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China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: PM approves over $38bn projects

Statements based on evidence are not rants. :D


Back to the topic, any updates on the oil pipeline and railway line to China as part of these projects?
and yet you did not provide us with your evidence --- :D
"Should" be is the key word, but so far from reality. The military are the new masters with the same old colonial mentality, to put it crudely.

Actually its changed or is changing rapidly. If you look at the current offense in the Northern Pakistan, you can see that the military stayed away from an operation until the government gave up. Many would believe that the operation started because the army chief or the military thought the time for talks is up. But the reality is, the US pushed Pakistan to launch the offense as it was much needed (more for Pakistan than for the US actually.
Your military now very well knows that the economy drives the budget and the $$. There is not much left in the country financially that can support a military yay big. So they are realizing it and working with the gov't and realizing its place. I know my post might hurt some folks' feelings here but reality is the reality. The military gets a pay check signed off by the civilian government elected democratically by the people. If it takes over the country again or pressurizes the constitutional rights, no one would do business with Pakistan. Imagine running a country or an economy where the electricity doesn't come for weeks at a time (that's what would've happened had a democratically elected government not come into the power).......this is just one example as that's where the electricity issue was headed. There are a ton more.
Time for everyone to realize their place and work as a team and take a country of over 200 plus million people forward. Any further adventures will destabilize your country to a degree where it may not exist on the map the way it does today. I am saying this with sincerity and not in a threatening way.
You are right on this one. The reason for that is very simple 90% of china economy lies at the coastal areas.
China will eventually try to develop it inland areas but not anytime soon,until it does that the pak- China corridor or oil pipeline is not feasible.
Secondly its much more feasible to import oil from russai via pipeline than using pakistan especially since a key player Like Iran is under sanctions . However 20-30 years latter it might improve its infrastructure inland via pakistan. Much will also depend upon political situation in east Asia and conflicts there, today there aren't any issues that threaten china sea route.

Regarding gawadar however China is interested to develop it as it lies at an important sea route.
Time for everyone to realize their place and work as a team and take a country of over 200 plus million people forward. Any further adventures will destabilize your country to a degree where it may not exist on the map the way it does today. I am saying this with sincerity and not in a threatening way.

Please keep in mind that Pakistanis (and particulalry its Army) are an adventuresome people. :D
Please keep in mind that Pakistanis (and particulalry its Army) are an adventuresome people. :D

I can only go to an adventure mission if my pocket allows me to fly to Tibet and try to get on top of the Mt. Everest. However, if I don't have the money, I shouldn't be bankrupting myself to be an adventurist....similarly, the Pak ARMY and the People need to realize that their need is not short term power play in the country. Their job is to support the democratic government so that the country could go forward economically and financially. Once the money starts to pour in and the economy and a common Pakistani starts to do good financially, the Army will automatically get a bigger defense budget and that's more power and toys for them. A military that supports a growing democratically elected government which is driving a growing economy...is liked by everyone and there are no stopping of any equipment you guys need to ask the west for. Sheer adventurism without financial means is actually stupidity in my opinion.
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I can only go to an adventure mission if my pocket allow me to fly to Tibet and try to get on top of the Mt. Everest. However, if I don't have the money, I shouldn't be bankrupting myself to be an adventurist....similarly, the Pak ARMY and the People need to realize that their need is not short term power play in the country. Their job is to support the democratic government so that the country can go forward economically and financially. Once the money starts to pour in and the economy and a common Pakistani start to do good financially, the Army will automatically get a bigger defense budget and that's more power and toys for them. A military that supports a growing democratically elected government which is driving a growing economy...is liked by everyone and there are no stopping of any equipment you guys need to ask the west for. Sheer adventurism without financial means is actually stupidity in my opinion.

What can I say? Pakistanis are not only an adventuresome people but also are really ........ :D
What can I say? Pakistanis are not only an adventuresome people but also are really ........ :D
I don't think they are that ---- if you know what I mean. I think people from India-Pakistan are super smart actually. But hey, that's why we are all here. Trying to debate and make others understand what they may not have thought through or what they may not consider due to norms in Pakistan. There is no bad advise ever. There is advise that you understand and take it and there is advise you didn't take it as everyone is allowed to make their own decisions. We are also advising folks on here about some things that the people don't think or aren't really used to thinking. That's when you blame the system a bit :)
I don't think they are that ---- if you know what I mean. I think people from India-Pakistan are super smart actually. But hey, that's why we are all here. Trying to debate and make others understand what they may not have thought through or what they may not consider due to norms in Pakistan. There is no bad advise ever. There is advise that you understand and take it and there is advise you didn't take it as everyone is allowed to make their own decisions. We are also advising folks on here about some things that the people don't think or aren't really used to thinking. That's when you blame the system a bit :)

You can lead a horse to water ..........

Advice can work only if someone listens to it. :D
You can lead a horse to water ..........
Advice can work only if someone listens to it. :D

You also have to open up the muzzle so the horse can see the water too. Can't just take him to the water and assume he could smell it
Ramdan Mubarak all my pak army


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So who is financing all these projects? Where is the money?

Where is the famed railway line and oil pipeline all the way to China in this list?

Look this is couple of months old article, but many of these projects are now approved and construction will start this year. What do you have to say now?
38 billion dollars ki bajaye agar sirf 3.8 billion dollars bhi aa jaye to I will be happiest man on earth

I don't know the need of mentioning so high figures when the reality is mostly indifferent.
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