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China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: PM approves over $38bn projects

Yea.....but you are just speaking without realizing what you are saying. Someone gave billions for results and the results have started to show up. The stock market has doubled in the past 16 months, just as an example....if you don't comprehend how the economies and growth works.....may not want to keep questioning and sounding pessimistic at the least? Let the results show over time and see the results already in place......

The stock market is rising as the haven for black money, that is all. The one thing is the improved exchange rate, which will succumb to the underlying imbalances of imports exceeding exports, sooner or later. All the rest is shell games. The power sector continues to be a disaster, and the other basic weakness of law and order, security and social development all remain abysmal. Anything else you wish to add?
Much hope and hot air here. Little will be actually achieved.
Think positive my friend it will take time given the skilled labour and other expertise we have we may face difficulties but I hope these projects will become land marks for Pakistan .
Think positive my friend it will take time given the skilled labour and other expertise we have we may face difficulties but I hope these projects will become land marks for Pakistan .

Think positive? Please read this, you may find it relevant:

The hard truth about image

"Why do we constantly try to project a ‘soft’ image of our country? Why do we urge writers, actors, artists to try and do so, depicting a different picture of reality. The truth is that there is really less and less that is ‘soft’ about us.

We live in a hard, ugly place."
From the Wapda 2013 report, Basha dam is underconstrution and will be completed by 2020-21.

While Dasu 4300mw will start this year (if everything goes right) and finish by 2026, i think this include Phase-I and Phase-II. Whlile Bunji 7100mw will start in 2017 and finish by 2024-25.

Basha dam:


 After approval of FODP/ADB Report on Water Sector Task Force by Federal Cabinet new strategy to be
 In case of non commitment of World Bank/ADB for financing Diamer Basha Dam Project an alternate financing
plan needs to be prepared.
 GoP to provide funds for land acquisition.
80% of the cost of project will be met through loan/supplier credit/buyer’s credit.
 20% of the cost of the project will be met through Govt. funding, domestic loan/local bonds (Sukuk) and PSDP.

 Foreign financing will be made through Donor Agency/ADB//IDB/Middle East Donors/Buyer
Credits/Supplier’s Credit
 Special request will be made to Islamic Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Kuwait Development
Fund, Saudi Development Fund, Qatar Development Fund, Abu Dhabi Fund for investing in Diamer Basha Dam
 Special request may be made to USAID to support this project as signatory project in Pakistan.
 Consortium will be made comprising of Chinese Turkish and other Civil Contractors.
 Consortium will also be made for supplying Electro-Mechanical equipment as Supplier’s Credit.

Detailed Engineering Design of Diamer Basha Dam Project (DBDP) was completed in June-2008.
 PC-I for Land Acquisition and Resettlement was approved by Executive Committee of National Economic
Council (ECNEC) on 6.11.2008 for Rs. 60 billion.
 Main PC-I for DBDP was approved by ECNEC on 20.08.2009 for Rs.894.257 billion.
 Resolution on Consensus of Diamer Basha Dam Project approved from Council of Common Interest (CCI) on
18.07.2010 headed by Prime Minister of Pakistan.
 Bridge at Thakot on Indus River is completed by NHA for transportation of material and heavy machinery for
construction of Diamer Basha Dam Project.
 Priority Land Acquisition has started.
 Rs.6.563 billion have been released to the Government of Gilgit-Baltistan for acquisition of land and 1783 Acres
of land has been acquired.
 Rs.262 million was released in to D.C. Kohistan for acquisition of land and 162 Acres land has been acquired of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa area.
 A vocational Training Institute has been setup.
 Inauguration ceremony for commencement of works of Diamer asha Dam Project has been carried out by the
Prime Minister of Pakistan on 18.10.2011.

http://www.wapda.gov.pk/pdf/potentialPakistan . pdf
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We have signed so many MOU’s with China, it should be in Guinness book of records.:D

But seriously, one can hope that these new MOU’s don't end up like the previous ones.


BEIJING, Oct 15 2008, Pakistan and China signed here on Wednesday 12 agreements, memorandums of understanding and protocols to enhance cooperation on a sound footing in various sectors, including infrastructure, information technology, energy, telecommunication, agriculture, industry, minerals, trade, disaster relief and space technology.

The signing ceremony held at the Great Hall of the People was witnessed by President Asif Ali Zardari and his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao after an hour-long one-to-one interaction between the two leaders and two hours of talks between delegations.


Pak,China sign US$ 10 billion worth MoUs during Premier Wen visit to Pakistan

January 25, 2011


Zardari’s China visit concludes with 8MoUs;Significant in benefitting from Chinese development model

Aug 2011

“The centerpiece of the President’s visit is the MoU signed on building a 7,000 MW hydro power in Bunji in the Northern Areas,” Spokesperson to the President former Senator Farhatullah Babar said after the completion of President Zardari’s visit.

The project will be built on BOOT (build, operate, own and transfer) basis with total foreign investment.

The MoU has been signed between Pakistan’s Water and Power Ministry of Pakistan and China’s Three Gorges Project Corporation that has recently built the world’s largest hydro power project in China, capable of generating over 22,000 MW and a water reservoir spread over 650 sq.km.
From the Wapda 2013 report, Basha dam is underconstrution and will be completed by 2020-21.

While Dasu 4300mw will start this year (if everything goes right) and finish by 2026, i think this include Phase-I and Phase-II. Whlile Bunji 7100mw will start in 2017 and finish by 2024-25.

Basha dam:


 After approval of FODP/ADB Report on Water Sector Task Force by Federal Cabinet new strategy to be
In case of non commitment of World Bank/ADB for financing Diamer Basha Dam Project an alternate financing
plan needs to be prepared.

 GoP to provide funds for land acquisition.
80% of the cost of project will be met through loan/supplier credit/buyer’s credit.
 20% of the cost of the project will be met through Govt. funding, domestic loan/local bonds (Sukuk) and PSDP.

 Foreign financing will be made through Donor Agency/ADB//IDB/Middle East Donors/Buyer
Credits/Supplier’s Credit
 Special request will be made to Islamic Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Kuwait Development
Fund, Saudi Development Fund, Qatar Development Fund, Abu Dhabi Fund for investing in Diamer Basha Dam
 Special request may be made to USAID to support this project as signatory project in Pakistan.
 Consortium will be made comprising of Chinese Turkish and other Civil Contractors.
 Consortium will also be made for supplying Electro-Mechanical equipment as Supplier’s Credit.

Detailed Engineering Design of Diamer Basha Dam Project (DBDP) was completed in June-2008.
 PC-I for Land Acquisition and Resettlement was approved by Executive Committee of National Economic
Council (ECNEC) on 6.11.2008 for Rs. 60 billion.
 Main PC-I for DBDP was approved by ECNEC on 20.08.2009 for Rs.894.257 billion.
 Resolution on Consensus of Diamer Basha Dam Project approved from Council of Common Interest (CCI) on
18.07.2010 headed by Prime Minister of Pakistan.
 Bridge at Thakot on Indus River is completed by NHA for transportation of material and heavy machinery for
construction of Diamer Basha Dam Project.
 Priority Land Acquisition has started.
 Rs.6.563 billion have been released to the Government of Gilgit-Baltistan for acquisition of land and 1783 Acres
of land has been acquired.
 Rs.262 million was released in to D.C. Kohistan for acquisition of land and 162 Acres land has been acquired of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa area.
 A vocational Training Institute has been setup.
 Inauguration ceremony for commencement of works of Diamer asha Dam Project has been carried out by the
Prime Minister of Pakistan on 18.10.2011.

http://www.wapda.gov.pk/pdf/potentialPakistan . pdf

true but i am more like pessimist, unless funding is confirmed for Bhasha it fate might become similar to NJ project which was mostly home funded i.e face multiple delays.
similarly no funding for bunji has been confirmed.
the only project confirmed is dasu phase1 by 2019-20 which will produce 2200 w and will be 90% funded by WB @ 4.9 billion dollars.
Think positive? Please read this, you may find it relevant:

The hard truth about image

"Why do we constantly try to project a ‘soft’ image of our country? Why do we urge writers, actors, artists to try and do so, depicting a different picture of reality. The truth is that there is really less and less that is ‘soft’ about us.

We live in a hard, ugly place."
well i read, didnt find it relative to this topic..:pakistan:
for all our flaws we cant simply force our stupid judiciary to make right decisions, lunatics like this exist all over the world in every country.
if you think every pakistani will become a soft person or if you think every person in india or any other "soft" country doesnt have not any extremism at all than i guess you dont live in reality.
i come across 1000s of common folk every day in most conservative area of our country, i am much more positive about our people than religious politicians presents a very minority population, extremist even lesser amount. the situation has improved much better than 10 years back. real problem are our politicans who like any multicultural country are too sacred to act on anything (is india any different?)

regarding teaching about bin qasim and not teaching about bacha khan is all about you country foundation, should we teach too much about a leader who didnt accepted pakistan till the very end..?
history shoud be manipulated to keep the foundation of our country, Bin qasim is potrayed as a person who was just to minorities(so much they they cried once he left) and brought a very good system of govt.
now, it doesnt matter what the truth was (whether he was an evil guy or just conqueror) what really matters is that the subject about him being "just and good to minority so much that they cried once he left" is taught to population.
what else can we do, we cant just not teach history or simply call him an evil guy can we?
does turkey teach their student Armenian genocide or does USA teach their students the evil of just bombing JAPAN even though they lost the war or supporting the colonist french for their barbaric act most second world war?
true but i am more like pessimist, unless funding is confirmed for Bhasha it fate might become similar to NJ project which was mostly home funded i.e face multiple delays.
similarly no funding for bunji has been confirmed.
the only project confirmed is dasu phase1 by 2019-20 which will produce 2200 w and will be 90% funded by WB @ 4.9 billion dollars.

Basha is must important dam in short term, i would say goverment should take it seriously the way it did when Pak was building nukes. Seem like they are doing just that, Nawaz said they will finance the project no matter what. Tarbella dam have already lost quite a bit of its storage capacity. Basha will increase Tarbela dam life by 35 years and also production capacity by 1110 Gwh which will save extra $136 milion every year from tarbela alone.

Since Dasu phase II cant be completed without Basha, maybe thats why Wapda have put its complerion date at 2026-27. With phase I completed by 2020. Bunji will not be ready for advance implementation till 2017 so GoP still have couple of years to look for loans.
history shoud be manipulated to keep the foundation of our country, .......what else can we do, we cant just not teach history or simply call him an evil guy can we?

Hain ji? Such lies never last. Do we want a foundation built on lies?
Well Dude, Abstract surely coz I dont have any official numbers. But i hope u understand why I put these points. Cos thats exactly how Pakistan has been fairing past many years.

If I see Pakistan developing and executing its projects, I need some good logic behind it. If I ask myself, Why Pakistan hasnt grown till now? My answers revolve around terrorism, nonconducive atmosphere for Business, Lack of Investments, etc etc.

Now if we ask again, has the above mentioned things eradicated? The answer is everything is still there. Terrorism is not eradicated, Business sentiment is not sky hugh, Outside investments are nil.

U temme, Why shud anyone believe in Pakistani development given the current scenario. Suppose I am da investor. Give me a good reason.
sir, pakistan has grown in 50 years wasnt our per capta larger than yours n 2008.
even today it isnt much different.
secondly even if these projects are completed we shouldnt expect to change our destiny with them. it may only help us to achieve a better growth of 6% vs 3-5% for past 5 years
sir, pakistan has grown in 50 years wasnt our per capta larger than yours n 2008.
even today it isnt much different.
secondly even if these projects are completed we shouldnt expect to change our destiny with them. it may only help us to achieve a better growth of 6% vs 3-5% for past 5 years

Dont compare past 50 yrs. Scenarios were different. U dint face in past 50 yrs what u r facing now. Whats the PoA to come out of this mess? Do u guyz even have one? How will u grow then?

And dont undermine the current investments. They are the most important aspect to kickstart growth.
Dont compare past 50 yrs. Scenarios were different. U dint face in past 50 yrs what u r facing now. Whats the PoA to come out of this mess? Do u guyz even have one? How will u grow then?

And dont undermine the current investments. They are the most important aspect to kickstart growth.
are you talking of war of 1965,1971 and 1977-87 then 1999 and 90s sanctions on pakistan..
what scenrio have been different , pretty much the same?
the only good time was between 2002-2008 and we did showed a very high growth.
what i am saying that regionally we have shown some growth , not a total failure.
investor will look towards that and 200 million population
projects of power sector by 2020
1. hydro 10,000 mw.
4k in private sector( upper and lower palas, suki kinari, kohla etc), 2200 dasu,3000 tarbela ext,1 k NJ
2. thermal by 2020 via coal
depends on lot of factor 5k confirmed; 6k unconfirmed MoUs
100mw confirmed 900mw MoUs
1200 confirmed
1800mw MoUs
5. bagas (sugar cane)
3000 MoUs
6. gas
600mw confirmed work in final stages
unconfirmed =6,000mw
theses are projects i know off

2 nuclear plants in Karachi 2200mw by 2019, construction has started.
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