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China Raids Uighur Muslims’ Qur’an Schools

LOL, we Chinese are natural Confucian once we stood on ground, even Hui Chinese are bore with mixture of Confucian and Muslim.
Buddhism or Islam could be a Han Chinese second pick in their life.
But still Confucian blood lays in our body.

I am sure 99% of Pakistanis dont know about the situation of islam and muslims in china.
In my opinion communist chinese are the most anti-islam humans on earth.
if you take a little of time to have a visit in China, you will change your mind, so many popular restaurants in high-population city are running under management of Muslims.
But why they indulge in terrorists activities only in Pakistan (a Muslim nation) and approximately none in India. Is it that most militant minded deobandi migrated to Pakistan post Independence?

The answer to that lies in our governments failed , but still on policy of good Taliban bad Taliban.
Yes it is ok, @Zarvan would even fly two Chinese red flags for them, just wait & watch. :)
China is adopting a completely wrong policy and it would only lead to increase in hatred towards China in Muslim world and that will lead to more militant groups rising to attack China and more attacks from inside China too China was warned years ago to change its path but they are not listening and I am afraid they would pay really heavy price which will be disastrous for there country and economy
China is adopting a completely wrong policy and it would only lead to increase in hatred towards China in Muslim world and that will lead to more militant groups rising to attack China and more attacks from inside China too China was warned years ago to change its path but they are not listening and I am afraid they would pay really heavy price which will be disastrous for there country and economy
So you say Chinese govt dosent have any right in China? Theirs is a communist country and they want NO religion based schools. When the buddhists are not protesting, why are muslims doing so?
So you say Chinese govt dosent have any right in China? Theirs is a communist country and they want NO religion based schools. When the buddhists are not protesting, why are muslims doing so?
Right doesn't mean you keep attacking and oppressing an ethnic group and religious group. And if Buddhists are not protesting there problem Muslims will not tolerate this
Right doesn't mean you keep attacking and oppressing an ethnic group and religious group. And if Buddhists are not protesting there problem Muslims will not tolerate this
If it happens in pakistan, you can intervene. What right do you have to meddle in chinese internal mattewr?
If it happens in pakistan, you can intervene. What right do you have to meddle in chinese internal mattewr?
No Sir where ever Muslims are in problem Muslims from all over the world would intervene
No Sir where ever Muslims are in problem Muslims from all over the world would intervene
Even if that madarassah is grooming anti social elements from a young age? Imagine the negative image islam gets by your brotherhood kind of belief.
Right doesn't mean you keep attacking and oppressing an ethnic group and religious group. And if Buddhists are not protesting there problem Muslims will not tolerate this

How bout attacking and oppressing religious groups in pakistan
Even if that madarassah is grooming anti social elements from a young age? Imagine the negative image islam gets by your brotherhood kind of belief.
We give a dam about others if some one will mess with our Muslim brother and sisters they would face reaction that is clear

How bout attacking and oppressing religious groups in pakistan
That too is also not allowed minorities have full protection in Islamic state there places of worship has to be protected by state no body can stop them from practicing there religion and also they can have all the jobs if they are qualified for the job except for main President or let say PM and Armed Forces heads
No Sir where ever Muslims are in problem Muslims from all over the world would intervene

How do you intervene where and when Muslims are having problems with Muslims?

We have over 40 millions of Muslims in China. Most of them don't seem to have problems with the current measures against terrorist elements among Uyghurs.
LOL, we Chinese are natural Confucian once we stood on ground, even Hui Chinese are bore with mixture of Confucian and Muslim.
Buddhism or Islam could be a Han Chinese second pick in their life.
But still Confucian blood lays in our body.

if you take a little of time to have a visit in China, you will change your mind, so many popular restaurants in high-population city are running under management of Muslims.
Lets see what china is doing with muslims.
1- Banning fasting in ramadan
2- Ban on burial of bodies of muslims and others, incinerating deads is not allowed in islam.
3- Ban on hijab
4- Ban on study of Quran
5- Killing, arresting and hanging muslims on suscpision.
5- Demolition of historical mosques
6- labelling muslims as terrorists and equating religous-ness with terrorism, doing propaganda that muslims are terrorists with knives
7- Chinese people praising israel for wall and suggesting similar gaza like approach against uyghurs.
8- Turning muslims in xiangiang/siankiang/turkestan into minority by large scale settlement of han chinese in the province.
Racist and fascist chinese are offering incentives and cash for intermarraiges between han chinese (non-muslim) and uyghur(muslim). In islam you are not allowed to marry kafir (unbeliever). Moreover fascist chinese wont allow study of Quran but are offering cash to make uyghurs racially (and subsequently culturally) more like hans. This way, the biracial kid would be a non-muslim, so its an attempt to eradicate islam from uyghurs and destroying their identity.
Chinese authorities offer cash to promote interethnic marriages | World news | The Guardian
I am sure 99% of Pakistanis dont know about the situation of islam and muslims in china.
In my opinion communist chinese are the most anti-islam humans on earth.

Ask @Malik Abdullah if it's true....he is living in China right now. You've never been to China, you don't have a clue about their real situations.
Ask @Malik Abdullah if it's true....he is living in China right now. You've never been to China, you don't have a clue about their real situations.

Simply ignore these guys man. they are living in denial. Whatever you say or do, they always got something shitty to add. Ive never seen any kind of anti muslim sentiments among Chinese people or by the authorities in my 4 plus years of stay. XInjiang problem is totally ethnic. they got nothing to do with Islam..They might use Islam for the recruitment around the world and flaming anti China sentiments among Muslims. but as far as my experience goes Ive YET to meet a Xinjiangi Muslim who really practices Islam..If XInjiang people can come and work in Han majority regions thn why cant Han go there and live peacefully?I believe China can really improve the standard of living of this region and can greatly help it prosper. China respects all the religion practices and festivals. Those who got doubts should visit China and see for themselves.

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