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China ready to protect Sri Lanka: President Xi Jinping

sri lanka has 20 million people, Bangladesh more than 150 million. When I look at SA neighbors I see potential regional powers and in a group including China potential global powers like Japan. I don't see them as worse, but smaller. I don't see them as basket case, I see not yet developed.

The Muslim people are people rich in tradition and great in ingenuity. Just look at the Umayyad Caliphate. What ever the christians can do the Muslims can do maybe better. Just not yet.

Indian AC is worse than the Chinese piece of crap Liaoning that China has right now. Chinese navy though not experienced in real combat, is built indigenous and with exports the standard has gone up considerably.

It's not only that, Like WW2 Japan and US, China can out produce India 2-1 or even 3 or 4 to 1, so in a war that last a year, Indian navy will decrease in size, China will increase. That's the power of a indigenous industry.

This is like China is learning a baseball. China doesn't swing bats and catch balls immediately, She builds up endurance, studies the sport and eats right. When the time comes, She will be able to play with the pros. Unlike India who swings the bat right off the bat and doing fancy things, it may look nice, but in the end with no basics, She has a ceiling.

China looks military equipment looks bad now, but after the training wheels come off, she will be able to soar, while India has a few advanced weaponry, with no indigenous weapons industry, with each passing year, it will be more and more apparent China has better equipments. Because there is no way US is selling their most advanced weapon, what are you going to do when China matches the US? Who are you going to buy from?

As to your last point, Chinese will treat its neighbors with respect, as long as it treats China the respect it deserves. Did you know during the Ming dynasty nations love to pay tribute to China because they get nice accommodations, audience with the emperor regardless of their size, and trade agreements as well as treasures they can take back.

China is kind and generous as long as you play with Chinese rules. China is westernized, but NOT western. So colonization will never happen.
So far I've seen my indian brothers are boasting how IN will dominate Indian ocean, they will induct several CBGs, AEWACS, Destroyers etc in near future. I agree and am fully confident that IN will surely do that. But IN fan boys keep forgetting that No other country in the region will sit idly and watch IN grow.China is already beating india in inducting process and more on, Chinese are inducting maximum Indigenous warmachines. In actual war scenerio which is an extremely important factor. On the other hand Pakistani Navy is also stepping up with new induction plans. So is BD and Srilanka. Though at present BD, PN, SLN are no match for IN individually, but after a decades or so putting all these navies together against IN, It has no chance. India's security lies in good relation with neighboring countries in the region and ensuring that they will not go against IN in an worst case scenario. Just keep in mind, while you are building, so is everyone else now. It is not 20th century now, it is 21st..
So far I've seen my indian brothers are boasting how IN will dominate Indian ocean, they will induct several CBGs, AEWACS, Destroyers etc in near future. I agree and am fully confident that IN will surely do that. But IN fan boys keep forgetting that No other country in the region will sit idly and watch IN grow.China is already beating india in inducting process and more on, Chinese are inducting maximum Indigenous warmachines. In actual war scenerio which is an extremely important factor. On the other hand Pakistani Navy is also stepping up with new induction plans. So is BD and Srilanka. Though at present BD, PN, SLN are no match for IN individually, but after a decades or so putting all these navies together against IN, It has no chance. India's security lies in good relation with neighboring countries in the region and ensuring that they will not go against IN in an worst case scenario. Just keep in mind, while you are building, so is everyone else now. It is not 20th century now, it is 21st..

India may dominate around its peninsula but beyond that the smaller countries or for that sake China need to take into consideration the grand daddy who is sitting in Diego Garcia, USA. With Obama's Asia pivot policy which is geared towards containing China, how much leeway China will have operating in the Indian Ocean - this is after taking on countries like Vietnam, Japan and SK(with US supporting them) in the South China Sea. So why is everyone forgetting if China can get into Indian Ocean, it will not just have to face India but USA as well - and the same can't be done by India getting into SCS? India is already exploring Oil but is hesitant to take on China in SCS. But once China starts to show its cards, India will have to play its cards - not that it wants to but will forced to. India does not have the strategic vision but once has her task cut out has played a hard ball always. Looking at her history that has always been the case - 1961-62 - defeat at the hands of China forced India to build the army which is formidable now that China will not have a easy time with India in the Himalayan border. Likewise if PLAN starts to operate in the Indian Ocean building the pearls, India will only strengthen her navy quickly and if she still feels weak, will go for an alliance with USA - Just like it did in 1971 when it signed the friendship treaty with USSR before taking on Pakistan and severing its eastern arm. So if China can forge a strong alliance, India can do so as well which will include stronger nations like Japan,SK,Vietnam,Australia along with USA - do not forget the saying Good for the goose....
India may dominate around its peninsula but beyond that the smaller countries or for that sake China need to take into consideration the grand daddy who is sitting in Diego Garcia, USA. With Obama's Asia pivot policy which is geared towards containing China, how much leeway China will have operating in the Indian Ocean - this is after taking on countries like Vietnam, Japan and SK(with US supporting them) in the South China Sea. So why is everyone forgetting if China can get into Indian Ocean, it will not just have to face India but USA as well - and the same can't be done by India getting into SCS? India is already exploring Oil but is hesitant to take on China in SCS. But once China starts to show its cards, India will have to play its cards - not that it wants to but will forced to. India does not have the strategic vision but once has her task cut out has played a hard ball always. Looking at her history that has always been the case - 1961-62 - defeat at the hands of China forced India to build the army which is formidable now that China will not have a easy time with India in the Himalayan border. Likewise if PLAN starts to operate in the Indian Ocean building the pearls, India will only strengthen her navy quickly and if she still feels weak, will go for an alliance with USA - Just like it did in 1971 when it signed the friendship treaty with USSR before taking on Pakistan and severing its eastern arm. So if China can forge a strong alliance, India can do so as well which will include stronger nations like Japan,SK,Vietnam,Australia along with USA - do not forget the saying Good for the goose....

Exactly, India have to forge alliance. But if India tilt towards USA, then it will face a new dilemma - Russia. Remember most of your arms are of Russian origin ( till now ) So India must play carefully. Russia will never allow USA to dominate in its Sphere of influence and interest. Then It will tilt more toward the biggest daddy for this region- China. I am not considering PN, and any other small countries though they are somewhat powerful. But Russia and China together is a bit overwhelming for US even with India.
Then you should not have India intervening in South China sea? After all you neighbours also want India there

the difference is the primitive indian cant do anything to assist those South China sea clowns``your factor driven society neither has any economical influences or high tech capabilities to assist them```

besides, even they wanted india there, but they know your symbolic trait of being lazy and big mouth while wont get anything done without any foreign direct imports
Exactly, India have to forge alliance. But if India tilt towards USA, then it will face a new dilemma - Russia. Remember most of your arms are of Russian origin ( till now ) So India must play carefully. Russia will never allow USA to dominate in its Sphere of influence and interest. Then It will tilt more toward the biggest daddy for this region- China. I am not considering PN, and any other small countries though they are somewhat powerful. But Russia and China together is a bit overwhelming for US even with India.

Russia is already focused towards strengthening SCO to take on USA and will leave out India unless India converts her projected potential into the actual strength in the next 1 or 2 decades. If India realizes the potential,then India will forge something of a strong alliance with Russia while Russia will ditch China else India will have no other option other than go with USA as on her own she can't take on China-Pakistan axis while Russia will watch from the sidelines but provide indirect support to China-Pakistan alliance due to SCO. So it will be wait and watch for the next 2 decades. It is upto India to be a big screw-up or a formidable power.
Russia is already focused towards strengthening SCO to take on USA and will leave out India unless India converts her projected potential into the actual strength in the next 1 or 2 decades. If India realizes the potential,then India will forge something of a strong alliance with Russia while Russia will ditch China else India will have no other option other than go with USA as on her own she can't take on China-Pakistan axis while Russia will watch from the sidelines but provide indirect support to China-Pakistan alliance due to SCO. So it will wait and watch for the next 2 decades. It is upto India to be a big screw-up or a formidable power.

I agree with most of your facts. But Russia will never ever ditch china, even if wants to do so. It simply can't risk it. And for India's dilemma, India has much more to gain if it plays clever. IMO India should solve all the regional disputes with BD, SL and MN. If India loses BD to China as an alliance as it lost SL, india will face a hard time.For SCO and china pak alliances india can push russia. But instead it chose it bring us in the picture. Though US is the DADDY but here its an alien for Russia and China. SO India should take a stand and push Russia to counter China instead of bringing USA which surely will make Russia and China closure.As a consequence more will follow.
What a cheap shot.

Then I challenged you back. You can't even take on S.L, how can you handle China?

When did Japanese send warship? You must have too many BS info feeding from western or India media? You Indian like to distort and lie things. Shame on you. :lol:


you got this part right```well, at the end day they are indians``:no:
I agree with most of your facts. But Russia will never ever ditch china, even if wants to do so. It simply can't risk it. And for India's dilemma, India has much more to gain if it plays clever. IMO India should solve all the regional disputes with BD, SL and MN. If India loses BD to China as an alliance as it lost SL, india will face a hard time.For SCO and china pak alliances india can push russia. But instead it chose it bring us in the picture. Though US is the DADDY but here its an alien for Russia and China. SO India should take a stand and push Russia to counter China instead of bringing USA which surely will make Russia and China closure.As a consequence more will follow.

I see it as tripolar or bipolar here.

If India realises its potential, then it is Russia/India vs China/Pakistan/some other states in Indian Ocean vs USA/Japan/SK - Not sure about Vietnam as it might go with the first alliance or the last one but not the middle one.

If India does not realise its potential - Russia/China/Pakistan/some other states vs USA/India/Japan/SK/Vietnam

- So it is too early to see how things fall in place but the next decade will be interesting - Personally I want India to have a strong leader who can focus on growth.
@KS @Rajaraja Chola - naam ilangaiyai namba koodathunu sonna pothu sagainthiyargal ayyo naam avangala seenadesathu pakkam annupividuvoomnu sonaargal - ippozhuthu intha seithi - :frown:
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the difference is the primitive indian cant do anything to assist those South China sea clowns``your factor driven society neither has any economical influences or high tech capabilities to assist them```

besides, even they wanted india there, but they know your symbolic trait of being lazy and big mouth while wont get anything done without any foreign direct imports

Who said... your Government? :lol:
So far I've seen my indian brothers are boasting how IN will dominate Indian ocean, they will induct several CBGs, AEWACS, Destroyers etc in near future. I agree and am fully confident that IN will surely do that. But IN fan boys keep forgetting that No other country in the region will sit idly and watch IN grow.China is already beating india in inducting process and more on, Chinese are inducting maximum Indigenous warmachines. In actual war scenerio which is an extremely important factor. On the other hand Pakistani Navy is also stepping up with new induction plans. So is BD and Srilanka. Though at present BD, PN, SLN are no match for IN individually, but after a decades or so putting all these navies together against IN, It has no chance. India's security lies in good relation with neighboring countries in the region and ensuring that they will not go against IN in an worst case scenario. Just keep in mind, while you are building, so is everyone else now. It is not 20th century now, it is 21st..

:lol:....pakistan, china, BD, SL navies together against India???? :rofl:....only BD dreamers could conjure up such wet dreams.

If i were thinking like BD posters, it would be US+ Russia+ India against China and the next superpower BD. :rofl:
:lol:....pakistan, china, BD, SL navies together against India???? :rofl:....only BD dreamers could conjure up such wet dreams.

If i were thinking like BD posters, it would be US+ Russia+ India against China and the next superpower BD. :rofl:
Either you are a brainless bot or you haven't read my post carefully. Please read my post and also the replies of @Sashan , your fellow countrymen, to get some knowledge about informative and constructive reply. Thanks.
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