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China Raids Uighur Muslims’ Qur’an Schools

I didn't know it was that bad for indians any anti Muslim news and they go Horny 360.
No, we don't. As I said before, India allows more freedoms to muslims and hindus and parsis and everybody else than China does, and I am glad for that. Most Indians believe in complete religious freedom for any religious or irreligious group. We are only against hatred spewing religious groups and teachings and people, and I know that you are too. Wouldn't you go "horny 360" if the very religious TTP or other jihadi groups are destroyed? Or if the Saudi funded madrassahs in NW Pakistan were forced to shut down? Why do you resent Indians for taking pleasure in precisely the things you want to see happen?

And Indians would have responded with racist Anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistani comments.
Was this thread made just for this purpose?
So you can make connections and say "Hurr Duur Moozlims not crying"?
How low could you get?

No, we wouldn't. For one, we don't equate muslim to Pakistani. There are hundreds of millions of muslims in India who are as much Indians as I am or a hindu or christian or buddhist or atheist Indian is. India belongs as much to all of them as it does to me. Even the hindu fundamentalists who hate muslims don't equate muslim to Pakistani. With or without Pakistan, our religious troubles are our own.

And yes, we do find it a sort of double standard. You know as well as I do that if this news was from India,the reaction from Pakistanis would be very different. But when the big daddy does it, it's all halal.
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No, we wouldn't.

I have seen plenty of racist and unfair comments which so ignorance and prejudice against Muslims and Pakistanis, just like I've seen them made against Indians. It's not you, it's dozens of other people.

And yes, we do find it a sort of double standard. You know as well as I do that if this news was from India,the reaction from Pakistanis would be very different. But when the big daddy does it, it's all halal.

Point? Make an entire thread about it and go "Hahaha Pakistanis not doing anthng why?"
Very immature and pathetic tactic.
I have seen plenty of racist and unfair comments which so ignorance and prejudice against Muslims and Pakistanis, just like I've seen them made against Indians. It's not you, it's dozens of other people.
And I have seen plenty of racist and unfair comments against hindus or Indians or non muslims. So? This is the internet, where everybody can comment against anything and everything, fairly or unfairly. But if you want to judge the behaviour of a country as large as India, then individual comments are not the yardstick - look at our official policy as well as practice. As I said before, people (including muslims) enjoy a lot more religious freedom in India or the USA or western Europe than in China or any muslim country.

Point? Make an entire thread about it and go "Hahaha Pakistanis not doing anthng why?"
Very immature and pathetic tactic.
I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you unhappy that this thread was started by an Indian? Whoever started this thrad, or even if it wasn't started at all, the fact remains the same - that China persecutes religious expression, and stifles the practice of islam a lot more than India does. And yet, many Pakistanis think India is the enemy of islam and China is a benevolent big daddy. If Indians are asking the question you said they are asking, it is because it is perfectly valid. The double standard from Pakistanis is very evident - how many Pakistanis have condemned this so far here? How many would? And how many Pakistanis whine about religious persecution on threads related to India? If you have intellectual integrity, admitting this double standard by your countrymen is the least you can do.
Ahh Pakistans best friend lol if this was to happen in India these wahabi fools would have burnt down a few Hindu temples just like they did after Babri
I didn't know it was that bad for indians any anti Muslim news and they go Horny 360.

you know its funny its not even Anti-Muslim, if we were anti-Muslim we wouldn't be so friendly to 99% of Muslim government in the world.

I think anti Muslim countries are

1, Countries that openly support Israel,
2, have a hostile attitude towards Muslim governments

whats happening in china was anti-terror operation, just like in tibet few years ago, again Urgur is just half of our Muslim population, we have millions of Hui Muslims as well
Bad idea. The Chinese authority simple doesn't understand why extremist ideology is spreading there. This is not a mistake; no, a mistake would be confusing "l" (L) with an "I" (i), this is just plain stupidity.
Bad idea. The Chinese authority simple doesn't understand why extremist ideology is spreading there. This is not a mistake; no, a mistake would be confusing "l" (L) with an "I" (i), this is just plain stupidity.
at last,a think tank replies,,I appreciate ur honesty :tup:
logo ko shayad yeh lagta hai ke yaha makkhan lagane se kisi mulk ki policy change ho jayegi.
Xinxiang is Chinese territory which has turned rebellious. I don't see why China can not take action against its rebels. They are trying to stop all the means by which extremisn / radicalism can creep in the rebel group and to be honest they are not wrong at all. They are fighting to keep country united, if these people accept China as their home and become law abiding citizens what will the need of any action against them.
India allows far more religious freedoms to muslims and everybody else than China does. And so does the USA. But in the eyes of those rabid muslim fanatics, Americans and Indians are kafirs who deserve to be killed. But big daddy China throws them a bone or two now and then, so it's all halal.

@Zarvan : How about this, eh? Time to start jihading China? Or is it time to realize that nobody likes islamic terrorists - not India, not China, not USA, not any civilized nation that values human lives.

On topic, I don't know enough about these "schools" to comment. If they are hate spewing madrassahs like the ones in Pakistan, then good job by China to shut them down. Humanity is on your side.

you know what the difference is. India is anti Pakistan, US invades and destabilize these nations.

Sure we are more heavy handed on religion, but that's just within our own borders and it doesn't even extent to Muslim.

China buys oil and goods from Muslim nations, supplies infrastructure and more. While we may not be the best Ally, we never interfere in domestic affairs.

As if the reason Pakistan hate India or Middle East dislike US is because of religion.
So you cant be a muslim in China ?what do they mean by "Rescued" children ??
People here commenting do know that in China, no religious primary schools are allowed, period. We don't allow Buddhist monks to little kids in Buddhist schools, we don't allow Christian missionaries to teach little kids to be Christians. Why should Muslims have special privileges? Muslims have enjoyed way too much privilege, because you know, they will threaten to bomb you if you don't give in their demands. lol But while they talk about religious rights, far too many of them them have tramped upon other people's liberty when they forcefully convert people to Islam if anybody tries to intermarry with their sons or daughters. Being parents doesn't give you rights to force a religion upon somebody, in violation of any laws in a civilized world.

The civilized world must unite to fight against Muslims from being radicalized. mm, this makes me think why only Muslims get radicalized, not other religions. Oh well, I guess the whole world owes them something, /grin.
Xinjiang has been autonomous since 1955 but continues to be the subject of massive security crackdowns by Chinese authorities

Analysts say the policy of transferring Han Chinese to Xinjiang to consolidate Beijing's authority has increased the proportion of Han in the region from five percent in the 1940s to more than 40 percent now.

I support China fully on this :china:

We should have done the same in Kashmir. Sometime one needs to take hard decisions to forge a Nation.

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