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China Outer Space Science, Technology and Explorations: News & Updates

Chinese Deep Space Exploration: Venus Orbiter and Lander, Mars Sampling Return, Asteroid Probe


Tianwen-2 Mission


Next Chinese Sampling Return Mission from an asteroid!

• Tianwen-2 spacecraft to be launched in 2024 with CZ-3B from Xichang SLC
• Flyby of asteroid 2016HO3 in 2025
• Orbiting and remote sensing
• Landing and sampling of rock
• Capsule with sampling returned to Earth in 2026
• Earth flyby gravity assist
• Mars gravity assist flyby in 2027
• Flyby of 2nd target Comet 133P in 2032
• Orbiting and remote sensing in 2033


https://archive.vn/yf1Y9/70d80ccc1a4cd3f93fa0c9050ce977251410ea66.jpg ; https://archive.vn/yf1Y9/2a1613da6c21f26ff38000a9cf4c19825ce7c99f/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201208004627/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EopfS0pU8AIucgg?format=jpg&name=small
1. Tianwen-2 spacecraft mission trajectory.


https://archive.vn/f3Osh/db9539889745ea5200924606baf2d13653684106.png ; https://archive.vn/f3Osh/950874aa364ae8a744e7e00a390f029d1289ea61/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201208005127/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EopmUomXYAMaWg-?format=png&name=900x900
2. Tianwen-2 spacecraft mission trajectory: older chart.




China National Radio Military
3 minutes ago from Weibo International Edition

[Congratulate! Chang'e-5 ascender perform controlled impact on the moon]

At 6:59 on December 8, the Chang'e-5 ascender was de-orbited in accordance with ground instructions. It impact the moon around 7:30, at designated drop zone near 0 degrees longitude and 30 degrees south latitude. Experts said that the Chang'e-5 ascender has successfully completed its mission, and the controlled de-orbiting and impact on the moon can prevent it from becoming space junk and avoid affecting the subsequent lunar exploration missions of international community. This is China's important role in its commitment to the peaceful exploration and use of space for mankind as a responsible power. (People's Daily)
CAS broke with tradition for one of the new missions, the Gravitational Wave High-energy Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor (GECAM). It fast-tracked selection and development to take advantage of a new scientific opportunity, which Xiong Shaolin, an astrophysicist at CAS's Institute of High Energy Physics in Beijing, and his colleagues identified a month after the U.S. Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory announced its historic detection of gravitational waves in February 2016. They proposed putting two satellites into orbit on opposite sides of Earth that together could watch the entire sky for gamma rays emanating from the events that generate gravitational waves. Funding for technical studies arrived a few months later, and the mission has jumped to the front of the launch queue, with a date of 2020. "When you have this kind of opportunity you can't handle it like a normal mission, with selection and review taking 10 or 20 years," Xiong says.
China launches two satellites for gravitational wave detection
Source: Xinhua| 2020-12-10 06:27:50|Editor: huaxia

XICHANG, Dec. 10 (Xinhua) -- China sent two satellites for the detection of gravitational waves into planned orbit from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province on Thursday morning.

The two satellites, which compose the Gravitational Wave High-energy Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor (GECAM) mission, were launched by a Long March-11 carrier rocket at 4:14 a.m. (Beijing Time), according to the center.

Thursday's launch was the 355th mission of the Long March rocket series.

The GECAM satellites will be used to monitor high-energy celestial phenomena such as gravitational wave gamma-ray bursts, high-energy radiation of fast radio bursts, special gamma-ray bursts and magnetar bursts, and to study neutron stars, black holes and other compact objects and their merger processes.

In addition, they will also detect high-energy radiation phenomena in space, such as solar flares, Earth gamma flashes and Earth electron beams, providing observation data for scientists.

The GECAM project is carried out by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Long March-11 rocket is developed by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.





China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
34 minutes ago

[Waiting for you to come home [love you] Chang'e-5 implements the first maneuver for lunar-earth transfer]

At 9:54 on December 12, the Chang'e-5 orbiter and returner combination after about 6 days of waiting around the moon, had implemented the first maneuver for lunar-earth transfer, from a near circular orbit to an elliptical orbit with perilune of about 200 kilometers near the moon. Later, the orbiter and returner assembly carrying the lunar sample will choose an opportunity to implement the second maneuver for Trans-Earth Injection, so as to get away from the lunar gravitational pull, enter the lunar-earth transfer orbit and return to earth. (Source: National Space Administration)


#嫦娥探月# 【嫦娥五号轨道器和返回器组合体,实施第二次月地转移入射】北京时间12月13日9时51分,嫦娥五号轨道器和返回器组合体实施第二次月地转移入射,在距月面约230公里处成功实施四台150牛发动机点火,约22分钟后,发动机正常关机。根据实时遥测数据监视判断,轨道器和返回器组合体顺利摆脱月球引力,成功进入月地转移轨道。

China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp.
27 minutes ago

[Chang'e-5 orbiter and returner combination carried out second lunar-to-earth transfer maneuver]

At 9:51 on December 13, Beijing time, the Chang'e-5 orbiter and returner combination carried out the second lunar-to-earth transfer maneuver, four 150N engines were successfully ignited at a distance of about 230 kilometers from the lunar surface. After about 22 minutes, the engines shut down normally. According to the monitoring and assessment of real-time telemetry data, the orbiter and returner combination successfully escaped lunar gravity into the lunar-earth transfer orbit.

Later, the Chang'e-5 orbiter and returner assembly carrying lunar samples will undergo midway orbit correction during the lunar-to-earth transfer process, and the separation of the orbiter and the returner will be carried out when appropriate.

Chang'e-5 completes first orbital correction en route to Earth
Source: Xinhua| 2020-12-14 12:36:22|Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, Dec. 14 (Xinhua) -- China's Chang'e-5 probe on Monday completed its first orbital correction en route to Earth, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA).

The orbital correction was conducted at 11:13 a.m. (Beijing Time) when the two 25N engines on the orbiter-returner combination were operational for about 28 seconds.

The CNSA said all systems on the orbiter-returner combination that carries lunar samples are currently in good condition.

The orbiter-returner combination entered the moon-Earth transfer orbit on Sunday.

When the time is right, the orbiter and returner will separate from one another, according to the CNSA. The probe's returner is expected to land at the Siziwang Banner in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in mid-December.

Chang'e-5 is one of the most complicated and challenging missions in China's aerospace history. It is also the world's first moon-sample mission in more than 40 years.

The probe, comprising an orbiter, a lander, an ascender and a returner, was launched on Nov. 24, and its lander-ascender combination touched down on the north of the Mons Rumker in Oceanus Procellarum, also known as the Ocean of Storms, on the near side of the moon on Dec. 1.
#嫦娥五号# 完成第2次月地转移轨道修正——今天9时15分, 嫦娥五号轨返组合体上的两台25N发动机工作约8秒钟,顺利完成第二次月地转移轨道修正,组合体上各系统状态良好。​

China Aerospace
Today at 11:05

Chang'e-5 completed the second lunar-earth transfer orbit correction-at 9:15 today, the two 25N engines on the Chang'e-5 orbital assembly worked for about 8 seconds, successfully completing the second lunar-earth transfer orbit correction, all systems on the assembly are in good condition.
今天 11:40 已编辑

China Aerospace
Today 11:40

This morning, the Long March No. 8 Y1 launch vehicle was transferred from the vertical assembly test plant to launch pad - station 201 for dress rehearsal before the first flight. The Long March No. 8 is scheduled for its first flight at the end of December.

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今天 11:00 来自 微博 weibo.com 已编辑​
】今天上午8时20分,承载着长征八号遥一运载火箭的活动发射平台,驶出发射场垂直测试厂房,经两个多小时平稳行驶,安全转运至发射区。记者获悉,后续,火箭将加注推进剂,计划于12月底择机实施首次飞行试验任务。(总台央视记者李厦 黄玮 国家航天局张未 @我们的太空 )​

Today at 11:00 from Weibo

The Long March 8 Y1 rocket plans for maiden flight at the end of the year

[Long March 8 Y1 rocket was vertically transferred to the launch area]

At 8:20 this morning, the mobile launch platform carrying the Long March 8 Y1 launch vehicle drove out of the vertical assembly plant at the launch site. After more than two hours of smooth driving, it was safely transferred to the launch area. The reporter was informed that subsequently, the rocket will be filled with propellant, and it is planned to select an opportunity to carry out the first flight test mission at the end of December. (CCTV reporter Li Xia Huang Wei, China National Space Administration Zhang Wei @我们的空间)






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