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China permits Indian basmati rice imports

The sticky white rice is full of flavour. I would eat that either fish cooked with ginger root or plain chicken with some vege.
No, they will not. It's kind of asking Chinese to take your faviourite curry everyday.. They wouldnt like the taste. The Chinese government let it in because there wouldn't be any impact in the market share.

Tastes change, 10 years ago few people in China drank milk

Starting in 1999 the sales of UHT milk grew at an annual rate of 89 percent for five years straight,

Radical shifts in China's milk market -- china.org.cn

If people in China can learn to like KFC and pizza why not Indian rice?
Thanks China for the good guesture.

Thanks CHina for pressurizing Pakistani leaders to talk peace with India.

Indeed China is coming back to neutrality in Indo-Pakistani affairs.
Good for trade between the two nations. Why are people so worked about it, its just Rice for crying out loud.
we are used to indian bragging so everything they say we will discount it by 70%. I guess they are prepared to first price @ crazy dollars then their subsequent knock-off discount for warehouse clearance sale within a week on the shelf.

Why not rice from Pakistan which we will consume with great comfort!

Are you sure that you will take their bamasti rice? Read the news first or you will be regret!!!!

China allows imports of Indian basmati rice
No. Because there is no meat in indian rice.

What non-sense is this? Do you guys grow meat with your rice?

and nobody here on this thread knows the price so stop whining about the price!

@BDians- you should stick with your bhat rather than thinking about Basmati rice.. If you find worms in basmati rice then I am sure you must be picking it up from trash can..

@Pakistanis - In US, Indian Basmati is sold at all the retail shops like Costco, BJ's, Sams club etc apart from the chains like Walmarts, Shopper stops, Targets and lots of others. I have not seen Pakistani basmati anywhere apart from some Indian stores..
I guess you are not so conversant in english although you have marked yourself with an american flag. LOL.

Just for you only, "no meat" in here actually means no "Nourishment". LOLOL.

Ok, I misunderstood the post.. Since you got much knowledge on the topic, show me the Nourishment comparison of various rice available in China and how they score any better than "Basmati rice".

I know your hatred for anything Indian but you guys need to know one fact and that is - Basmati is one of the most sold premium rice in the world and there are very good reasons for people liking it.

I can understand if you say you can't afford it or may be it is not up to your taste but that does not mean you can come up with stupid statements - it got no "Nourishment".

For god sake, stop insulting your intelligence.
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