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China puts India ties on the backburner

Frankly speaking its great , that China is putting relations with us on back burner , if we stop this one sided trade ...our local industry will grow ...70 billion worth trade locally will give employment to a lot of unemployed people

Its a favour from China to India
Frankly speaking its great , that China is putting relations with us on back burner , if we stop this one sided trade ...our local industry will grow ...70 billion worth trade locally will give employment to a lot of unemployed people

Its a favour from China to India

China-India relationship will be a function of Indian economy
If the Indian economy does well China-India relationship will become important. the biggest issue is global economic stability,
Aziz bro, I think India doesn't need anyone to manipulate her into being belligerent towards Pakistan. The fanatic hindus of RSS (vast majority of hindus) are born and sworn enemies of Islam and hence Pakistan.
Be under no illusion that they harbour any friendly sentiments for any Muslim country be it Turkey, KSA, Egypt or even their very almost protectorates of Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Please read around on the forum and elsewhere to find out their future plans and how they even plan to attack the holiest sites of Islam (Mecca and Medina) ... one of the Indian pdf members posted.
Will Pakistan become the 3rd largest nuclear power in the World?

If that so why China and India went on war in 1962?
Why India give refuge to Dalai Llama?
Why India has so many border conflicts with China including sikkim ?
Why India is vocal against China over SCS?
Why India signed deal with USA of support and sharing bases against China?
Why India test a 5000 km long range missile?

Answer these logically. The history of India-China animosity and enmity is longer than the history of Pak-China friendship.

If that so why China and India went on war in 1962?
Basis of this war comes from forward policy on India then. If India had not opted for this policy but made arrangements with proper logistics then outcome would have been different from 1962 current outcome. It might have been a stalemate. The whole of 1962 fiasco lies on few individuals who unfortunately for India were leading her.

Why India give refuge to Dalai Llama?
India has given refuge to religious leader not to a terrorist. As long as Dalai lama doesn't encourages for suicide attacks it should be on no concern to anyone. His activities has been under check by India.

Why India has so many border conflicts with China including sikkim ?
There is no conflict on it. There is treaty of calcutta 1890 signed by China which recognized it as part of British India.

Why India is vocal against China over SCS?
Chinese claim on Nine dash line is based on maps going back 2000 to 4000 yrs ago. If we go by that logic one question comes to mind will China support India in claiming the territory under older rulers which includes present day Pakistan?

Why India signed deal with USA of support and sharing bases against China?
The deal is between India and US. In this geopolitical world everyone has right to make pact so that it survives. This pact is of sharing the bases is not against any country and should be read as such.

Why India test a 5000 km long range missile?
For the same reason which enables China to have such long range missiles.
Flawed analysis ! To begin with there was never good India - China relations. The biggest block in India - China relations has been Pakistan. Chinese help to Pakistan in the area of nuclear bombs, and missiles has been a big issue for India, so as Chinese blocking India on NSG membership.

India - Chinese relations are always confined to trading and will remain confined to trading and economics.
Tau beta gi na bnatay naa nuclear bombs kis ne kaha tha apne paun pe kulhari marnay ko, :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic: hum tau peetay hen or jeetay hen :drag::drag:
I don't think my personal acceptance count :)
This has to be resolved according to the wishes of the people of Kashmir. They should exercise their right of self determination.

Do u count pandits and shias as people of kashmir too ? Or is it just extremist sunnis tat wave isis flags ?
let it be we better concentrate on CPEC more and finish it on time
bharti invited this calculated response from China, China is not an immature, irrarional state..
Aziz bro, I think India doesn't need anyone to manipulate her into being belligerent towards Pakistan. The fanatic hindus of RSS (vast majority of hindus) are born and sworn enemies of Islam and hence Pakistan.
Be under no illusion that they harbour any friendly sentiments for any Muslim country be it Turkey, KSA, Egypt or even their very almost protectorates of Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Please read around on the forum and elsewhere to find out their future plans and how they even plan to attack the holiest sites of Islam (Mecca and Medina) ... one of the Indian pdf members posted.
Will Pakistan become the 3rd largest nuclear power in the World?

Listen you religious bigot. This is one of the biggest bone of contention between India and Pakistan. You guys see everything in black and white through lenses of religion. No one is an 'enemy of Islam and blah blah blah'. You guys always turn your rivalry with India in some sort of Gazwa or whatever which non one else in Muslim world cares about. India's closest ally is Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Both Muslim countries but I guess you'd say that their own elected governments don't represent the people! :D

I'm not even religious so, I don't really care but, I like how you didn't make the H in Hindu capital. It just shows your respect for other peoples' religions.

@HAKIKAT mate, I dunno what you've been fed on this forum. But, majority of Indians don't have any problems with Muslims like this religious bigot clearly has with other religions. In fact, one of my best friends is Jordanian Arab and the other is Cypriot Turk.
No one is negating the relationship but one sided trade is hurting India's local industry , In relation ship if we increase our share in trade , thats what i want , if our industry will grow that will ultimately help us ...not one side trade which only benefits those who lately helps the terrorists responsible for killings of Indians

I have alreday bycotted Chinese products and there are many like me in india , lets promote swadeshi instead of videshi we are strong 1 billion people .
Let our local industry grow thats what i want , If i buy anything I want the profit to be either remain in India or atleast it helps to run house hold in India .... I dont want my money to go out help Chinese

China-India relationship will be a function of Indian economy
If the Indian economy does well China-India relationship will become important. the biggest issue is global economic stability,
I for one don't want any relation with china.
I don't want that, even worst of enemies keep relations and talk. Why do you shame my country by advising it to behave like a novice sitting in Canada. I want India to keep building both economic and financial strength. In 10 years or 15 max, not even US will want to take us alone, if things go as per plan, let alone China.
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