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“China ready to support Indian bid for UNSC”

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China's ties with Pakistan not at cost of India - Senior Chinese leader

A senior leader of the ruling party in China - Communist Party of China (CPC), currently on a visit to New Delhi, on Tuesday said that his country's proximity with Pakistan was "not at the cost of relations with India".

Vice-Minister of the CPC, Chen Jin said that China, India and Pakistan were the three major players in South Asia and also good neighbours.

Jin said: "China's relationship with Pakistan is not at the cost of its relationship with India." Complimenting India's "fast economic growth" and its growing stature, he said that China's rise should not be viewed as a "challenge" by any neighbouring country, as it prefers peace among all the three major players in the region.

Favouring a peaceful relationship among three countries, he said both India and Pakistan are "good neighbours" of China, and that Beijing does not want to see any conflict between the two nations.

He also noted that both India and China could together make great contribution to the world. "India has attained fast development in recent years. The combined population of China and India is one third of the total world population. I am sure by holding hand-in-hand, both the countries can make great contribution to the rest of the world," he added.

كونا : Beijing''s ties with Pak not at cost of India - Senior Chinese leader - الشؤون السياسية - 12/07/2011
The burden of proof is always on the one who makes the positive claim. :wave:.
Correct, you are the one who made the claim that there is no member who said that they would support India for veto.

Not one single P5 member, has said they they are willing to support India to get veto power.

Political talk is vague, and can be interpreted in many different ways.

If you can find a "direct" statement regarding veto power then I would like to read it.

And I'm saying that they have not denied it either. If they have, then find me the statement. Simple.

If such a statement actually exists, it can easily be found with a quick Google search.

Correct, so find me a statement which supports your claim.
Correct, you are the one who made the claim that there is no member who said that they would support India for veto.

LOL, that is not a "positive" claim. Notice the word "no".

To claim something exists, is a positive claim. I claimed it doesn't exist, and I challenge anyone to do a quick google search and prove me wrong.

Proving a negative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But instead of debating the semantics and wordplay, you could save a lot of time... and try to find a statement from any P5 member that shows them willing to give veto powers to any other country.

Just cut out all the fancy arguments, and find an actual statement.

Or just concede (as you will eventually have to) that you can't find one.
Chinese & Indian officials agree to further bilateral ties


Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo met with Sitaram Yechury, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) on Thursday, pledging to promote bilateral relations to a new high.

Bilateral relationship between China and India maintains a good momentum of development and faces unprecedented advancement opportunities, Dai said.

China and India are two biggest emerging and developing countries in the world, and strengthening communication and cooperation between the two sides will benefit both countries and be helpful in promoting the overall competitiveness and influence of developing countries, he added.

Dai noted that China, from a long-term strategic standpoint, is willing to work with India to increase mutual understanding and trust, expand the scope of communication and cooperation, and promote bilateral relations to a new high.

Yechury cited the huge potential for developing bilateral ties and expressed high expectations from Indian people and business society to cement cooperation between the two countries.

"The Communist Party of India hopes to play a positive role in maintaining the good development of bilateral relations and help further ties between the two sides." Yechury said.

Chinese, Indian officials agree to further bilateral ties
I don't think one should be too concerned about China.

It is the US which is the one to focus on.
And I'm saying that they have not denied it either.

I didn't say they denied it either. Just that none have given a statement in support of it.

In politics, if there is no direct statement, it doesn't count for anything. In fact, even when there is a direct promise, it is often ignored. As we often see, regarding "election promises".
LOL, that is not a "positive" claim. Notice the word "no".

To claim something exists, is a positive claim. I claimed it doesn't exist, and I challenge anyone to do a quick google search and prove me wrong.

Proving a negative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But instead of debating the semantics and wordplay, you could save a lot of time... and try to find a statement from any P5 member that shows them willing to give veto powers to any other country.

Just cut out all the fancy arguments, and find an actual statement.

Or just concede (as you will eventually have to) that you can't find one.

When did I make the positive statement? When did I say that every / any member is ready to give Veto to India?

Look at my statement again.

Is there a direct statement from any of P5 Member, which says that they would not support India for Veto?? If you can find it then I would like to read it.

May be you need some English reading / learning course.

You made the claim that there is "NO" member that has said that they would support India for Veto, and I'm saying that there is "NO" member who said that they would not. Is it a rocket science to understand? Lol
You made the claim that there is "NO" member that has said that they would support India for Veto, and I'm saying that there is "NO" member who said that they would not. Is it a rocket science to understand? Lol

I agree with both. :D

No P5 member has given any statement supporting India for veto power, nor has any country explicitly denied it.

Now that is over with, why on Earth would China ever support India for veto power? Why on Earth would America dilute their own veto power for India? India is always voting against the USA in the UNSC.

Anyway, according to the UN charter, you require unanimous support from ALL the P5 members, in order to modify the charter and to add new permanent members. So it is very difficult to even get the seat without veto power.

Charter of the United Nations: Chapter XVIII: Amendments
I didn't say they denied it either. Just that none have given a statement in support of it.

I didnt say that they given a statement in support of it. Just that no one denied.

In politics, if there is no direct statement, it doesn't count for anything.
You're right and that's what I'm saying. There is no direct statement from them about not supporting India for Veto.
I agree with both. :D

No P5 member has given any statement supporting India for veto power, nor has any country explicitly denied it.

That's what I was saying.

Now that is over with, why on Earth would China ever support India for veto power? Why on Earth would America dilute their own veto power for India? India is always voting against the USA in the UNSC.

The question should be, why on earth China and US ever support India for UNSC in the first place (If they have a problem with India)?

Anyway, according to the UN charter, you require unanimous support from ALL the P5 members, in order to modify the charter and to add new permanent members. So it is a very difficult to even get the seat without veto power.

That is correct. I agree with you. India has a long way to go.
Not one single P5 member, has said they they are willing to support India to get veto power.

Political talk is vague, and can be interpreted in many different ways.

If you can find a "direct" statement regarding veto power then I would like to read it.

wrong!! Dont know about others but vladimir putin at least clarified long back (2004) that india should have veto power


do a little googling before posting absurd claims
here's another link

Russia wants India in UNSC with veto power: Putin clarifies statement

NEW DELHI, Dec 4: Russia said on Saturday India should become a veto-wielding permanent member of the United Nations Security Council if the UN's top decision-making body is enlarged to reflect post-Cold War realities.

President Vladimir Putin gave the assurance after Indian newspapers interpreted comments he made on Friday as saying India should not be given veto powers.

Mr Putin said permanent members of the UN's top body should either all have a veto, or none of them should have it.

"I am convinced that permanent seats on the Security Council should have veto power, otherwise it would be a one-sided reform of the UN," he told reporters.

"If we agree that future permanent members of the Security Council should have no veto, the next step would not be giving these countries veto power but rather abolishing the veto."

But the Kremlin chief warned that scrapping the veto - often used by the Soviet Union during the Cold War - risked weakening the Council's effectiveness.

"The loss of this instrument for the United Nations would mean a loss of credibility of this organization in the world," he said on a visit to a joint Indian-Russian missile project.

Local newspapers led their Saturday editions with Putin's Friday comments on India's Security Council bid, a hot topic in the world's largest democracy after a UN working group released a reform blueprint this week.

India has joined Germany, Japan and Brazil lobbying for seats at the UN's top table. Russia is one of the five World War Two victors who are permanent Council members.

A decision on the shape of the reform is scheduled for the UN's 60th-anniversary meeting next September. To take effect, the reforms would require a two-thirds majority of the UN's 191 members and no veto from existing permanent members.

EFFECTIVENESS: Putin backed India as Russia's "No 1" candidate to become a permanent Security Council member after talks on Friday with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, but was unclear on India's call for veto power.

"We believe it would be absolutely unacceptable to erode the tools of the UN Security Council," he said on Friday. "Otherwise the UN would lose its weight and become some kind of discussion club like the League of Nations."

The Times of India's reaction was typical: "Putin vetoes India entry into UN Tier-1" read its front page headline.

The Indian Foreign Ministry said it had all been a misunderstanding, issuing a statement saying Mr Putin had categorically rejected the newspapers' version of his remarks.

"He said that he had emphasised the need of retaining the instrument of veto as a means of ensuring the effectiveness of the UN Security Council," the statement said.

"In extending full support to India's candidature, he felt that India as a new member should have the full rights of permanent members, including the right of veto," it added.

MISSILE COMPLEX: Mr Putin on Saturday inaugurated a joint Indian-Russian military and technology hardware venture in New Delhi.

The joint venture complex will manufacture the supersonic anti- ship BrahMos cruise missile under an agreement inked between the two countries in 1998.

India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Russia's Federal State Unitary Enterprise, NPO Mashinostroyenia (NPOM), are partners in the company.-Reuters/dpa
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