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China ready to protect Sri Lanka: President Xi Jinping

Don't get fooled by CCP propaganda, Japan still patrols the Senkakus :tdown:

CMA still patrol Senkakus too. I don't know what are you trying to prove? Japan coast guard dare not even bump out our ship and just watch us roam around the island vincinity.

Rather its your propangada to claim IN are superior.. Which has been refuted by facts. :lol:
CMA still patrol Senkakus too. I don't know what are you trying to prove? Japan coast guard dare not even bump out our ship and just watch us roam around the island vincinity.

Rather its your propangada to claim IN are superior.. Which has been refuted by facts. :lol:

who said IN is superior?

Neigther Chinese Navy is not superior in IOR it is USN that is superior here even in Pacific Ocean.

India do have Island chain and logistic support which plays a key role if any chinese to come to our Backyard. Chinese will be hunted here :tup:

Chinese just roam around the islands But japanese control the Islands after all these warnings Chinese were humbled by Japanese in this issue :lol:
who said IN is superior?

Neigther Chinese Navy is not superior in IOR it is USN that is superior here even in Pacific Ocean.

India do have Island chain and logistic support which plays a key role if any chinese to come to our Backyard. Chinese will be hunted here :tup:

Chinese just roam around the islands But japanese control the Islands after all these warnings Chinese were humbled by Japanese in this issue :lol:

You did! How come now you back track? Scare off? :lol: You claim nobody dare to touch IN except USN but China is challenging IN in Indian Ocean with Sri Lanka and Pakistan new port. Now you go no balls to back your claim? :lol:

As for senkaku, they have no control over the sea vincinity. If we Chinese wanted to land we can do it too, Japanese is also not putting any personel there, what's the big issue?

Why not you ask yourself , Indian is so strong, claim back your territories near Kashmir from China...So I am using your logic, India is coward by not dare to do it? :lol:
You did! How come now you back track? Scare off? :lol: You claim nobody dare to touch IN except USN but China is challenging IN in Indian Ocean with Sri Lanka and Pakistan new port. Now you go no balls to back your claim? :lol:

As for senkaku, they have no control over the sea vincinity. If we Chinese wanted to land we can do it too, Japanese is also not putting any personel there, what's the big issue?

Why not you ask yourself , Indian is so strong, claim back your territories near Kashmir from China...So I am using your logic, India is coward by not dare to do it? :lol:

Yes we are claiming the territories of Kashmir and we will also take back our occupied territory. India stand on J and K never changed.

Yes we have seen how brave Chinese navy is when you people sent fishermen to fight a war :lol:
Yes we are claiming the territories of Kashmir and we will also take back our occupied territory. India stand on J and K never changed.

Yes we have seen how brave Chinese navy is when you people sent fishermen to fight a war :lol:

See, how brave Indian when they only know how to talk with delusion and avoid question being asked. How we you intend to take back from China? With you load of BS? :lol:

HOw do IN claimed superior when PLAN has way to land at your shore and chop you all up in pieces? While IN probably need to ask your men to swim to our shore or become sand bag practice for our guns? :lol:
See, how brave Indian when they only know how to talk with delusion and avoid question being asked. How we you intend to take back from China? With you load of BS? :lol:

HOw do IN claimed superior when PLAN has way to land at your shore and chop you all up in pieces? While IN probably need to ask your men to swim to our shore or become sand bag practice for our guns? :lol:

What ever you have posted here in this thread we have equivalent if not better Battle ships with Israeli tech.

Simple we will conquer China when China is busy fighting Japan , Vietnam and Philippines and take back our territories.

There is an alliance on the cards against China is Asia :cheers:

Tell to the brave Chinese fishermen that I have congratulated them for their Bravery and tell those PLA Navy sissies to make noodles.
India's only hope of countering China is by involving American forces. Otherwise, India has less than a Holy Mary chance of countering China.
What ever you have posted here in this thread we have equivalent if not better Battle ships with Israeli tech.

Simple we will conquer China when China is busy fighting Japan , Vietnam and Philippines and take back our territories.

There is an alliance on the cards against China is Asia :cheers:

Tell to the brave Chinese fishermen that I have congratulated them for their Bravery and tell those PLA Navy sissies to make noodles.

Talk is cheap. You think by just one sentence and can erase the inferior men and inferior equipments compare to PLAN? The world does not revolve around you. This world talks about facts and real power. You don't want to say more becos IN is indeed inferior. Trying to evade question and hide from reality will not cure IN inferior problem :lol:

Type 052C destroyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Type 071 amphibious transport dock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jingsah II class LCAC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anti-ballistic missile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Talk is cheap. You think by just one sentence and can erase the inferior men and inferior equipments compare to PLAN? The world does not revolve around you. This world talks about facts and real power. You don't want to say more becos IN is indeed inferior. Trying to evade question and hide from reality will not cure IN inferior problem :lol:

Type 052C destroyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Type 071 amphibious transport dock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jingsah II class LCAC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anti-ballistic missile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kolkata class destroyer, Shivalik class frigate, Kamorta class corvettes, Brahmos anti ship missiles, Naval MIG 29's :cheers:

Add to the list the invincible su 30 MKI armed with Brahmos supersonic anti ship cruise missile.

Add to that our missile bases at the tip of Malacca straits and thousands of Marines that will be there.

Oh ...................I forgot Chinese first have to overcome Japanese and Nato to enter IOR.
Kolkata class destroyer, Shivalik class frigate, Kamorta class corvettes, Brahmos anti ship missiles, Naval MIG 29's :cheers:

Add to the list the invincible su 30 MKI armed with Brahmos supersonic anti ship cruise missile.

Add to that our missile bases at the tip of Malacca straits and thousands of Marines that will be there.

Oh ...................I forgot Chinese first have to overcome Japanese and Nato to enter IOR.

Kolkata class destroyer?

Until now, it is still in this stage :lol:

Shivalik-class frigate with pathetic outdated shitl SAM slanted launcher system that cannot do multiple air target engagement.

Brahmos anti ship missiles , a missile Russian armed forces refused to enter their service. More or less tells you how good is it :lol:

SU-30 MKI is quite decent but sorry, thats in the airforce which will not have much outcome in power projection and not even bring to SCS shore.

And finally, PLAN is already at the front door of Indian Ocean. Until now IN has not demonstrated any modern capabilities of amphibious warfare. :lol:
Kolkata class destroyer?

Until now, it is still in this stage :lol:

Shivalik-class frigate with pathetic outdated shitl SAM slanted launcher system that cannot do multiple air target engagement.

Brahmos anti ship missiles , a missile Russian armed forces refused to enter their service. More or less tells you how good is it :lol:

SU-30 MKI is quite decent but sorry, thats in the airforce which will not have much outcome in power projection and not even bring to SCS shore.

All the destroyers,Frigates and Corvettes of IN will be armed with BARAK SAM which can be compared to Aegis defense shield of USA.

SU 30 MKI are bought extra 45(roughly) in numbers only for anti ship role, It seems you lack the info. of IN.

Read my post correctly SU 30's have a range to kill a ship if armed with Brahmos missile.
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