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China plans to sell Pak an aircraft carrier and integrate it militarily

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China, as part of its recent military and foreign policies, has planned to upgrade on a large scale its first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, to sell it to Pakistan, its ally, in order to compete with India. This selling is to increase Pakistani Navy's strength, facing India equally and making of Pak a better ally for China.

An official media report separately disclosed that China has planned to carry out a “large-scale upgrade” of China’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, and “sell it to Pakistan to compete with India”! It described Pakistan “as the best destination for it” and said that by then the Liaoning, which was commissioned into the PLAN in September 2012, will have served the Chinese Navy for about 18 years. Gwadar and Karachi are already described by Chinese Navy strategists as a “logistics base” and “PLA Navy (PLAN) base” respectively. This does mean that the carrier could be sold to Pak by 2020.

This isn't the only military vehicle that China wants to sell to Pakistan. During the past few months, plenty of armament and vehicles have been sold to Pakistani armed forces, including nuclear weapons technology, warships, aircraft and missiles. In addition to that, China and Pakistan both take part to more and more joint exercises on their shared borders. Moreover is China sending aircraft to Pakistan to help them understand Indian aircraft's technologies and characteristics, in order to counter them more efficiently (J-11, J-11B and Su-30MKK to simulate India's Su-30MKI, and J-10C to simulate the Rafale fighters India is to acquire).

Military cooperation between those two countries seems to increase more and more all along the months. And China appears intending to integrate Pakistan into its military system to fulfil its global ambitions. Pakistan would then become an outpost for Chinese extended global maritime reach.

All of this can largely be explained by the intentions China has to extend its military and political influence beyond its borders. Recently, China actually showned to the world its desire to military secure the South China Sea, and maybe even the Indian Ocean, by increasing its military power and presence in these areas. In order to make it possible, China has made the decision to deeply transform its armed forces by enhancing its naval capabilities, through the building of brand new vessels, but also through the training of more maritime personnel.

PLA Navy (PLAN) strategists emphasized that, in order to be able to achieve such goals, China would have to launch new carrier battle formations in East and South China. Therefore, China has decided to build 5 aircraft carriers and launch them by 2025-2030. Another 6th could even be considered but whether this one will be built remains uncertain.

I can trust China and IK along with our COAS on this news.
Everyone here was doubting that Russia will never come out of the Indian Block "Russia needs India" BLA BLA. But Russia did came out and invested 14 billion dollars inside Pakistan.
An official media report separately disclosed that China has planned to carry out a “large-scale upgrade” of China’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, and “sell it to Pakistan to compete with India”! It described Pakistan “as the best destination for it” and said that by then the Liaoning, which was commissioned into the PLAN in September 2012, will have served the Chinese Navy for about 18 years. Gwadar and Karachi are already described by Chinese Navy strategists as a “logistics base” and “PLA Navy (PLAN) base” respectively. This does mean that the carrier could be sold to Pak by 2020.

If it was commissioned in 2012, by 2020 it would have served 8 years not 18

The possibility of Pakistan getting an aircraft carrier gives me an even bigger erection than Christy Mack.

Control mate, control....................

P.s just googled Christy Mack...........seriously mate, you have a weird taste

I can trust China and IK along with our COAS on this news.
Everyone here was doubting that Russia will never come out of the Indian Block "Russia needs India" BLA BLA. But Russia did came out and invested 14 billion dollars inside Pakistan.

First time hearing that, any source to confirm mate?
I think impossible,
This is too expensive, all kinds of maintenance, and also haven't 052C/D warship.
wow, still early days............but still wow :)

I agree with you, don't think Pakistan can afford the boat plus all the other gadgets required to go with it.
Any news positive is good for me nowadays. Cheers
Even if pakistan managed to get one...too expensive to maintain for pakistan.
That is true but who said that Pakistan will have to maintain it..
"Gwadar and Karachi are already described by Chinese Navy strategists as a “logistics base” and “PLA Navy (PLAN) base” respectively."
(most likely including maintenance)..
Even if pakistan managed to get one...too expensive to maintain for pakistan.

Not if the PLAN subsidizes a PN/PAF Force of Flankers and High tech warships. But some may ask, whats in it for the Chinese.

1. The Liaoning, when it was still the Varjag was originally laided down in 1985 and launched in December 1988. That's more than 30 years ago. Its hull can keep going for maybe another 2 decades with the proper maintenance it can receive in a new facility in Gwadar.

2. A "Pakistani" Carrier battle group will change the Indian ocean into a training zone for Chinese carrier battle group operations. Chinese officers and pilots will gain valuable experience operating in the open ocean without dealing with constantly passing through the First island chain in the Pacific ocean.

3. It reinforces their investments in Pakistan, shows power projection to its allies and foes in the region, and maintains a solid presence in the region to protect their SLOCs.

A Carrier battle group, 1 carrier, 2 destroyers, 2 frigates, 2 replenishment ship, and at least 1 nuclear submarine would totally dash Indian naval aspirations of being unchallenged by any local powers. For one it would mean that a blockade could only be imposed after a tough carrier versus carrier battle. Chinese officers and pilots would be on the carrier and its escort ships during any conflict, and they would use the opportunity to bring all their assets to bare to test their abilities. All C4ISR resources would be called in.

Also, independently of the carrier battle group, the Chinese could bring in their own Nuclear submarines, ASW frigates, AAW Destroyers, and intelligence gathering ships to slow the flag and play a "neutral" role.

While the Indians don't like it, it would keep the risks of conflict down, but also make their arms buildup futile. (hopefully they would realize their hegemonic aspiration should end, and they should make peace on all outstanding issues with their neighbors). In 2 decades, the Liaoning could be replaced by the newer Type 001A Air Craft carrier. In 20 years time, it would be ancient tech for the PLAN, but still a formidable platform in the Indian ocean domain.

Equally important would be the J-15 Flankers that would fly off this carrier. The 26 J-15s it can carry could be part of a 40 fighter force to protect the Pakistani coast line and maintain the Pakistani and Chinese SLOCs. Flown by both Pakistani and Chinese pilots, the fighters would help both nations operate in real world conditions, and help balance the Power dynamic in the region. The J-15 especially with modern Chinese armaments would be much better then the Mig-29K the Indians plan to operate in their current configuration and armament.

Out of 26, with buddy refueling, the carrier could muster a strike force of a dozen J-15s and present a serious threat to any blockading Indian force centered around carriers and surface warships. Protected by a Sosus like system and many more submarines, ASW would negate Indian Submarines from getting to close to also effectively blockading the Pakistani coast.
While I doubt this news story as too good to be true, it does raise a lot of curious possibilities.
The possibility of Pakistan getting an aircraft carrier gives me an even bigger erection than Christy Mack.

I am sorry to say but that was a very inappropriate, vile and shameless comment. My intent is not to admonish you, dear brother, but to remind us all that we are Muslims FIRST. Always remember that our words and actions directly reflect what sort of upbringing we have been given. Respect yourself, by watching what you say (publicly or privately), that is the very basic of all etiquette.
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