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China, Pakistan to hold anti-terrorist exercise this summer


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China, Pakistan to hold anti-terrorism military training in summer
10:24, March 07, 2010
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Chinese and Pakistani armies will hold a joint anti-terrorism military training in China this summer, the Information Office of the Ministry of National Defense said Saturday.

The training, code-named "Friendship-2010," will be the third one of this kind between the two countries, the office said, giving no details about the training.

The office said the two armies' expert teams held the first round of discussions about the training from March 1 to 3.

They agreed that the training, not targeting at the third party, was aimed at "deepening the friendly and cooperative relationship between the two armies" while "enhancing their capabilities in coping with terrorism and safeguarding regional peace and stability."

China and Pakistan held their first-ever joint anti-terrorism exercise code-named "Friendship-2004" in Xinjiang's Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County bordering Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. About 200 border troops from both sides participated in the drill.

The second joint anti-terror military training was code-named "Friendship-2006." It was carried out in the hilly area of northern Pakistan's Abbottabad. More than 400 troops from both armies took part in the exercise.

Source: Xinhua
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China, Pakistan to hold anti-terrorism military training in summer
Posted 09:04 AM ET
BEIJING, Mar 06, 2010 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- Chinese and Pakistani armies will hold a joint anti-terrorism military training in China this summer, the Information Office of the Ministry of National Defense said Saturday.

The training, code-named "Friendship-2010," will be the third one of this kind between the two countries, the office said, giving no details about the training.

The office said the two armies' expert teams held the first round of discussions about the training from March 1 to 3.

They agreed that the training, not targeting at the third party, was aimed at "deepening the friendly and cooperative relationship between the two armies" while "enhancing their capabilities in coping with terrorism and safeguarding regional peace and stability."

China and Pakistan held their first-ever joint anti-terrorism exercise code-named "Friendship-2004" in Xinjiang's Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County bordering Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. About 200 border troops from both sides participated in the drill.

The second joint anti-terror military training was code-named "Friendship-2006." It was carried out in the hilly area of northern Pakistan's Abbottabad. More than 400 troops from both armies took part in the exercise.


新华网(Xinhua)北京3月6日电 记者3月6日从国防部新闻事务局获悉,中国和巴基斯坦两国军队经友好协商,决定今年夏天在中国境内举行代号为“友谊-2010”的反恐联合训练。这是继“友谊-2004”和“友谊-2006”反恐联合训练后,两国陆军举行的第三次联合训练。3月1日至3日,双方军事专家组就联合训练相关问题进行了首轮磋商并达成广泛共识。双方表示,此次联合训练以反恐为主题,不针对任何第三方,希望通过此次联合训练,进一步深化中巴两军友好合作关系,共同提高应对恐怖主义威胁和维护地区安全与和平的能力。
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