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China: Pakistani student killed for dating Chinese girl by her father and brother.

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What the boy did was haram and what the father and brother of that girl did was haram as well.

We can't judge. But killing someone is very very bad. I would have forced that guy to marry that girl since he already had sex with her. Instead of killing him.

Honor killing is a problem all around the muslim world. China is no exception.

Shenyang is the city i studied in for 3 years.

@Chinese-Dragon There is a girl in this video, and some background voices ........ what are they saying, the girl is screaming sort of, what is she saying?

If its an honor killing then why would they spare the girl?

Cant make most of her words its not clear but i did make out she said dad he will die! Stop

She is not speaking chinese (mandarin) its a different language that hui people speak in shenyang and north east i forgot its name.

The boy is dead but the girl will die everyday of her life becos of her dad and brother.

U gotta know she loved him , gotta love her brother and her father. She will be messed up really bad.

No one can bring back the dead boy, everyone should do their best for the girl. She is living and in most pain. This is very very sad. Im leaving this thread not to visit again. I feel sad for all 4 of them.
Cant make most of her words its not clear but i did make out she said dad he will die! Stop

Are Chinese normally overprotective of their women? They appear to me like closed community here in Pakistan, their women carry this casual and careless attitude, while the accompanying males sort of act like overprotective. I have Chinese male and female members in the gym ....... except for one guy who works out alone and is quite friendly the rest of them are closed group very overprotective of their group ladies.
he was there to study, why was he dating a local girl again?

If all true, the student is free to date whoever he wants as long as the girl is fine with it. This isn't the problem. Let's wait to see who it is from official sources and how authorities will treat it. For now, we can't see the man's face. We have no idea what happened before. We have no idea what happened after. Just some internet claims which are not 100% reliable so let's wait for verifications. If it is all true and the person was murdered, they will receive capital punishment. No way to escape the bullet. This is a crime because he didn't rape anyone and the girl in video seems to be trying to protect him and stop the men. Horrible thing. Does happen everywhere but for Muslims, honor killing is very much to do with religion based thinking and here, if all true it is just racist thinking.

If the men are father and brother of the girl, they could either be ethnic minority who can have more than one child or very wealthy to pay their way to have two children. This makes me doubt the authenticity of the story. No Chinese family with children around 10-40 years old now can have more than one child UNLESS they are ethnic minorities who are exempt from the one child policy or they are very wealthy and when the wife is pregnant, she hides in another town and then pays for fake ID and cards for second child then pays heavy fine after. Wealthy people usually don't risk doing this in such public stupid way and probably won't do this anyway. Ethnic minority is possible but why attack a Pakistani if they are muslim or another minority? Who knows. I am curious how this goes but so far not even big named "reliable" western media have reported this yet. I haven't found it in Chinese media either. Could come out in a few days though. We will see.
In china they avoid a police case as much as they can. No one wants to be involved even as a witness. Chinese law enforcment is very harsh very very harsh.

That is not an excuse. Would you have tried to stop them if you were there?
Are Chinese normally overprotective of their women? They appear to me like closed community here in Pakistan, their women carry this casual and careless attitude, while the accompanying males sort of act like overprotective. I have Chinese male and female members in the gym ....... except for one guy who works out alone and is quite friendly the rest of them are closed group very overprotective of their group ladies.

This family was from hui chinese. The most practicing muslims in all of china. May be all of the world. Thats how i find them. They are every bit sensitive towards women as any arab or pakistani would be.

China has 56 different nations ( ethnicities) cultures. This family is from Hui zu. They are majorly very different from han chinese (who are majority) in china. Chinese are liberal (kai fang) with some exceptions like (hui zu, wei zu, hazakh kazakh zu, Man zu)

China is very diverse population wise. It is a world ( plannet) in its own. Many cultures and many different people. Some are minority but even chinese minority can be bigger than most european nations. Too many people.
No need to ask it is fake news just like the few days early about zambian student was fake news. If it was true by now news would have been blasting this every where.

Most probably something happening in Vietnam.

Even if it is true, you should not hype of the news too much...These kind of unfortunate incident happens in many parts of the world...The relation between 2 nations should not be driven by such kind of incidents...
Where was i talking about you and what did you miss?
Let me help you out,

''They are materialistic,no compassion no sympathy no commiseration no remorse no culture(most) nothing,the communist party made sure of that.
So,what do you expect?''

As we both use our brains enough to not fool or trick each other,lets not do that Dragon.

I don't see how your edit changed anything about what you said.
Its sad indeed and there is one girl in there as well

I cannot comment unless I know who is he and what he did and why they are beating him like that
The most rational comment I have seen since this happened.
And I like your signature.
the general populace of china is much less careful to strangers.
that may be a result of a godless communist regime ideology taking its toll on them.

for all the advancements achieve thus far nothing from the ruling autocrat has been done on personal development.
the general populace of china is much less careful to strangers.
that may be a result of a godless communist regime ideology taking its toll on them.

for all the advancements achieve thus far nothing from the ruling autocrat has been done on personal development.

wahh wahh cry more
We have always been secular,The central Asian countries have also long advocated secular societies
being secular is absolutely fine...no problem at all
it is the over ruling ideology of non-compassionate & understanding intolerance towards individuals especially to strangers, adversaries(those that dont agree with) that stifle the good traditional value of chinese people.

if some form of compassionate ideology/religion is allowed things will be much better with personal development.
I didnt edit anything,you edited the word ''most'' out.
Most means not all,dont try it,not correct what you did there.

I quoted it exactly as it was written, you can ask a moderator to verify that by checking the edit history of your post.

And even then, saying that "most" Chinese people have no compassion, no sympathy, no remorse, and no culture... is that supposed to be any better?
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