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China pushes Uighurs to give up fasting in Ramzan

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I love eating BBQ especially in Chengdu at 2am in the morning, sitting down in a stall drinking coke and smoking afterwards...those were the days:) Brother Jin, please review and give a score rating on the Hui BBQ restaurant:) I will love to visit you in Wuhan and we can try it together. What did you think of the Uighur BBQ...very similar to Pakistani BBQ.
I love it, everywhere in Wuhan. Not just BBQ in night streets, also there are a lot of decent restaurants provide meals.
I have tried a lot of them. After traveling in Xinjiang in 2013, I've been obsessed with muslin food.:-)
屏幕快照 2015-06-17 18.40.34.png
This is not really a surprise that many here want to take "actions against china" (loooooooool, the country that's soon to be the largest economy in the world), for them, religion comes before anything else and their failures are all a result of this.
We should raise our voice for the people of Xingiang and Myanmar
Since Xinjiang is considered to be an integral part of China...then every single citizen should have the right to visit or even live in the land. The most tragic aspect of this region is that the police, public servants and the administration who are targeted and killed by terrorists are Uighur's themselves. Disgraceful behavior which is imported from Salafi ideology and needs to be stamped out.
Northern Xinjiang is historically land of Kazakh, Mongols and later Hui and Han. Uighur in today Xinjiang's northern region, like Urumqi( a Mongolian word) was also immigrants. Every people in Xinjiang should be respected and have freedom to move. We respect Hui muslin who move across China, and they successful settle down in every Chinese cities and counties as long as they respect the law and live peacefully with other peoples. History is alway changing, aboriginals and immigrants are not absolute, take Taiwan as an example, 99% Taiwanese are immigrants and less than 1% are "real" aboriginals. Even these 1% so-called real aboriginals came from other islands some time ago. I believe within China, there should be no boundary identified by different peoples.
I love it, everywhere in Wuhan. Not just BBQ in night streets, also there are a lot of decent restaurants provide meals.
I have tried a lot of them. After traveling in Xinjiang in 2013, I've been obsessed with muslin food.:-)

Brother the venue looks brilliant, would love to visit this restaurant. The street food in China is amazing, however the best part is eating food at night with friends without worrying on the closing time. One of my favorite dishes is clay chicken or in English they call it Beggars Chicken. Did you try the the lamb BBQ in Xinjiang? Apparently they spit roast the whole lamp on a fire and the meat is very tender and soft and the quality is very good.
Ordinary people in Pakistan do not know what is going on in China neither they respond :)
:haha:haha~~,i c ,u r right. im a bit emotional cos i care too much.

If you come to Pakistan, then I will personally show you the hospitality and respect we have for Chinese citizens. Our friendship is based on a brotherhood, which reminds me of Lui Bei and his relationship with Zhang Fei and Guang Yu. China and Pakistan have a special relationship because we have stood by each other in good times and in difficult times.
wow u even know Liu,Guan and Zhang~~how nice!
and iv heard a lot about pakistani's sincere hospitality to chinese,which made me feel very appreciate.
i think we should really treature this kinds of friendship.:cheers:
thank u. welcome to shanghai then, i will be glad to be ur guide.
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Brother the venue looks brilliant, would love to visit this restaurant. The street food in China is amazing, however the best part is eating food at night with friends without worrying on the closing time. One of my favorite dishes is clay chicken or in English they call it Beggars Chicken. Did you try the the lamb BBQ in Xinjiang? Apparently they spit roast the whole lamp on a fire and the meat is very tender and soft and the quality is very good.
Yes, there is a famous Xinjiang food chain in Shanghai provides excellent lamb.
One branch has 4 floors!
屏幕快照 2015-06-17 18.55.15.png
屏幕快照 2015-06-17 18.55.06.png

What....no one invited me ? :o:

Do join!:china::pakistan:
@Armstrong Xi'an, Lanzhou and Beijing, etc, provide excellent Muslin food. Lanzhou Noodle is EVERYWHERE in China, no joking, everywhere on every street. No worries about food in China.
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Then how come the PLA went back to pre-war lines after having captured large swathes of Indian territory including a good part of AP/ST. Ever wonder why?

Seems like India cant understand something called "Goodwill"? You want us to execute all captured Indian soldier pushed further into India and carry out scorched earth tactic to make you happy?
True, there's no free lunch in the world, but it's better for China to have an alternative than to invest in an unstable country. Mind you, China is taking a huge risk when they can just sort some differences in India and replace India with you and they are the only country that is willing to invest a large sum money there.
In the world of investment they say no risk no game .
As far as india is concerned same applies to us if we give india open access to Iran , Afghanistan and central asia china would loose her steam very fast. Its actually stupid of india to just keep horns locked with us over Kashmir otherwise they have lot to gain from us.

So those guys sitting at top making strategic decisions knows all this and act arrocdingly.
Northern Xinjiang is historically land of Kazakh, Mongols and later Hui and Han. Uighur in today Xinjiang's northern region, like Urumqi( a Mongolian word) was also immigrants. Every people in Xinjiang should be respected and have freedom to move. We respect Hui muslin who move across China, and they successful settle down in every Chinese cities and counties as long as they respect the law and live peacefully with other peoples. History is alway changing, aboriginals and immigrants are not absolute, take Taiwan as an example, 99% Taiwanese are immigrants and less than 1% are "real" aboriginals. Even these 1% so-called real aboriginals came from other islands some time ago. I believe within China, there should be no boundary identified by different peoples.

Exactly Brother Jin, demographics and cultures tend to change and evolve over time. The only thing I am concerned about is that in the 21st century Xinjiang belongs to China and all its citizens should have the right to travel and live their. This is why some of my friends who come from Hong Kong annoy me drastically, when they complain about the laws of China and how migration has increased from the mainland. This way of thinking is old-fashion because it creates segregation in society and the rule of law should be equal for all. The only negative aspect in which I can only point out is that Xinjiang needs to be developed more so that the Uighur's can become educated and get good jobs, however the government has already started this project anyway. There is an old proverb "Slow and steady wins the race".
We should raise our voice for the people of Xingiang and Myanmar
We shall raise the voice of the shite pakistanis and investigate Pakistan continue support of terrorist and their heavy link to extremist. You cant have double standard,right?
Yes, there is a famous Xinjiang food chain in Shanghai provides excellent lamb.
One branch has 4 floors!

Do join!:china::pakistan:
@Armstrong Xi'an, Lanzhou and Beijing, etc, provide excellent Muslin food. Lanzhou Noodle is EVERYWHERE in China, no joking, everywhere on every street. No worries about food in China.

i have been to this resturant !
and i like their lamb a lot!
another an old mechanical style anti-China False or exaggerated propaganda articles:blink:
However, what effect?:patsak:
China is always a permanent target
the tiananmen square incident is used to hound Chinese government which happened decades ago and all those who curse China over it have killed millions directly and indirectly through their bombings, occupations and sanctions in the middle east. yet not a word there.

If this was India JUD and HS would be spitting venom and declaring jihad on kafir India :rolleyes:
yea JUD and HS decides your national policy and impacts your national conscience so much.
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