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China Quantum Communiations Technology: Cryptography, Radar, Satellite, Teleportation, Network

It is a technology breakthru the west do not want to talk much about it. Becos its from rising China :D


Chinese satellite is one giant step for the quantum internet

Craft due to launch in August is first in a wave of planned quantum space experiments.

27 July 2016
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Cai Yang/Xinhua via ZUMA Wire

China’s 600-kilogram quantum satellite contains a crystal that produces entangled photons.

China is poised to launch the world’s first satellite designed to do quantum experiments. A fleet of quantum-enabled craft is likely to follow.

First up could be more Chinese satellites, which will together create a super-secure communications network, potentially linking people anywhere in the world. But groups from Canada, Japan, Italy and Singapore also have plans for quantum space experiments.

“Definitely, I think there will be a race,” says Chaoyang Lu, a physicist at the -University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, who works with the team behind the Chinese satellite. The 600-kilogram craft, the latest in a string of Chinese space-science satellites, will launch from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in August. The Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Austrian Academy of Sciences are collaborators on the US$100-million mission.

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Quantum communications are secure because any tinkering with them is detectable. Two parties can communicate secretly — by sharing a encryption key encoded in the polarization of a string of photons, say — safe in the knowledge that any eavesdropping would leave its mark.

So far, scientists have managed to demonstrate quantum communication up to about 300 kilometres. Photons travelling through optical fibres and the air get scattered or absorbed, and amplifying a signal while preserving a photon’s fragile quantum state is extremely difficult. The Chinese researchers hope that transmitting photons through space, where they travel more smoothly, will allow them to communicate over greater distances.

At the heart of their satellite is a crystal that produces pairs of entangled photons, whose properties remain entwined however far apart they are separated. The craft’s first task will be to fire the partners in these pairs to ground -stations in Beijing and Vienna, and use them to generate a secret key.

During the two-year mission, the team also plans to perform a statistical measurement known as a Bell test to prove that entanglement can exist between particles separated by a distance of 1,200 kilometres. Although quantum theory predicts that entanglement persists at any distance, a Bell test would prove it.

The team will also attempt to ‘teleport’ quantum states, using an entangled pair of photons alongside information transmitted by more conventional means to reconstruct the quantum state of a photon in a new location.

“If the first satellite goes well, China will definitely launch more,” says Lu. About 20 satellites would be required to enable secure communications throughout the world, he adds.

The teams from outside China are taking a different tack. A collaboration between the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the University of Strathclyde, UK, is using cheap 5-kilogram satellites known as cubesats to do quantum experiments. Last year, the team launched a cubesat that created and measured pairs of ‘correlated’ photons in orbit; next year, it hopes to launch a device that produces fully entangled pairs.

Costing just $100,000 each, cubesats make space-based quantum communications accessible, says NUS physicist Alexander Ling, who is leading the project.

A Canadian team proposes to generate pairs of entangled photons on the ground, and then fire some of them to a microsatellite that weighs less than 30 kilograms. This would be cheaper than generating the photons in space, says Brendon Higgins, a physicist at the University of Waterloo, who is part of the Canadian Quantum Encryption and Science Satellite (QEYSSat) team. But delivering the photons to the moving satellite would be a challenge. The team plans to test the system using a photon receiver on an aeroplane first.

An even simpler approach to quantum space science, pioneered by a team at the University of Padua in Italy led by Paolo Villoresi, involves adding reflectors and other simple equipment to regular satellites. Last year, the team showed that photons bounced back to Earth off an existing satellite maintained their quantum states and were received with low enough error rates for quantum cryptography (G. Vallone et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 040502; 2015). In principle, the researchers say, the method could be used to generate secret keys, albeit at a slower rate than in more-complex set-ups.

Researchers have also proposed a quantum experiment aboard the International Space Station (ISS) that would simultaneously -entangle the states of two separate properties of a photon — a technique known as hyperentanglement — to make teleportation more reliable and efficient.

As well as making communications much more secure, these satellite systems would mark a major step towards a ‘quantum internet’ made up of quantum computers around the world, or a quantum computing cloud, says Paul Kwiat, a physicist at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign who is working with NASA on the ISS project.

The quantum internet is likely to involve a combination of satellite- and ground-based links, says Anton Zeilinger, a physicist at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, who argued unsuccessfully for a European quantum satellite before joining forces with the Chinese team. And some challenges remain. Physicists will, for instance, need to find ways for satellites to communicate with each other directly; to perfect the art of entangling photons that come from different sources; and to boost the rate of data transmission using single photons from megabits to gigabits per second.

If the Chinese team is successful, other groups should find it easier to get funding for quantum satellites, says Zeilinger. The United States has a relatively low profile when it comes to this particular space race, but Zeilinger suggests that it could be doing more work on the topic that is classified.

Eventually, quantum teleportation in space could even allow researchers to combine photons from satellites to make a distributed telescope with an effective aperture the size of Earth — and enormous resolution. “You could not just see planets,” says Kwiat, “but in principle read licence plates on Jupiter’s moons.”




(28 July 2016)

Congratulations China , This is where we Indians lack ,we boast and they work
August, 14th, 2016, Jiuquan, China: China's first quantumn communication satellite has been delivered to the Jiuquan satellite launch center. The Jiuquan launch center has made four rounds of status check to the satellite. The launch will be made in 2H of August.

This is the first quantumn communication satellite in human being's history. The following four experiments will be conducted by this satellite on orbit:
- High-speed quantumn secret key distribution between the satellite and the ground (星地高速量子密钥分发实验)
- Wide-area networks of quantumn communication (广域量子通信网络实验)
- Quantumn entanglement distribution between satellite and ground (星地量子纠缠分发实验)
- Quantumn teleportation between the ground and the satellite (地星量子隐形传态实验)

China expects to have 20 quantumn communication satellites on orbit by 2030.

China is the pioneer in quantumn communication technology. The experimental quantumn communication networks have been established in Beijing, Shanghai, Jinan and Hefei respectively. The launch of this satellite will expand the technology coverage to a much-wider area.

Picture of the satellite

Some loads on the satellite: High-speed quantumn secret-key generation terminal

Some loads on the satellite: High speed near infrared single photon detector
Does anybody know where I can find a live webcast for the launch?
China officially names the first quantumn satellite in human history as "Mozi".

Mozi (470 to 390 BC), a Chinese philosopher and the founder of Mohism, is the first one who mentions the principles behind the pinhole camera or camera obscura. His work initiates human's research on the theory of light.

Long March 2D launches world’s first quantum communications satellite

August 15, 2016 by Rui C. Barbosa


The Chinese have launched the first satellite that can achieve quantum communications between space and Earth. The launch of the Quantum Science Satellite – called Mozi – took place at 17:40 UTC on Monday using a Long March-2D (Chang Zheng-2D) launch vehicle from the 603 Launch Pad of the LC43 complex at the Jiuquan space center.

Chinese Launch:

The new satellite is dedicated to quantum science experiments. The Quantum Space Satellite, (or Quantum Experiments at Space Scale) will test the phenomena of quantum entanglement.

Operated by the China Academy of Sciences, this 500 kg satellite – announced as the name “Mozi” in honor of a fifth century BC Chinese scientist – contains a quantum key communicator, quantum entanglement emitter, entanglement source, processing unit, and a laser communicator.


QUESS will relay transmissions between two ground stations (one in China, and the other in Europe) transmitting quantum keys.

During the mission, Chinese scientists will implement a series of science missions between the satellite and quantum communication ground stations.

QSS will operate on a Sun-synchronous circular orbit with an altitude of 600 km.

One of the major objectives of the mission is to set a Quantum Key Distribution from satellite to ground, setting an ultra-long-range quantum channel between ground and satellite with the assistance of high-precision acquisition, tracking and pointing system, implement a quantum key distribution between the satellite and the ground stations, and carry out unconditional secure quantum communication experiments.


The mission will also create a global-scale quantum communication network, establishing a real wide-area network for quantum communication using the satellite repeater and two arbitrary quantum ground stations and their auxiliary local-area fiber quantum networks.

It will also test the Quantum Entanglement Distribution from satellite to two ground stations in China and in Europe, creating a real wide-area network for quantum communication using the satellite repeater and two arbitrary quantum ground stations and their auxiliary local-area fiber quantum networks.

The Austrian Academy of Sciences provided the optical receivers for the European ground stations.

Finally, the QSS plans to achieve Quantum Teleportation from ground to satellite as a totally new way of communication, quantum teleportation is the fundamental process of quantum networks and quantum computing.


A high-quality quantum entanglement source on the ground will be built to achieve ground-to-satellite teleportation experiments based on photon entanglement.

The Quantum Science Satellite consists of several different subsystems: the attitude control subsystem, power subsystem, thermal control subsystem, telemetry and command subsystem, communications subsystem, structure subsystem, and housekeeping subsystem.

In order to design the Quantum Science Satellite, the mission activities, requirements, and mission analysis have been completed at the end of 2011.

Mission definition and justification and key technique research were finalized by the end of 2012. Detailed definitions of the spacecraft were completed in March 2013.

Prototypes of on board devices and components were been built for verification and have been checked and approved at the end of August 2013. Electronic characteristic tests on the prototypes were carried out by the end of September 2013.


After that, in October 2013, the structural prototype of the satellite was assembled and the mechanical environmental simulation tests have been completed.

Subsequently, the thermal balance tests were finalized in December 2013 on the thermal characteristic prototype of the satellite.

At the end of October 2013, some prototypes of on board devices, which are designed for qualification tests, were put into production and were checked and accepted by the end of March 2014. The satellite arrived at Jiuquan on July 8, 2016.

The payload of the quantum science experimental satellite includes quantum key communicator, quantum entanglement emitter, quantum entanglement source, quantum experiment controller and processor and high-speed coherent laser communicator.


The key techniques of the optical communication terminal consist of high precision tracking and pointing, wide-band high-extinction ratio polarization-maintaining capabilities and the aviation engineering of quantum entanglement source.

Developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the Quantum Science Satellite is part of China’s Strategic Priority Program on Space Science.

The first satellite of this program, a dark-matter satellite, was launched into space in December. The second, the country’s first microgravity satellite, the SJ-10, was successfully launched on April 6.

A hard X-ray telescope for black hole and neutron star studies is also expected to be launched in the second half of this year.

The launch also included a Spanish passenger in the form of a 6U CubeSat “³Cat-2” from the NanoSat lab at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, classed as “a novel GNSS-R payload for Earth observation”.

China launches world's first quantum science satellite from Jiuquan



China's Wukong (DAMPE) dark matter probe blasts off from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in the Gobi Desert on a Long March 2D rocket on December 17, 2015. (Photo: Qu Jing Liang, China Daily)

China has launched the world's first quantum science satellite designed to test the possibilities of quantum communications and verify the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics.

The Quantum Science Satellite lifted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre at 01:40 Beijing time on Tuesday (17:40 UTC Monday), with a Long March 2D rocket sending the 620kg probe into a sun-synchronous orbit 600 km above the Earth.

Once operational, the satellite will attempt an unprecedented experiment to see if the spooky property of quantum entanglement can operate at long distance by sending entangled photons from the satellite to two ground stations separated by around 1,200 kilometres.


— ChinaSpaceflight (@cnspaceflight) August 15, 2016

Also referred to as QSS or QUESS, the satellite will also test the possibilities of communication via quantum 'teleportation', using an entangled pair of photons.

If the satellite can transmit quantum information between ground stations, it could have huge implications for cryptography, as it would allow two parties to communicate secretly.

QUESS's payloads include a quantum key communicator, quantum entanglement emitter, quantum entanglement source, quantum experiment controller and processor and a laser communicator.

The instruments were developed by the National Space Science Centre (NSSC) in Beijing under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).


Above: Payloads for China's QUESS quantum satellite (NSSC).

The mission is the brainchild of Pan Jianwei of CAS, described by Nature as China’s quantum space pioneer. The experiments will also involve collaboration with the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna.

Following this China's Tiangong-2 space lab, due to launch in mid-September, will also test space-Earth quantum key distribution (QKD), a methodology for generating and distributing random encryption keys using quantum mechanics.

The missions are part of a more ambitious target of establishing a global-scale quantum communication network.

The day before launch of QUESS the satellite was nicknamed '墨子号', referring to the ancient Chinese philosopher Mozi, also known as Micius, born around 470 BCE, who is said to have discovered that light travels in straight lines.

The launch is seen as a step forward for both natioanl security in terms of encryption, and a technological advance.

Also along for the ride on the mission was the 6-unit CubeSat³Cat-2 developed by the Nanosat lab of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Spain for Earth observation, and launched inside a cubesat pod manufactured by Innovative Solutions In Space of the Netherlands.

China's space science boom

QUESS is the third of four Chinese space science satellites that will be launched within a year of each other, marking the fruition of a CAS strategic space science programme launched in 2011.

Implemented by the NSSC, two missions – the DAMPE (Wukong) Dark Matter probe in December, and April’s Shijian-10 retrievable microgravity space science satellite – have already been launched.

The fourth, the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT), has recently passed factory tests and will launch late this year.

It will observe black holes, neutron stars and other phenomena based on their X-ray and gamma ray emissions over a four-year lifetime.


Above: An illustration of HXMT, due to launch in late 2016.

And this is just the beginning of a new and exciting era of Chinese space science research.

China has produced a national roadmap for space science for 2016-2030 produced by the NSSC, and is already working on the next batch of missions, including the SMILE project in collaboration with Europe.

SMILE is one of five new space probes to study a range of Earth, solar and deep space phenomena now in development.

China’s nascent space science programme received a big budget boost earlier this year, granting around 5.9 billion yuan (US$ 910m) across five years.

"The funding means we are likely to launch 15 to 20 scientific satellites, if not more, by 2030," said Dr Wu Ji, director-general of the NSSC.

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