorganizing the existing seven military regions into strategic zones. While good arguments were made for such reform, the key point remains very simple -- is the CMC doing it?

I generally reserve a “stop-and-wait” attitude on topics related to the PLA, China, or whatever my wife may “cook” for dinner; it is positive to see Global Times taking a more active role in clarifying speculation so we don’t have to wait too long.
Why reorganize just move the extra soliders to Assam region , to protect the civilians of Assam , which is part of china
Why reorganize just move the extra soliders to Assam region , to protect the civilians of Assam , which is part of china

Didnt know that you redrawn the map ..send Indian government a copy too
is it is important to reduce forces for full modernization?
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Why reorganize just move the extra soliders to Assam region , to protect the civilians of Assam , which is part of china

I hope u mean Arunachal pradesh not assam which china is claiming as disputed territory....................... if its still Assam then :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
can you keep updating the downsizing news??? where will those retrenched army end up?? create social instability due to jobless or inappropriate jobs??
it's a wide spread rumor. Still evidences accumulate to show that PLA have the intention to downsize its army especially the non-combat part. But how much, when, all of this are much left to unknown.people believe that there will be an answer this year.
can you keep updating the downsizing news??? where will those retrenched army end up?? create social instability due to jobless or inappropriate jobs??

basically, the soilders and cadres who don't have the career path in the army will choose between a severance package or an arranged job when quit. I think some sections, e.g. performance, sports, and some business departments will be finally divided from the PLA.
can you keep updating the downsizing news??? where will those retrenched army end up?? create social instability due to jobless or inappropriate jobs??

With a projected 10% GDP growth over the next few years, a gradual reduction of army wouldn't cause a lot of jobless.
I encourage you to follow the postings of xinhui closely. He is a careful observer of the chinese military. One of the best. His thoughts on this area are usually well-taken.

You might wish to look him up here.

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