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China picked a bad timing on Pakistan - Now it must StepBack or StepForward

Don't bring dim light saga into this topic..first tell me why china will bring her army to border???
You say to protect CPEC???
Isn't your army capable of safegaurding it?
Ever heard about pressure tactics or bluff?
Chinese investment on Pak-China Corridor and Gawadar Port has came at a wrong time. Future Chinese presence on the land of Pakistan and its waters is making India feel threatened and encircled - and India is feeling compelled to break the walls around it before they are erected high.

Chinese economy is slowing down, it needs initiatives and out of borer investments to keep it in shape and Pakistan is that opportunity. With that in view, stepping-back won't be a convenient choice. To me, stepping forward is the logical option for China and that would mean undergoing a defence pact with Pakistan..

Common man, you usually write decent posts. WTH is this??? Spent too much time without sleep may be? Too much work? Marital issues? Just saying, things happen in life.

No matter WHEN you would start something this big, India would have diarrhea, curls in the belly and it would try to sabotage it. Just the nature of an arch-rival, enemy form birth!!! Majority of their leaders don't accept Pakistan as of today and want it to be a part of the "One India" (obviously a Hindu India). So what have you been drinking and smoking.

This is the BEST time. Pak Army and the Civlians for the first time in Pakistan's history are working together to clean up Pakistan from all bad politicians (see recent cases, captures of previous corrupt politicians), see Army's success in rooting out terrorists and re-claim large pieces of Pakistan and put them back under the law of the land, and many others. In decades, there are RARE killings in Karachi, a city where a few dozen people will be killed just like fly's are squashed.

So this is the firs time that the entire military and civilian establishment is working on one goal, push Pakistan forward, get CPEC done at ALL costs. Which means that RAW's network is becoming weaker and weaker by the day. Your few hundred Baluch separatists "NOW" want to talk, because they are seeing no day light ahead for them and 0 support from the RAW.

On Chiense economy, when a country's economy slows down, what do they need? Economic growth and profit from some other place or means. Well, these are ALL the more reasons to invest more into Pakistan :enjoy::tup:. And you'll see more investments coming soon. If Chinese arn't getting a good return internally, Pakistan can give her 30% ROI without issues due to high growth potential. So I say the Chinese may be pouring in about $ 25-50 billion in the next few years!!!

Pakistan's stock market is getting listed (as ONE integrated stock market like the Wall Street) on NASDAQ. Imagine the growth possibilities :tup:!!

And here you are, playing Debbie Downer!!!!
And then it that case india just have to keep its nuke on alert mode, that will be enough to keep china beyond the border, coz they wont like to see their sparkling cities reduced to dirt. india will be ready for MAD at that time even if it sniffs a little of existential crisis.. But china wont be ready for MAD just for fighting pakistans war.

And i am not even talking about west and russia getting involved if china tried to interfere into indo-pak war.

And then india will take care of pakistan taking its own sweet time.
Lolz ok best of luck . but its possible only if ur missiles with reverse gear technology can penetrate their multiple defence system .
For us " ham to dubay saman tum ko bhi ley dubay gey " :D
No if.. No But.... Talk on Facts.. not IMAGINATION ...
Was India Defensive in 1971 or 1999 ?
Its your army generals and defense analyst who are cautioning ur government for a possible 2 front war . not me .
No if.. No But.... Talk on Facts.. not IMAGINATION ...
Was India Defensive in 1971 or 1999 ?

India's always defensive to be honest. When a country cares more about counting dimes than actually dealing with an issue, OR, sitting down with good intentions and resolving it through talks......you'll always play defensive. Its all talk and air, its like a big wrestler who looks fiery on TV. But he doesn't want to go inside the ring and things his big size will make his opponents accept defeat!! Talk to Pakistan and get your issues fixed.

You can't pass this mess onto next generations on both sides. 1.3 billion people can't remain hostage to what happened 70 years ago. If both the countries open their borders and trade, that alone could reach $ 50-50 billion easily over the decade or so. Why say no to so much revenue when it comes with peace??
India likes or not china needs EC for further in roads

You are talking india even entire world have been against thus chine not a bit gone backwords

Pak china relation where indian thinking stops our relation starts from their

And its not about china in future US Cargo benefit too

Only india has oribleum but it is not issue india had issue with pak nukes but we got them and we get it even india pit every oenny it has to stop it we still make it for our future generations

Indian are now clearly seen as probleumetic state and terror funcing in few years they get what they deserve
Lolz ok best of luck . but its possible only if ur missiles with reverse gear technology can penetrate their multiple defence system .
For us " ham to dubay saman tum ko bhi ley dubay gey " :D

Brother there's no point in arguing with these people. As I have just realized, many indians truely believe their country is more powerful and advanced than China. Let them continue to believe this. One of them even said that india has bigger nuke arsenal than China. There here to troll or delude themselves.

India's always defensive to be honest. When a country cares more about counting dimes than actually dealing with an issue, OR, sitting down with good intentions and resolving it through talks......you'll always play defensive. Its all talk and air, its like a big wrestler who looks fiery on TV. But he doesn't want to go inside the ring and things his big size will make his opponents accept defeat!! Talk to Pakistan and get your issues fixed.

You can't pass this mess onto next generations on both sides. 1.3 billion people can't remain hostage to what happened 70 years ago. If both the countries open their borders and trade, that alone could reach $ 50-50 billion easily over the decade or so. Why say no to so much revenue when it comes with peace??

That won't happen even in a million years. The hatred between Pakistan and india is the strongest hatred between 2 sets of different people in the world and will NEVER be broken. There is more hatred between Pakistanis and indians than between Palestinians and Israelis. The new generation of indians and Pakistanis hate eachother more than our grandparents did. This will never change. Stating an impossible objective is unnecessary.
India is feeling compelled to break the walls around it before they are erected high.

but only Pakistan is going to be on the receiving end when threats are mounting from India

India has always felt compelled to take up the act of a regional, piss poor pot head, chowdary sab. They always have, they always will. We have been ignoring their threats since before the independence (prominent Indian nationalists predicting Pakistan will fall back to India in a few years). My point being, we are never going to be friends. Not unless Kashmir is resolved, which IMHO is not going to happen unless some catastrophe strikes either country, God forbid.

So.. what am I missing here? Are you suggesting that Pakistan should put its plans on hold till things get better with India? Or unless Pakistan gets in a better position militarily or economically? Both are dependent on these kind of projects. Finally, IMO you are wrong in assuming that only Pakistan will be at the receiving end of these threats from India. When the Chinese are investing billions and they expect trillions $$ worth of Chinese goods to pass through these routes, they also have a huge stake here. Though they'll never actively get involved in a military conflict, but they'll sure as hell try to stop it from happening, which is good for everyone.
Pakistan may export terrorism to china through through cpec .
that is indeed a valid concern and much bigger risk to the project than India nuking the highway, like one of their TV 'pundits' suggested recently.

but I'm confident in China's handling of any such problem on their side, they'll crush any "mujhadeen" with a very heavy hand and nobody will say anything.
There is not a single rational thought in this
Chinese investment on Pak-China Corridor and Gawadar Port has came at a wrong time. Future Chinese presence on the land of Pakistan and its waters is making India feel bla bla .........bla................bla ........bla bla bla.......crap ......crapppp crapppp .

There is not a single rational or sane thought in this post. First of all, China is a superpower and does not seek anyone's approval....not even USA...not to speak of an over-rated and a looser enemy india. They did their home work and there is no such second thoughts in China. They always go forward and that has been the secret of their success. Slow down of economy is a natural consequence of saturation and that is why they are looking for new avenues and economic corridor is one of the corner stones of their new economic policy. It has been shaped over many years. As far as, the strengthening of Pakistan's defence is concerned, China has always been supporting Pakistan regardless of economic corridor and after the EC it will be further cemented.

This is the perfect time for China to invest in the EC and if india is jealous.....who cares... and if there is a war between looser india and Pakistan....then india will suffer catastrophic and irreparable lose and Pakistan will surely use nukes to decimate all of evil country's nuke and military facilities, in addition, to destroying all the major cities (above 1.5 million population or technology and IT centres), that the evil country would be left with crippled population and no natural and human resources and that would be far worse than total annihilation.This will be tragic for india but good for the region in the long run since China and Pakistan will develop at a much faster rate due to the peace in the region.
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Wrong. In today's world we cannot keep a colony even if we comprehensively defeat Pakistan in a war. So what will be left is a fertile breeding ground for terrorists, only this time it will be without any control of the weaken (Pakistani) state, we certainly won't want to gift our neighbourhood to ISIS or similar organizations.

Please think logocally instead of believing in fear-mongering conspiracy theories. Going to a full-scale war with Pakistan won't serve any purpose for us. The only real possibility I can see is a limited border skirmish targeting the terrorists camps inside Pakistan in case of another 26/11 like terrorist act on Indian soil with direct link to Pakistan, and I am sure even Pakistan won't like to stretch it beyond a border skirmish in such a scenario, or bigger powers won't.

There are no fear mongering conspiracy theories as you very casually put. Pakistan learned it the hard way after 71 what kind of threat we are up against just in our neighbourhood.

The highlighted part is the real danger because you are assuming too much not just for yourself but also for Pakistan. Let me just say this dont mistaken our resolve for peace as a weakness. Any attack on Pakistan will provoke a disproportionate response from our side.

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