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“China ready to support Indian bid for UNSC”


Oct 20, 2009
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United States
China was ready to back India on United Nations Security Council reforms and delink its relationship with Pakistan to take forward ties, Chinese officials have said.

China was even ready to support India's move for a permanent seat on the UNSC if India did not associate its bid with Japan, top Chinese diplomats told Sitaram Yechury, Communist Party of India (Marxist) Polit Bureau member, in talks this week.

Mr. Yechury, who is here at the invitation of the Communist Party of China's (CPC) International Department, told Indian reporters that top Chinese officials, including State Councilor Dai Bingguo, who is China's highest-ranked diplomat, had made clear that they “sincerely want see a qualitative improve in relations with India.”

Mr. Dai also “bent over backwards” to explain that China was not against India's bid for a seat in the UNSC — a recent sticking point in the bilateral relationship. China is the only one of five permanent members that is yet to back India's bid.

Mr. Dai told Mr. Yechury that China's reluctance to voice support was more sourced in India's decision to put forward its bid along with Japan, Germany and Brazil, under the banner of the G4 group of nations. He said China could never accept Japan's bid because of “historical baggage”, and was hence opposed to the G4 grouping.

Mr. Yechury said Chinese officials also appeared to “give a signal” that they did not want to see ties with India “complicated” because of Beijing's ties with Islamabad. Mr. Dai also assured Mr. Yechury that China's presence in ***************** Kashmir (***) had been limited to “humanitarian assistance”.
So this is what the left parties have been discussing with the Chinese then.

Interesting development, what remains is wether India will go an put forward its bid seperately or still tag along with the G4? I think India would have a better chance of becoming a full member if it actually did go ahead alone.
I'm sure that if Yechury knows it, the Indian govt. has known China's stand all along.

Which is why I'm evermore hopeful of India-China ties improving a lot in the near future.

China and India are mature countries and they have what it takes to resolve disputes through dialogue.

India has already recognized Tibet as a part of China. No matter how symbolic that may be, it definitely matters when it comes to bilateral relationship.

If China too shows a bit more flexibility on issue like Kashmir and trade, the relations can advance into the next age.

China and India would do much better for themselves by being friends than by being enemies.

Let's see what the future heralds.
So this is what the left parties have been discussing with the Chinese then.

Interesting development, what remains is wether India will go an put forward its bid seperately or still tag along with the G4? I think India would have a better chance of becoming a full member if it actually did go ahead alone.

The G4 is dead, as was reported recently. Now each nation is on its own.

That should answer China's apprehensions.
the issue is the trust deficit between china and india...... I find it hard to believe that if india delinks itself from japan that the chinese will suddenly delink from pakistan and stop providing them with weapons as the article seems to suggest.... We can try to go alone and if china lives upto its promise, then its great but if it doesnt then we go back to the g4
May be the Chinese concerns are genuine, if India's ambition of UNSC are sincere, it is compelled to have alliances with right number and right kind of partners, and a change of strategy when needed should be the course of action, without antagonizing former alliances. Placating China is not the only concern, but I am happy that the Chinese leadership seems to exercise sound judgement in matters pertaining to India, unlike many belligerent Chinese posters who are out right racist towards Indians in this forum.
LOL.. @ ones who talked about we will veto.

Good going China.

Look for the actual quotes from the Chinese side, rather than the interpretation by the Indian media. Looks like India is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

1) If India continues to move forward with Japan as a part of the G4, there is zero chance they will get through. China, Russia and South Korea all oppose Japan's entry to the P5. Two of whom are veto members.

2) China never explicitly said that they would back India, if India ditches Japan and goes for an independent bid. So if India does indeed ditch Japan, they will have alienated a possible friend, and China is still under zero obligation to support India for a UNSC seat.

(Not that it matters, since the real power in the UNSC is the veto power. And so far, no one is willing to give that up.)
Look for the actual quotes from the Chinese side, rather than the interpretation by the Indian media. Looks like India is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

1) If India continues to move forward with Japan as a part of the G4, there is zero chance they will get through. China, Russia and South Korea all oppose Japan's entry to the P5. Two of whom are veto members.

2) China never explicitly said that they would back India, if India ditches Japan and goes for an independent bid. So if India does indeed ditch Japan, they will have alienated a possible friend, and China is still under zero obligation to support India for a UNSC seat.

(Not that it matters, since the real power in the UNSC is the veto power. And so far, no one is willing to give that up.)
VETO is additional benefit of permanent membership
VETO is additional benefit of permanent membership

Not one single P5 member, has said they they are willing to support India to get veto power.

Political talk is vague, and can be interpreted in many different ways.

If you can find a "direct" statement regarding veto power then I would like to read it.
What kind of child play is this??

"You dont talk to my enemy and I'll play with you. If you talk to my enemy then I won't play with you!!"

This was not expected from China. Like there is a saying in Hindi- "Sangat Ka Asar....!!"
Not one single P5 member, has said they they are willing to support India to get veto power.

Political talk is vague, and can be interpreted in many different ways.

If you can find a "direct" statement regarding veto power then I would like to read it.

Is there a direct statement from any of P5 Member, which says that they would not support India for Veto?? If you can find it then I would like to read it.
Is there a direct statement from any of P5 Member, which says that they would not support India for Veto?? If you can find it then I would like to read it.

The burden of proof is always on the one who makes the positive claim. :wave:

If such a statement actually exists, it can easily be found with a quick Google search.
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