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China Raids Uighur Muslims’ Qur’an Schools

So you cant be a muslim in China ?what do they mean by "Rescued" children ??

Not exactly. One is free to believe in any major religion (Islam, christianity, budhuism, etc). There are restrictions on some obscure sects (Mormanism,etc). There are 40000 mosques in Xinjiang alone. The crackdown is aimed at underground madrases that preach extremism to impressionable youngsters. That's what we mean "rescued children".
People here commenting do know that in China, no religious primary schools are allowed, period. We don't allow Buddhist monks to little kids in Buddhist schools, we don't allow Christian missionaries to teach little kids to be Christians. Why should Muslims have special privileges? Muslims have enjoyed way too much privilege, because you know, they will threaten to bomb you if you don't give in their demands. lol But while they talk about religious rights, far too many of them them have tramped upon other people's liberty when they forcefully convert people to Islam if anybody tries to intermarry with their sons or daughters. Being parents doesn't give you rights to force a religion upon somebody, in violation of any laws in a civilized world.

The civilized world must unite to fight against Muslims from being radicalized. mm, this makes me think why only Muslims get radicalized, not other religions. Oh well, I guess the whole world owes them something, /grin.

agh bwoy...........
Uighurs had it coming. No other Muslim community in China gets this treatment. Read up on recent history to see how Uighurs terrorize other Chinese communities.

Now why don't Indians like our dear OP & fellow trolls urge their Fuhrer to host the Uighur leader like they hosted the Terrorist Lama? Is India anti-Muslim? :P
Uighurs had it coming. No other Muslim community in China gets this treatment. Read up on recent history to see how Uighurs terrorize other Chinese communities.

Now why don't Indians like our dear OP & fellow trolls urge their Fuhrer to host the Uighur leader like they hosted the Terrorist Lama? Is India anti-Muslim? :P

Dalai Lama is a terrorist? lol all heads of states entertain his holiness from Obama to Cameron and your post is offensive as abusing of religious leaders is not allowed on PDF I suggest you watch your mouth on how you speak to religious leaders of other religions.
Uighurs had it coming. No other Muslim community in China gets this treatment. Read up on recent history to see how Uighurs terrorize other Chinese communities.

Now why don't Indians like our dear OP & fellow trolls urge their Fuhrer to host the Uighur leader like they hosted the Terrorist Lama? Is India anti-Muslim? :P

Terrorist Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, just so you know
Forcing to focus on certain religion education to children are not allowed in China.

Until you grow up, that is the time you choose the religion you like.

Just because some country legalize marijuana and homosexuality, and China don't, it doesn't mean China is bad.
Just know Indian Concern for the Uighur Motivation,
And attitudes toward Islam, I feel no need to say anything here.
Indian seemed very interested
And I have seen plenty of racist and unfair comments against hindus or Indians or non muslims. So? This is the internet, where everybody can comment against anything and everything, fairly or unfairly. But if you want to judge the behaviour of a country as large as India, then individual comments are not the yardstick - look at our official policy as well as practice. As I said before, people (including muslims) enjoy a lot more religious freedom in India or the USA or western Europe than in China or any muslim country.

First, you're saying that Indians on this forum don't say racist things. Then, you say, they do but it's the internet, so it doesn't matter.
Remember, the premises of this useless thread was people getting butthurt over posts.

Then, you go on to accuse me of stereotyping Indians and claiming I said all Indians do this. I simply pointed out Indians will do the same on this forum when. (I don't do that).

Are you unhappy that this thread was started by an Indian?

Generalizing again. Read the final comments of the OP and it doesn't take long to understand what the point of this thread was.

The double standard from Pakistanis is very evident - how many Pakistanis have condemned this so far here?

Yes, this is what we'll do. Go one by one, count how many people with Pakistanis have said "This is wrong." and then we'll realize the "double standard".

And yet, many Pakistanis think India is the enemy of islam and China is a benevolent big daddy.

  1. 1.
    preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
    "English prejudice against foreigners"
    synonyms:preconceived idea, preconception, prejudgment
    "male prejudices about women"

What is this belief founded upon? A bunch of trolls who post on India threads?
Hey, I could so the same, and quote a bunch of rabid trolls who've been banned dozens of times and then claim that they represent the entire opinion of the community they are part of, but I don't like to stoop low.
you know what the difference is. India is anti Pakistan, US invades and destabilize these nations.

That's the point. Some people give a religious coloring to their geo-political enmity.

Sure we are more heavy handed on religion, but that's just within our own borders and it doesn't even extent to Muslim.

Whatever we do is also within our borders.

China buys oil and goods from Muslim nations, supplies infrastructure and more. While we may not be the best Ally, we never interfere in domestic affairs.

Same here.

As if the reason Pakistan hate India or Middle East dislike US is because of religion.

I am not talking about nations or the nature of foreign relations between them. I am talking about the individual opinions of Pakistani members here.
Eh... Just teach ur kids the holy book stuff at your own home, no need to send them off to someone to get abused anyway.
I hate this kind of mentality....
Once again higher than mountains and deeper than oceans sweeter than honey "iron Brother" is finding fault with Uighurs instead of speaking out.Don't beat your chest for muslims in India next time.Thats selective outrage you have.Cry horse when India does it and not a word when China does it.Shows your Hypocrisy.
don't worry guys..... Pakistan will strike back...... please suggests places for IED strike...... subway trains, some gathering, bus station or somewhere else...... planning for the same will start soon in Pakistan..... :):)

Well most terrorist in pakistan are deobandi. Last i checked Mr Salim deoband is in India.
Had something of this sort happened in India...PDF would have exploded with anti-hindu, anti-India comments. Is this ok if it happens in China?
Problem with Muslim supremacists is that Muslims never RULED China they way they did here in India. So if Chinese are killing Muslims, its fine. Burmese killing Muslims fine too. But G-d forbid if Indians killed Muslim Kashmiris or Israelis killed Muslim Palestinians. Only then this Islamic supremacist gene activates.

How about this, eh? Time to start jihading China? Or is it time to realize that nobody likes islamic terrorists - not India, not China, not USA, not any civilized nation that values human lives.
China values human life? LOL. Occupation of Kashmir, Tibet, East Turkistan is valuing human lives?

On topic, I don't know enough about these "schools" to comment. If they are hate spewing madrassahs like the ones in Pakistan, then good job by China to shut them down. Humanity is on your side.
Correct. Most Madrassas are just instrument of indoctrination. Nothing to do with genuine religious education.

The Israelis and Hans are partners is defending humanity
LOL. There are millions of ethnic Chinese who follow Islam:
Hui people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hans will crush the moslems.
Hans er Muslims too:
Hui people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another thing to note here is that there are no pseudo secular bastards in china like in India. So what ever step the Chinese govt takes, if the people feel that it is in the best interests of the nation, they fully support it.

On principle, I prefer India's official stance WRT religions - everybody should have the freedom to practice or not practice any religion, so long as they don't infringe on the rights or liberties of others. Unfortunately, our political parties have used religions as a tool to gain political power.
Its same stance as Israeli secular democracy.

Tibetans have to endure their cultural and religious rights trampled upon only to see more suppression from Han majority. Now we see similar crackdown against Uighurs in Xinjiang region.
Welcome to communist paradise.
Another thing to note here is that there are no pseudo secular bastards in china like in India. So what ever step the Chinese govt takes, if the people feel that it is in the best interests of the nation, they fully support it.
Of course. Our nation comes first, then other things can fall in their own priority.

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