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China Raids Uighur Muslims’ Qur’an Schools

I didn't know it was that bad for indians any anti Muslim news and they go Horny 360.
I also didn't know that preacher of Islam aka Pakistan selectively picks up news from India only and ignore China for benefit. I think it is time to divert your investment on bombs to China.

Not exactly. One is free to believe in any major religion (Islam, christianity, budhuism, etc). There are restrictions on some obscure sects (Mormanism,etc). There are 40000 mosques in Xinjiang alone. The crackdown is aimed at underground madrases that preach extremism to impressionable youngsters. That's what we mean "rescued children".
You know what, I totally agree with the point and support this act. I don't have problem with Islam or Muslims, it is extremism which I have problem. These madarsas sow the seed of hate among different sect and religions at very early stage. I saw 7-8 year old kids telling me that Prophet said if you see Snake and Jew then Kill Jew first. I was astonished on this response and as I personally know the parents, I know they never taught this to kid.

Also, These madarsas get money from Saudi Arab and other middle eastern countries to generate Salafi/Wahabi and they never go to mainstream.
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The chinese have gone nuts.But CCP are up for a surprise. Muslims are not tibetans and islam is no chirstianity or buddism. It will only spread in china and uighur muslims will always hold their religion dear. If any uighur takes up arm to defend his/her community and religion that he can very well be called a freedom fighter fighting for his/her legitimate rights.

Not exactly. One is free to believe in any major religion (Islam, christianity, budhuism, etc). There are restrictions on some obscure sects (Mormanism,etc). There are 40000 mosques in Xinjiang alone. The crackdown is aimed at underground madrases that preach extremism to impressionable youngsters. That's what we mean "rescued children".

How do u know that madrases are preaching terrorism? All this non-sense against religion in china can only be defended by CCP activist and not any sane human being with an atoms wight of sanity in him/her.

And is china so weak that it can't fight extremism via the judiciary and law enforcement agencies in a region they already turned the muslims into a insignificant minority? DO u even have civil laws or is it just CCP enforced jungle laws? CCP is the one inviting ISIL and AQ with a red carpet and it seems the CCP leadership can give ISIL type org some scholarly lessons on terrorism and extremism with chinese characteristics.
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China values human life?
I didn't say it does. If you think they don't, then pick it up with your taller than mountains friend.

LOL. Occupation of Kashmir, Tibet, East Turkistan is valuing human lives?

I won't comment about the other places, but Indian Kashmir is not occupied by anybody other than Indians and Kashmiris or both. And Indian Kashmir is a better place to live in than any part of Pakistan.

Correct. Most Madrassas are just instrument of indoctrination. Nothing to do with genuine religious education.

Glad you agree.

Its same stance as Israeli secular democracy.
Do you have an objection to that stance? Do you disagree? If you do, tell us why you disagree with my principle, rather than simply mentioning the great boogeyman Israel and trying to do a guilt by association fallacy.

My statement was that "everybody should have the freedom to practice or not practice any religion, so long as they don't infringe on the rights or liberties of others."

If you don't like that, tell me why not.
I won't comment about the other places, but Indian Kashmir is not occupied by anybody other than Indians and Kashmiris or both. And Indian Kashmir is a better place to live in than any part of Pakistan.
Kashmir is neither Indian, Pakistani or Chinese. Kashmiris unlike other Indian states never got the right of self determination. Maharaja Hari Singh alone decided fate of entire Jammu and Kashmir instead of holding a plebiscite. Your first Indian government agreed on holding such plebiscite back in 1948 but failed to implement it (hypocrites like Pakistani governments):
Indian White Paper on Plebiscite in Kashmir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you have an objection to that stance? Do you disagree? If you do, tell us why you disagree with my principle, rather than simply mentioning the great boogeyman Israel and trying to do a guilt by association fallacy.
LOL. Where did I say anything bad about Israel? Israeli democracy is just like Indian democracy. Secular and majority Jewish / Indian. Its actually better than Islamic "democracies" of Iran or Pakistan.

My statement was that "everybody should have the freedom to practice or not practice any religion, so long as they don't infringe on the rights or liberties of others."
Exactly. Its same as Israeli democracy or other similar western democracies.

If you don't like that, tell me why not.
Of course I like Indian democracy.
"Pride, post: 6206262, member: 18695"]I also didn't know that preacher of Islam aka Pakistan selectively picks up news from India only and ignore China for benefit. I think it is time to divert your investment on bombs to China.
Most preachers of Islam you talk of in pakistan are,known as deobandies last checked its in india. so before throwing stone at others , might wanna check in your own home.

As I said, before and saying it again,Chinese citizen re chinese problem . How they deal with them is non of my buisness. I say the sme when it comes to India and her citizens.
The chinese have gone nuts.But CCP are up for a surprise. Muslims are not tibetans and islam is no chirstianity or buddism. It will only spread in china and uighur muslims will always hold their religion dear. If any uighur takes up arm to defend his/her community and religion that he can very well be called a freedom fighter fighting for his/her legitimate rights.

How do u know that madrases are preaching terrorism? All this non-sense against religion in china can only be defended by CCP activist and not any sane human being with an atoms wight of sanity in him/her.

And is china so weak that it can't fight extremism via the judiciary and law enforcement agencies in a region they already turned the muslims into a insignificant minority? DO u even have civil laws or is it just CCP enforced jungle laws? CCP is the one inviting ISIL and AQ with a red carpet and it seems the CCP leadership can give ISIL type org some scholarly lessons on terrorism and extremism with chinese characteristics.

Try it. The last time Uighurs and hui muslim did jihad against china 150 years ago and China killed 8-12 million of them. China will show no mercy if push comes to shove.
good these are not school but madrasas . we are in deep mess because of thee so called quran schools
This conflict lead to death of 15 Million of Han and 3 Million of Hui

Try it. The last time Uighurs and hui muslim did jihad against china 150 years ago and China killed 8-12 million of them. China will show no mercy if push comes to shove.
Well most terrorist in pakistan are deobandi. Last i checked Mr Salim deoband is in India.
But why they indulge in terrorists activities only in Pakistan (a Muslim nation) and approximately none in India. Is it that most militant minded deobandi migrated to Pakistan post Independence?
Well most terrorist in pakistan are deobandi. Last i checked Mr Salim deoband is in India.
Kashmir is neither Indian, Pakistani or Chinese. Kashmiris unlike other Indian states never got the right of self determination. Maharaja Hari Singh alone decided fate of entire Jammu and Kashmir instead of holding a plebiscite. Your first Indian government agreed on holding such plebiscite back in 1948 but failed to implement it (hypocrites like Pakistani governments):
Indian White Paper on Plebiscite in Kashmir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First condition for referendum is that the army has to withdraw from both parts of Kashmir. Is Pakistan willing to withdraw the troops??

Musharraf has categorically said that is not going to happen.
Try it. The last time Uighurs and hui muslim did jihad against china 150 years ago and China killed 8-12 million of them. China will show no mercy if push comes to shove.

This time Uyghurs have the support of Bangladeshi Jamaati Yahoos, China and Hans will lose this time for sure.
This time Uyghurs have the support of Bangladeshi Jamaati Yahoos, China and Hans will lose this time for sure.

Lol, China can easily use nuclear weapons against the islamic world. The type of stupidity the jamaati islamists endorse ,it will end for them the way it ended for rohingya when they killed buddhist monk on wahabbi instigation.

China is not some pushover as these jaamati think. They pushed usa out of north korea in 1950-53 ,like how Russians kicked out american invasion force in vladivostok in 1918-20. Plus USA occupies several islamic countries by overt or covert means.
I didn't know it was that bad for indians any anti Muslim news and they go Horny 360.

And why do you think that's happening??? If the same incident happens in India or anywhere in the world you guys would scream on it, but why when your Beloved china does it, you guys go easy??? Some pakistani members here love to look up the net to find and post about anti-indian articles, how india is treating Muslims, growing hindu extremism... when all these are not accurate. but when we give you the real news about how China is taking revenge on all of their Muslim population because of few muslim nuts, u guys don't bother about it, and scream at Indians.. Why??
I am sure 99% of Pakistanis dont know about the situation of islam and muslims in china.
In my opinion communist chinese are the most anti-islam humans on earth.

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