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China ranks first worldwide in PV power capacity

China and Korea are equal in mainstream display technology which is currently LCD.

OLED and QD are promotional technologies which hasn't taken off which disqualify it from the comparison as promotional technologies can be used in anything to claim superiority. Anyone from any industry can come up with promotional technologies and boast about how they are the industry leader. That's not how it works.

QD has a significantly greater chance of becoming mainstream due to its lower cost compared to OLED. QD production don't need to create new production facilities which saves on cost.


I am still waiting your evidence. Not your reposting empty claim from thin air.

Sad to see you are humiliating yourself by demonstrating intellectual deficiency.

Why would anyone pay 3 times the price for an OLED tv when you can get the same picture quality with QD?

I've debunked your so called "proof" already. You've been exposed as a fraud!

Who said QD will have the same quality as OLED?

As told you many times, the price will be cheaper in years to come.

I am still waiting your evidence. Not your reposting empty claim from thin air.

Sad to see you are humiliating yourself by demonstrating intellectual deficiency.

Who said QD will have the same quality as OLED?

As told you many times, the price will be cheaper in years to come.

Your list of sectors which Korea is ahead of China has shrunk from 13 to 1. I think it's YOU that's been throughly humiliated.

We've posted many links on why QD is equal to OLED in picture quality. I'm not here to spoon feed you. Go find it from the other thread yourself.

Your list of sectors which Korea is ahead of China has shrunk from 13 to 1. I think it's YOU that's been throughly humiliated.

Not really. I have proven you in the very beginning based on survey from ministry of science - ICT & Future Planning, that there are still gaps in industrial technology between China and Korea, where Korea is ahead.

You prove nothing. Your denial is not evidence.


We've posted many links on why QD is equal to OLED in picture quality. I'm not here to spoon feed you. Go find it from the other thread yourself.

Really? which links? where?

This is my evidence, why QD is not as good as OLED:

This is why Quantum Dots aren’t quite as good as OLED in 4K TVs

However, where QD technology still falls way behind OLED is in how it represents black. In this, OLED truly shines and does so by not shining at all.

Where is your evidence/link that prove the opposite?? I bet you will fail again.


Which one?

Why dont you answer my questions that I have been waiting for so long? You have many outstanding unanswered questions.
Let's see what my original point was about.

I said China being the largest solar market in the world will allow Chinese companies to survive. China will have about 5 big solar companies after the industry goes through a consolidation process. Smaller companies are either bought by bigger companies or they are allowed to go bankrupt. This is what happens to every mature industry.

Chinese solar companies are currently adjusting to supplying the Chinese market since they overproduced as they anticipated European demand to continue and didn't anticipate trade protectionism from Europe.

Chinese solar demand will continue to increase and it will be Chinese solar companies that will supply that demand.

If China didn't have solar demand, then China won't have solar companies as foreign markets will introduce trade protectionism to eliminate Chinese companies.

Europe failed in its goal to eliminate the Chinese solar industry. Europe thought that once they introduce trade protectionism that the Chinese solar companies would be liquidated and there won't be any competition for European solar companies. But China decided to expand its own solar demand which can compensate for European demand.

As TaiShang have pointed out, Chinese solar demand will increase enormously over the next few years.

Guess who will supply that demand?

Chinese companies :coffee:

You are misrepresenting (LOL-probably a job description) reasons for EU fines. They happened after dumping of products in EU and US, and with it, the market closed. So...CCP started to champion Chinese domestic market in order to save an industry plagued by overcapacity and indebtedness while looking good on "war on pollution" and preventing mass layoffs like the recent mining and steelery, which coincidentally follow in the same fotsteps as Chinese PV a few years ago.
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Not really. I have proven you in the very beginning based on survey from ministry of science - ICT & Future Planning, that there are still gaps in industrial technology between China and Korea, where Korea is ahead.

You prove nothing. Your denial is not evidence.


Really? which links? where?

This is my evidence, why QD is not as good as OLED:

This is why Quantum Dots aren’t quite as good as OLED in 4K TVs

However, where QD technology still falls way behind OLED is in how it represents black. In this, OLED truly shines and does so by not shining at all.

Where is your evidence/link that prove the opposite?? I bet you will fail again.

Which one?

Why dont you answer my questions that I have been waiting for so long? You have many outstanding unanswered questions.


So your "evidence" is a biased survey done by South Korea? That's your "evidence"?

You really are a joke.

LOL having more black is not a reason to pay 3 times the price for OLED. Most people actually don't even want deeper blacks. You're reasoning is beyond laughable.

J20blackdragon posted a lot of evidence on automotive and pharmaceutical that you still haven't answered.

You want to dodge his evidence and post laughable claims of your own.

You are misrepresenting (LOL-probably a job description) reasons for EU fines. They happened after dumping of products in EU and US, and with it, the market closed. So...CCP started to champion Chinese domestic market in order to save an industry plagued by overcapacity and indebtedness while looking good on "war on pollution" and preventing mass layoffs like the recent mining and steelery, which coincidentally follow in the same fotsteps as Chinese PV a few years ago.

LOL EU used trade protectionism after they saw Chinese solar companies grabbing market share from European companies. Europe wanted to protect its companies from going out of business as Chinese companies offered a similar technology at an affordable cost which consumers desire.

China has domestic steel companies as China has the largest steel market. Chinese steel suppliers supply that demand. There will always be Chinese steel companies.

China is doing the same thing for solar where previously China relied on foreign markets for the survival of its solar companies and was vulnerable to trade protectionism and decided to expand the domestic solar market. Guess who will supply that domestic solar demand? Chinese companies. So there will always be Chinese solar companies.

EU failed in its goal to eliminate the Chinese solar companies.

So your "evidence" is a biased survey done by South Korea? That's your "evidence"?

You really are a joke.

Read again the source I have given you.

These source are not from Korea:
This is why Quantum Dots aren’t quite as good as OLED in 4K TVs
Global OLED Market Expected to Reach $ 37.2 Billion by 2020

And those have busted your big mouth claiming that OLED has no future market, and QD is on par with OLED.

What is your evidence against them?

And the KIET source, yes it is from Korea, so what? Korean science ministry is still far far much more CREDIBLE than your big mouth.

:lol: :lol:
Read again the source I have given you.

These source are not from Korea:
This is why Quantum Dots aren’t quite as good as OLED in 4K TVs
Global OLED Market Expected to Reach $ 37.2 Billion by 2020

And those have busted your big mouth claiming that OLED has no future market, and QD is on par with OLED.

What is your evidence against them?

And the KIET source, yes it is from Korea, so what? Korean science ministry is still far far much more CREDIBLE than your big mouth.

:lol: :lol:

You use Korean science ministry bragging a bunch of unproven claims as "evidence"? :lol:
I'd trust North Korean propaganda before I trust South Korean propaganda.

Samsung has even switched to producing QD TVs as they realise that in the battle for the promotional technology, QD has much better future than OLED.


OLED and QD are both promotional technologies and the picture quality for both are very similar. Why would you pay more for a technology that costs far more when you get a similar level of picture quality?

That's why OLED will lose out to QD, just like plasma lost to LCD.

LG bragged that OLED had significant picture quality advantages over LCD, but QD closed that gap with OLED.

OLED is competing with QD for the future and QD has much higher chance of being mainstream than OLED. So those 2020 predictions on OLED should be taken with a grain of salt.

Why do you keep avoiding answering to J20blackdragon?
You use Korean science ministry bragging a bunch of unproven claims as "evidence"? :lol:
I'd trust North Korean propaganda before I trust South Korean propaganda.

Compared to your propaganda (your empty claim) which one is more trustable? :laugh:

Why you consider your empty claim as fact? :lol:

Samsung has even switched to producing QD TVs as they realise that in the battle for the promotional technology, QD has much better future than OLED.


OLED and QD are both promotional technologies and the picture quality for both are very similar. Why would you pay more for a technology that costs far more when you get a similar level of picture quality?

That's why OLED will lose out to QD, just like plasma lost to LCD.

LG bragged that OLED had significant picture quality advantages over LCD, but QD closed that gap with OLED.

You keep reposting empty claim that is already busted with solid evidence above?

How stubborn you are.The evidence I gave you above has proven that your logic is false, or you are claiming based on LOGICAL FALLACY. Your empty claim cannot defeat EVIDENCE. :lol:

There is no evidence that OLED will loose out to QD. The evidence show the other way round.

OLED still has edge over QD => http://4k.com/news/why-quantum-dots-arent-quite-as-good-as-oled-5190/
OLED has very bright future. => http://www.lightnowblog.com/2015/12/global-oled-market-expected-to-reach-37-2-billion-by-2020/

How come product with bright future will loose out in the market? your logic doesnt work :omghaha:
You should place status of promotional technology to QD instead OLED.

There is no point arguing with you, because you are not ashamed humiliating your self by Reposting the claim that has been busted by solid evidence, even if the evidence has been repeated many times.


OLED is competing with QD for the future and QD has much higher chance of being mainstream than OLED. So those 2020 predictions on OLED should be taken with a grain of salt.

OK. Then tell me how much is QD market potential / share in 2020 based on market analyst?

Why do you keep avoiding answering to J20blackdragon?

I've asked you many times: what is the J20 question? and why dont you yourself anwser my question?
Compared to your propaganda (your empty claim) which one is more trustable? :laugh:

Why you consider your empty claim as fact? :lol:

You keep reposting empty claim that is already busted with solid evidence above?

How stubborn you are.The evidence I gave you above has proven that your logic is false, or you are claiming based on LOGICAL FALLACY. Your empty claim cannot defeat EVIDENCE. :lol:

There is no evidence that OLED will loose out to QD. The evidence show the other way round.

OLED still has edge over QD => http://4k.com/news/why-quantum-dots-arent-quite-as-good-as-oled-5190/
OLED has very bright future. => http://www.lightnowblog.com/2015/12/global-oled-market-expected-to-reach-37-2-billion-by-2020/

How come product with bright future will loose out in the market? your logic doesnt work :omghaha:
You should place status of promotional technology to QD instead OLED.

There is no point arguing with you, because you are not ashamed humiliating your self by Reposting the claim that has been busted by solid evidence, even if the evidence has been repeated many times.


OK. Then tell me how much is QD market potential / share in 2020 based on market analyst?

I've asked you many times: what is the J20 question? and why dont you yourself anwser my question?

QD and OLED are both promotional technologies which is why China and Korea are equal in display technology as LCD is the mainstream display technology.

You bring up OLED which is a promotional technology that has rosy predictions. These are not facts. No one cares about 2020 predictions on OLED as it still hasn't become mainstream technology.

QD provides similar picture quality to OLED but QD costs much cheaper. This means it will win out over OLED. This is common sense. Even Samsung has realised this as I showed in my link.

Why don't you answer J20blackdragon's last post? You still haven't answered him. You are afraid and dodge questions.
QD and OLED are both promotional technologies which is why China and Korea are equal in display technology as LCD is the mainstream display technology.

You bring up OLED which is a promotional technology that has rosy predictions. These are not facts. No one cares about 2020 predictions on OLED as it still hasn't become mainstream technology.

QD provides similar picture quality to OLED but QD costs much cheaper. This means it will win out over OLED. This is common sense. Even Samsung has realised this as I showed in my link.

Why don't you answer J20blackdragon's last post? You still haven't answered him. You are afraid and dodge questions.

You keep reposting the invalid argument. :blah: which is self humiliating yourself. :crazy:

Argument without evidence - simply by assumption, and busted repeatedly by my Solid Evidences. :bunny:

Inability to counter evidence and reposting is a SIGN that you have failed and lost in whole debate but stubborn and playing denial + ignorance, while showing your severely deficient intelligence. :lol:
Cheers for your losing and absolute defeat :cheers:
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You keep reposting the invalid argument. :blah: which is self humiliating yourself. :crazy:

Argument without evidence - simply by assumption, and busted repeatedly by my Solid Evidences. :bunny:

Inability to counter evidence and reposting is a SIGN that you have failed and lost in wholde debate but stubborn.
Cheers for your losing and absolute defeat :cheers:

Why the discussion come back to OLED again? hah off-topic
By the way, as to your knowledge, do Korean companys have interests in providing some advanced technology with PV industry?

LOL EU used trade protectionism after they saw Chinese solar companies grabbing market share from European companies. Europe wanted to protect its companies from going out of business as Chinese companies offered a similar technology at an affordable cost which consumers desire.

China has domestic steel companies as China has the largest steel market. Chinese steel suppliers supply that demand. There will always be Chinese steel companies.

China is doing the same thing for solar where previously China relied on foreign markets for the survival of its solar companies and was vulnerable to trade protectionism and decided to expand the domestic solar market. Guess who will supply that domestic solar demand? Chinese companies. So there will always be Chinese solar companies.

EU failed in its goal to eliminate the Chinese solar companies.

There was no such goal as to eliminate Chinese PV industry. This is a figment of your imagination and you're arguing it like it is the holy truth.

We're going in circles now.
Here's a summary of China's absolute dominance in energy.

China is #1 in solar power.


China is #1 in wind power.

China’s wind farms can now produce more energy than all of America’s nuclear plants


China can manufacture crawler cranes capable of installing a domestic Sinovel 6 MW wind turbine.


China has Generation III+ nuclear reactors with full independent intellectual property rights.


Bill Gates' TerraPower traveling wave reactor (TWR) will be first built in China.

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