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China picked a bad timing on Pakistan - Now it must StepBack or StepForward

Now After West , ME , And India.. Even China is on the List ?
Pakistan Zindabad !!:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

LMAO how much of a jobless no-lifer do you have to be sh*tpost on a Pakistani forum? Go back to your sh*thole forums you slumdog rapist scum.
Chinese investment on Pak-China Corridor and Gawadar Port has came at a wrong time. Future Chinese presence on the land of Pakistan and its waters is making India feel threatened and encircled - and India is feeling compelled to break the walls around it before they are erected high.

Pakistan is coming out of its wars on western Afghan border and it should've been given more time before Pakistan could bare implications of Chinese presence on the land and waters vis a vis India. Agreements are done with two hands and the other hand was Pakistani - true - but only Pakistan is going to be on the receiving end when threats are mounting from India. China has no option but to compensate for the "timing mistake" it has made. China can either;
  • Step Backwards: give up on Gwadar and Economic Corridor plans for a decade
  • Step Forward: support Pakistan's defence against upcoming Indian aggression
Chinese economy is slowing down, it needs initiatives and out of borer investments to keep it in shape and Pakistan is that opportunity. With that in view, stepping-back won't be a convenient choice. To me, stepping forward is the logical option for China and that would mean undergoing a defence pact with Pakistan.

Just my reading of reality but Allah knows the best.

Don't worry too much. Pakistan is a pretty small issue for India and even tinier for China. Chinese problems are in the trillions range so they are not going to worry about throwing a few more billions at Pakistan if needed. The only way Pakistan can really worry China is by getting caught in acts of terrorism which even China cannot turn a blind eye to given their dependency for walmart contracts.

CPEC and 35B may sound real big to you but it is not even to Pakistan. You stop terrorism emanating from pakistan and next day you will find 100 times that investment flooding in to Pakistan, a lt of it even from India!
that is indeed a valid concern and much bigger risk to the project than India nuking the highway, like one of their TV 'pundits' suggested recently.

but I'm confident in China's handling of any such problem on their side, they'll crush any "mujhadeen" with a very heavy hand and nobody will say anything.

If we can forsee this on this forum then obviously the Chinese have evaluated and put adequate solutions forward. Rumour has it that the terrorist have been paid off. I maybe wrong but that's the rumour making the rounds
If we can forsee this on this forum then obviously the Chinese have evaluated and put adequate solutions forward. Rumour has it that the terrorist have been paid off. I maybe wrong but that's the rumour making the rounds

a mix of paying off and splitting off a chunk of Pak army to be the security guards is the plan. I don't think there is an issue, unless your greedy generals try to siphon of that bribe money also!
If we can forsee this on this forum then obviously the Chinese have evaluated and put adequate solutions forward. Rumour has it that the terrorist have been paid off. I maybe wrong but that's the rumour making the rounds
could be, money solves everything.. even the Americans were paying groups in Iraq during the occupation.
could be, money solves everything.. even the Americans were paying groups in Iraq during the occupation.

They paid off the Iraqi resistance in 2008 because off the casualties they suffered the year before. In 2007 alone the Americans lost nearly 1000 troops according to "official figures". Imagine what the real figures were. If the Iraqis can do that to the Americans, imagine what we can do to the indians if they attacked us.
Thanks for writing on topic. Few thoughts;
  1. Strategically it is in the Indian interest to go a far now or never.
  2. India is going to fabricate justification of attacking Pakistan. India will fabricate terrorist incidents and mind their ground preparation; movies like Phantom are not for making money.
  3. Pakistan is becoming more stable, agree but it needs more time to wind up its wars on the western border. Chinese initiatives on Gawadar and Ecnomic Corridor had their strategic implications which are now making India restless. Pakistan should've been given more time to wind-up its ongoing war against terrorists.

Trust me. More than half of the Indian population wont watch Phanthom.
Nah OP, if they feel the RoI not up to scratch, they'll walk away and let you guys sort the mess. No 'deeper than valley and higher than mountains' friendship is ever going to trump self-interest.

Don't worry too much. Pakistan is a pretty small issue for India and even tinier for China. Chinese problems are in the trillions range so they are not going to worry about throwing a few more billions at Pakistan if needed. The only way Pakistan can really worry China is by getting caught in acts of terrorism which even China cannot turn a blind eye to given their dependency for walmart contracts.

CPEC and 35B may sound real big to you but it is not even to Pakistan. You stop terrorism emanating from pakistan and next day you will find 100 times that investment flooding in to Pakistan, a lt of it even from India!

A sane post.

Pak overestimation of their worth is a source of constant comedy for the rest of the world. These people think 45B over 15 years is a big deal. :rofl:
There are no fear mongering conspiracy theories as you very casually put. Pakistan learned it the hard way after 71 what kind of threat we are up against just in our neighbourhood.

The highlighted part is the real danger because you are assuming too much not just for yourself but also for Pakistan. Let me just say this dont mistaken our resolve for peace as a weakness. Any attack on Pakistan will provoke a disproportionate response from our side.

1971 was a different situation that doesn't exist anymore, and 1971 was probably avoidable if there was no 1965.
NOW we do not gain anything or fulfill any objective by starting a full scale war with Pakistan, unlike in 1971.

But, in case of another 26/11 like terrorist attack on us, we will likely to respond with a limited strike on Pakistani terror camps across the border areas with India, because it will serve multiple purposes for us, most important of it is to raise the stake for the international community to continue to maintain a relatively tolerant attitude to countries harbouring terrorists, and compel the international community to force Pakistan to destroy its terrorist assets and accept a border solution as per our preference.

Pakistan may respond disproportionately to our limited strike up to a point, and it will be responded to suitably, but after that it is expected that better sense will prevail among Pakistani leadership, and they will stand down. And if they don't, then I would say you missed the very last part of my previous post that says "or bigger powers won't". You might want to believe otherwise, but USA has significant control over Pakistan, they won't want the war to stretch beyond a point. Besides, China has increasing amount of investments in both India and Pakistan, they won't want that to go waste, and China also has significant say over Pakistan, they will make sure that Pakistani leadership act as per their best interest.
1971 was a different situation that doesn't exist anymore, and 1971 was probably avoidable if there was no 1965.
NOW we do not gain anything or fulfill any objective by starting a full scale war with Pakistan, unlike in 1971.

But, in case of another 26/11 like terrorist attack on us, we will likely to respond with a limited strike on Pakistani terror camps across the border areas with India, because it will serve multiple purposes for us, most important of it is to raise the stake for the international community to continue to maintain a relatively tolerant attitude to countries harbouring terrorists, and compel the international community to force Pakistan to destroy its terrorist assets and accept a border solution as per our preference.

Pakistan may respond disproportionately to our limited strike up to a point, and it will be responded to suitably, but after that it is expected that better sense will prevail among Pakistani leadership, and they will stand down. And if they don't, then I would say you missed the very last part of my previous post that says "or bigger powers won't". You might want to believe otherwise, but USA has significant control over Pakistan, they won't want the war to stretch beyond a point. Besides, China has increasing amount of investments in both India and Pakistan, they won't want that to go waste, and China also has significant say over Pakistan, they will make sure that Pakistani leadership act as per their best interest.

Again too many assumptions in your post. Why do you think Pakistan will stand down when India will be the aggressor? US holds influence but only up to an extent and that does not go beyond Pakistan's own creditability. Remember our response to US when they told us to allow India to strike on few targets inside Pakistan. You believe you can attack and get away without any serious repercussions? Think again without the bravado!

Once India decides to go beyond the border, all bets will be off and as made clear by both the government and the armed forces of Pakistan, we will respond at a place and time of our choosing, you can take any meaning out of it but one thing is evident that Pakistan will respond will full force leaving the ball in India's court as what it wants to do next? either stand down and prevent war or start a full scale war. Both will go in our favour. As for the pressure it will be on you to stand down and not escalate.

China has a significant say and they will stand with us over this, you can bet on that. Any attack on Pakistan will gain full support of China and China is well aware of Indian intentions regarding CPEC.
Lol what are you 10?? Lol :lol:

Instead of countering my post with counter argument like your fellow country man Rain Man is doing, you decided to go personal on me and called me a Madrassa pass out. Who's the 10 year old here, readers can judge.

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