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China Ranks Last in Importance of Religion, Research Shows

But China is being threatened by something worse than opium or external threat.

Christianity--the opium of the 21st century.

In East Asian cultures, religion tends to become important in the face of personal crisis.

Why the crazy rise in Christian interest in China? My wife says many of her friends are "suddenly" into it and that is all they talk about on WeChat. She finds it bizarre.
Why the crazy rise in Christian interest in China? My wife says many of her friends are "suddenly" into it and that is all they talk about on WeChat. She finds it bizarre.
Don't take them seriously, they know nothing about Christianity, they just think that being a self claimed Christian which is super rare in China is super cool. kind of trendy among teenagers and they will soon grow out of it.
Don't take them seriously, they know nothing about Christianity, they just think that being a self claimed Christian which is super rare in China is super cool. kind of trendy among teenagers and they will soon grow out of it.

They are in the 45-50 age group
Why the crazy rise in Christian interest in China? My wife says many of her friends are "suddenly" into it and that is all they talk about on WeChat. She finds it bizarre.
the god of the bible revels how sin is deal judicially & experientially. It is a reliable book in its historical & prophecy contents esp with regards to israel.
the god of the bible revels how sin is deal judicially & experientially. It is a reliable book in its historical & prophecy contents esp with regards to israel.

I'm more inclined to believe people are simply "covering all the bases". If they see westerners "into" it maybe there is at least some possibility there is something to this...so they don't want to get left out.
I'm more inclined to believe people are simply "covering all the bases". If they see westerners "into" it maybe there is at least some possibility there is something to this...so they don't want to get left out.
there may be a genuine few to find the pearl....who knows...in the future, seeds sprouting

many may hear the gospel but a few only find it....it is not like fashion trend
But we also have to remember that where faith is predominant i.e. China and Japan, they are very cultural and this holds sway amongst the masses. I also refuse to believe that faith leads to backwardness, if that was so why were some of the greatest scientific minds this planet has ever produced religious e.g. Newton, Pascal, Galilei, al-Khwārizmī'? It should be said that faith should work alongside rational development. As Galilei famously said "mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe".
Even if you take out religion in the equation, there will still be conflicts and wars.

The only time conflicts and wars would disappear is either we lose our freedom on everything and become drones... or humanity is exterminated/goes extinct.

Yes, humanity is fcuked up with or without religion.

People created god in their own image and in this, God and religion is greatly flawed.

The ideals of Heaven itself is an adolescent boys wishful thinking and as @TaiShang pointed out earlier, dumbass fcukers would treat this world with reckless abandon and contempt in return for their perceived ideal afterlife that sounds like a poorly written R rated film.

I have given up on god after the true god got repeatedly strafed by biplanes causing him to fall off the Empire states building in the 1930s. My god was no less than any other god.
I have given up on god after the true god got repeatedly strafed by biplanes causing him to fall off the Empire states building in the 1930s.

That's only 1 theory. Others say he intentionally jumped or Ann pushed him off. The entire video looked fabricated.

Why the crazy rise in Christian interest in China? My wife says many of her friends are "suddenly" into it and that is all they talk about on WeChat. She finds it bizarre.
Christianity has entered China over half millennium ago, but it then disappeared itself. The current revitalization of Christianity purely is the result of the inside emptiness of some old men and women who have retired or will retire, that we called “吃饱了撑的”(if don't understand it ask your wife to explain this sentence to you).
Christianity has entered China over half millennium ago, but it then disappeared itself. The current revitalization of Christianity purely is the result of the inside emptiness of some old men and women who have retired or will retire, that we called “吃饱了撑的”(if don't understand it ask your wife to explain this sentence to you).

:omghaha: Maybe because Chinese women are retired too early. Most of them retired at the age of 50-55. If they have to keep working into 65-67 like those in the US, they would not have so much time for that "吃饱了撑的“, and we wouldn't see so many "大妈” dancing in every street corner.
:omghaha: Maybe because Chinese women are retired too early. Most of them retired at the age of 50-55. If they have to keep working into 65-67 like those in the US, they would not have so much time for that "吃饱了撑的“, and we wouldn't see so many "大妈” dancing in every street corner.

That would be an interesting explanation but it doesn't explain her ex-classmates who are men (and some have gone pretty nutty....as in door to door Jehova Witness type nutty). However maybe it is possible they have had some personal crisis (job, family, etc) and they turn to religion as an outlet. But most are just moderate so not sure if a small crisis would push a person into being simply moderately religious.

She also thinks they seem to believe EVERYBODY over here is religious (just like some people on PDF think all of the USA walks into churches in Sundays)
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