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China ready to protect Sri Lanka: President Xi Jinping

China without a single base in IOR will control it , funny .Atleast US has a base here.PLAN can do squat in IOR.

Who said anything about China controlling the Indian Ocean?

Read carefully and you will see that I said that currently the US Navy controls the IOR but that China will start contesting from the next decade onwards. China will first concentrate it's resources in SCS and the Western Pacific before it commits it's Navy to IOR in a major way but you can be sure that it will station major resources including a full carrier battle group into the IOR sometime in the next decade.

These two, US and China, will be so far ahead of any other countries in military capabilities that it is not worth talking about anyone else.

In next few decades , China will find it difficult to control SCS , let alone project power in IOR.

China will dominate the SCS and the Western Pacific up to Hawaii by 2030. This is a long-term Chinese goal and there is nothing any country, not even the US, can do about this.

Why would Russia or UK do that ?? Because a bangladeshi has wetdreamsaboutthat..............:omghaha:

The point is that they could if they wanted to.

I said it to illustrate that if India can't even take on the UK and Russian Navy's highly advanced SSNs, which are many generations more advanced than your Arihant SSN, then you have no credibility to claim that Indian can control IOR.
Quoted for truth.....

Fellow Indians - you have to get this into your head

What so special in it? Every country is looking for their advantage. I really don't understand why Indians think we should support India over China.
What so special in it? Every country is looking for their advantage. I really don't understand why Indians think we should support India over China.

Nothing special - it is more practical - But I wanted the Indians to come out of the delusions that SL will support India with this news - I am waiting to see this news in the Indian new media - SL has not supported India ever - neither in 1971 nor anytime now or in future. Indian strategies for the past decade and a half has been knee jerk reactions and at best formulated taking into consideration that SL can be on its side. Now they will wake up.
Who said anything about China controlling the Indian Ocean?

Read carefully and you will see that I said that currently the US Navy controls the IOR but that China will start contesting from the next decade onwards. China will first concentrate it's resources in SCS and the Western Pacific before it commits it's Navy to IOR in a major way but you can be sure that it will station major resources including a full carrier battle group into the IOR sometime in the next decade.

These two, US and China, will be so far ahead of any other countries in military capabilities that it is not worth talking about anyone else.

The resources that China will need in SCS and western pacific will be enough to exhaust them.

There is a lot of difference between neighbours China and India have .Apart from pakistan , no neighbour of India is worth talking about .They are puny and will have nill effect even if all of their powers combined.

OTOH if you look at china most of their neighbours are respected military powers.To think that PLAN will have sufficient force level to counter SCS , western pacific and IOR is nothing but BS.

China will dominate the SCS and the Western Pacific up to Hawaii by 2030. This is a long-term Chinese goal and there is nothing any country, not even the US, can do about this.

Wishfull thinking and explained above.

The point is that they could if they wanted to.

I said it to illustrate that if India can't even take on the UK and Russian Navy's highly advanced SSNs, which are many generations more advanced than your Arihant SSN, then you have no credibility to claim that Indian can control IOR.

Russia or UK is not going to field their SSN in IOR and neither is Arihant a SSN.

You are just counting of hypothetical scenarios .How about this one??

China can't even take on the US Navy's highly advanced SSNs, which are many generations more advanced than their Type whatever SSN . So how are they going to project power in IOR when they cannot field it in their background.
Indian Navy cannot dominate IOR when SL sits at the southern tip of India. SL can check both Eastern and Western seaboards of India.

apparently you are living in some other world. IN is patrolling the entire IOR from the mallaca straits to the persian gulf. time 4 u to open the internet and start doing some research. and SL is co-operating with the IN

:omghaha: Just exactly tell me how India do that?

again, time 4 u to start the research

It depends on the situation. Currently India isn't performing well but China is leading the way and gap between India and China will increase more in next decade. so if Sri Lanka sees an advantage surely Sri Lanka and Sri Lankans will go for it.

the "gap" increase is exaggerated here in this pakistani forum. IN uses high tech stuff and has exceptional record in warfare while PLAN has none.
Who said anything about China controlling the Indian Ocean?

Read carefully and you will see that I said that currently the US Navy controls the IOR but that China will start contesting from the next decade onwards. China will first concentrate it's resources in SCS and the Western Pacific before it commits it's Navy to IOR in a major way but you can be sure that it will station major resources including a full carrier battle group into the IOR sometime in the next decade.

These two, US and China, will be so far ahead of any other countries in military capabilities that it is not worth talking about anyone else.

China will dominate the SCS and the Western Pacific up to Hawaii by 2030. This is a long-term Chinese goal and there is nothing any country, not even the US, can do about this.

The point is that they could if they wanted to.

I said it to illustrate that if India can't even take on the UK and Russian Navy's highly advanced SSNs, which are many generations more advanced than your Arihant SSN, then you have no credibility to claim that Indian can control IOR.

So much bull$hit in ine post, that I dont even know if its worth my time correcting all the errors you have made in your ideal delusionary assumption-ful world...
Russia or UK is not going to field their SSN in IOR and neither is Arihant a SSN.

You are just counting of hypothetical scenarios .How about this one??

China can't even take on the US Navy's highly advanced SSNs, which are many generations more advanced than their Type whatever SSN . So how are they going to project power in IOR when they cannot field it in their background.

Thank you for admitting that Indian Navy will be powerless against a force of UK SSN's for example.

There goes your dream of controlling Indian Ocean as you could not even defeat the Navy of a small country on the other side of the world:lol:

Please now stop talking about dominating IOR as it is making too many people laugh here with incredulity.:lol:
the "gap" increase is exaggerated here in this pakistani forum. IN uses high tech stuff and has exceptional record in warfare while PLAN has none.

so IN uses high tech stuff and has exceptional record in warfare but PLAN has none? :D Hummm Hummmmmmm...
Thank you for admitting that Indian Navy will be powerless against a force of UK SSN's for example.

Were did I say that ??

As I said earlier , You guys are the most delusional people in this world.

There goes your dream of controlling Indian Ocean as you could not even defeat the Navy of a small country on the other side of the world:lol:

More BS .

Please now stop talking about dominating IOR as it is making too many people laugh here with incredulity.:lol:

The only ones laughing here are Indians who are getting a spectacular show of cheer-leading performed by a fellow neighbour .............:wave:
Indians should realize they have only one real friend in this world - Pakistan :lol:
apparently you are living in some other world. IN is patrolling the entire IOR from the mallaca straits to the persian gulf. time 4 u to open the internet and start doing some research. and SL is co-operating with the IN

I didn't say we are capable of that. I said we can if we have the resources, such as GLCMs, S-300 and panitser systems.

again, time 4 u to start the research

No mate it's time for you to start researching.
Nothing special - it is more practical - But I wanted the Indians to come out of the delusions that SL will support India with this news - I am waiting to see this news in the Indian new media - SL has not supported India ever - neither in 1971 nor anytime now or in future. Indian strategies for the past decade and a half has been knee jerk reactions and at best formulated taking into consideration that SL can be on its side. Now they will wake up.

Sashan jee North India has no issues with Sri Lanka, you should be the one waking up to this fact. It seems like you are trying to create enmity between the peaceful (?) nations of India and Sri Lanka for very selfish reasons :lol:
The problem is Indians is trying to seek friendship with countries who are not going to be their friends ever - SL, China - both for example the topic of discussions here - They pussyfoot in nurturing friendships with likeminded countries like Vietnam(for fear of hurting China) and US(just because the neighbors had it bad) - Indians need to build strong alliances - Vietnam, US, Japan, Australia and South Korea is a far far strong alliance than say - India, Maldives, SL etc - This knee jerk reaction is not needed and it not yet late yet - India need to speed up their defence procurements - ACs - get the damn stuff from Russia and get the indigenous stuff built quickly - with 3 ACs it is far more formidable - Sign the lease for the second nuclear Submarine with Russia and get it here quickly and deploy Arihant - so it will have 3 nuclear powered submarines and speed up the production of Scorpenes - it will be much more formidable in Indian Ocean - PLAN needs a decade to strengthen their blue water capabilities.

And most of all grow a political will. Otherwise all the capabilities India has and will have in future is futile.

Sashan jee North India has no issues with Sri Lanka, you should be the one waking up to this fact. It seems like you are trying to create enmity between the peaceful (?) nations of India and Sri Lanka for very selfish reasons :lol:

I am not going to respond to your baits mate - Seek to fish somewhere else.
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