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China red-flags India’s entry into NSG, may push for Pakistan

NSG is for elite boss countries'. What India going to do in it? I dont think it can even afford to membership and renewal fees.
True, but still proliferating nuclear technology and then demanding incentives from a nuclear fuel regulating agency results into a moral dilemma.

Now the most common narrative presented is it was the good doctor's nexus who proliferated, not the state (a sort of non-state actor argument). How will NSG incentives or even membership envelope such misappropriations?
I completely agree
morality is the biggest victim here.

do we really need NSG group membership. we already have deals with Russia, france, USA , Australia regarding supply of nuclear fuel. what extra benefit will the membership bring to us?

NSG is for elite boss countries'. What India going to do in it? I dont think it can even afford to membership and renewal fees.
we are planning to borrow money from BD for membership fee.
. .
NSG is for elite boss countries'. What India going to do in it? I dont think it can even afford to membership and renewal fees.
Funny Bangladeshi slaves have this to say, yet India could over 30 years ago afford to save your pathetic nation from extensive genocide being done countesy of uniformed jihadis of Pakistan.

India on any given day has more funds. Pakistanis have learnt to cry shamelessly, no one will allow you into NSG for another 50-60 years :lock:. Your nation has no money, is run by unfirmed jihadists and everyone knows this except the Chinese, the chinese do have problems with vision, their eys are half closed anyways . Regardless of India being part of NSG or not, India will have extensive nuke trade with US/ Australia/ Japan/ France/ Russia and other nations.
NSG is for elite boss countries'. What India going to do in it? I dont think it can even afford to membership and renewal fees.

"It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it."

NSG stands for Nuclear suppliers group, they monitor/control the trading of fissile material used in reactors.
It has 48 members, Countries as small Cyprus, with just 20 Billion dollar economy are members of it.
. .
Basis of your super-indigenous-nuclear-program was proliferation. It was only because of you that regimes such as NSG came into existence. Who are you kidding here?

Our safety is any way better than the so called self proclaimed superpower that proliferated nuclear technology by leaking Nuke kit and technology to other nations including a South Asian nation.
Neither we stolen or bought anyone tech nor we proliferated our hard earned indigenous nuke tech.
I hope if US could gave us a waiver in NSG they can also ensure our memebership in NSG
Basis of your super-indigenous-nuclear-program was proliferation. It was only because of you that regimes such as NSG came into existence. Who are you kidding here?

Won't matter once we get in. 8-)

And get in we will. After all, once we have the necessary benefits we can get about on executing the long shopping list we have (we simply cannot build enough plants to meet our projected requirements, its an issue of quantity today rather than technology), and there are a lot of people who wish to pocket the money we will splurge on said list.:p:
Both India growing at a near double digit rate of growth and China slowing down are a distinct possibility(you can keep on adding a trillion dollars to your economy every year but growth wise you would still be falling and in long term its the growth rate that matters) as of now and this is supported by current projections and economic scenarios.

Thanks for conceding to to the fact that even if it takes half a century currently it seems that India will catch up to China. And moreover, 'half a century' is a blip in larger schemes of things. So, it really doesn't matter by when but one thing is sure that it will happen and that was the entire essence of my post. Let this sink in and you will realize that the facts you are quoting are known to everyone and everyone understands them, but at the same time everyone realizes that if any country in the world can stand upto China economically,it is India. So, India will get its due even if it takes a bit of time.

Also, India doesn't have to be economically equal to China to be heard at International forums. It just has to be big enough and this will happen sooner than 'half a century'.

So you're projecting 50 years into the future as absolute certainty now? Indians are sometimes known get overexcited and brag only to have reality hit them in the face. See my signature to refresh your memory.

Fact is, India has yet to surpass China's growth rates despite declaring that it would for years and years now. Let's see India grow faster than China just a little bit before crowing triumphant about India's "double digit growth" and future larger economy when present day India's economy is barely larger than Italy's. :rofl:

And by the way, India is nowhere close to a double digit growth rate. "India Shining" called - it wants its delusions back. :lol:
Basis of your super-indigenous-nuclear-program was proliferation. It was only because of you that regimes such as NSG came into existence. Who are you kidding here?

LOL exactly.

Even India having nukes, is against the NPT, to the greatest possible degree.

Not to mention the fiasco with the Canadian nuclear reactor (which Canada never agreed to).
Basis of your super-indigenous-nuclear-program was proliferation. It was only because of you that regimes such as NSG came into existence. Who are you kidding here?

Lol :lol:
You know the real motivation of our indigenous nuke program.Am I Right?If you dont then let me remind you.
India didnt have military and strategic mind until 1962.Chinese invasion at that year changed the scenario.That was our first motivation .2 years after that China tested their nukes for the first time.They got a lot of help from USSR during Cuban Missile Crisi.But at both time USSR rejected Nehrus plea for their tech support.
The then great socialist Nehru realized that the USSR was only cares about their interests.So he planned for an indigenous program .Dr Homi Baba was the first leader then it was flourished by Prof Raja Ramanna .
Second motivation was our bitter experience from US during 1971 .Two things happened at that time one was the intimidation of US using their nuke CBG.Second was efficency of Soviet interference and nuke sub.

Entire project was completely indigenous and we acquired the raw material from soil around Canada aided CANDU without their knowledge.
In 74 we tested our nuke device.Fact is we didnt have any help from outside not even from USSR.Only accidential help was from that Canadian reactor so they were the first one that sanctiined us .
And I agree with you .Our test was the main cause of the creation of NSG.And entire west angered against us .Because they couldnt recognise our resolve for indigenous production .

You can see our indigenousity in our continuing research .Now we are in the process of third stage of thorium cycle .And even advanced than some in west.
I already mentioned that in here.
But if we managed a seat in NSG (I am sure we will do that)
it would be real great irony.A group that was created against us will welcome us in a major position in there.

NSG is for elite boss countries'. What India going to do in it? I dont think it can even afford to membership and renewal fees.

We already got a unique waiver from there.
And a nation having a lot of lungi polevaulters dont need to concern about it.
the Problem with Indians is just because Obama visit their Country twice they, think the world is in their feet .. and everything is just dying to have good relationship with India , and blah blah blah ... dont fly so high , because when you fall , will hurt you more ..
Now Pakistan outranks India in nuclear safety.

Coz you doesn't have many N-reactors ?

A common Pakistani would be more happy having access to toilets than Pakistan becoming part of NSG

if you think your nuclear program is entirely indigenous then you are incredibly (hilariously) mis-informed

proof ?

And you better keep track of our advances in the field of nuclear reactors..;)

Indian nuclear devices tested = 6 and even those 6 tests were NOT conducted in 'real' conditions but under controlled environment. '

Epicnon sense.

. Exactly why does India have more right to nuclear weapons than North Korea, Iran, or Libya?

Shut up idiot

, India trying to send probes to Mars before China is not about jumping high to one-up China in the Asian space race?

Indian Mars mission has nothing to do with China.Stop being such a cheerleader.

A Q Khan sold his technology to india as well.

We were making N reactors long before AQ Khan even went to Germany

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