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China Outer Space Science, Technology and Explorations: News & Updates

China operates first deep-space antenna array system in Xinjiang region
By Deng Xiaoci and Fan Anqi Source: Global Times Published: 2020/11/17 18:36:27

China has completed building the country's first deep space antenna array system at a ground station in Kashi, Northwest China's Xinjiang, which will be directly used for spacecraft tracking and monitoring missions, including the Tianwen-1 Mars probe and the upcoming Chang'e-5 lunar sample return mission, the Xi'an Satellite Control Center, the Kashi station's operator, announced on Tuesday.

The Chang'e-5 lunar probe, along with its carrier rocket Long March-5 Y5 commissioned for the probe, have been vertically transported to their launch site after their assembly and testing were completed at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in South China's Hainan Province on Tuesday, the Global Times learned from the China National Space Administration (CNSA).

The Long March-5 Y5 is scheduled to launch the Chang'e-5 lunar sample return mission in late November, CNSA revealed.

Preparation work on the rocket has been completed, including assembly and pre-launch testing, after it was transported in the specialized cargo ship Yuan Wang to the southeastern port of Wenchang in late September, and then delivered by road to the Wenchang Space Launch Center.

On Tuesday morning, the mobile launch platform transferred the carrier rocket to the launch area after a smooth roll-out from the vertical test plant, which took around two hours.

Propellant will be injected into the rocket after further functional checks and final inspections are conducted. The rocket will then be launched according to schedule.

The mission marks the second application launch of the Long March-5, after the first carried China's first Mars probe mission, Tianwen-1, into space in late July.

The Chang'e-5 lunar probe is the sixth mission of China's lunar exploration project. It is planned to carry out lunar sample collection and return from the lunar surface, collecting data for scientific research on the environment and evolution of the moon.

The probe is one of the most complex and difficult missions in China's aerospace industry to date, CNSA said.

The Chang'e-5 is expected to carry out four key missions in the country's aerospace industry: China's first sample return, the first takeoff from the lunar surface, the first unmanned rendezvous and docking on the lunar orbit some 380,000 kilometers away, and the first high-speed reentry into Earth's atmosphere.

If the Chang'e-5 mission is successful, China will become the third country in the world to bring lunar samples back after the US and Russia.

It took nearly two years to build the deep space antenna array system, which will be directly used for spacecraft tracking and monitoring missions including the Chang'e-5, and a variety of tests was conducted before the system became operational recently, the Xi'an center told the Global Times on Tuesday.

Aimed at enhancing the ground station's space monitoring and controlling capabilities, the Xi'an center built three 35-meter-diameter antennas in addition to the original one at the Kashi station.

Working together, the system of four antennas will be equivalent to that of a 66-meter-diameter antenna, greatly expanding the Kashi station's monitoring range and enhancing the station's data receiving sensitivity, laying the foundation for the country's deep space exploration projects.

Li Sihu, head of the Kashi deep space station, told the Global Times, "The system can not only conduct high-precision tracking and control of single target spacecraft but also track multiple targets."

The system can also join other observatories at home and overseas for joint space tracking and observation missions, Li noted.

Global Times learned from the Xi'an Satellite Control Center that strict closed-off measures have been put in place to help the Kashi center overcome difficulties brought about by the latest COVID-19 outbreak in late October in the region, so the project team has been able to deliver the system on schedule.

As an integral part of China's deep-space monitoring and control system, the Kashi station has participated in and successfully accomplished its assignments in previous exploration projects, including the Chang'e-3 and Chang'e-4 lunar probes.

The Kashi station will also work with the deep space stations located in Jiamusi, Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, as well as China's first overseas deep-space ground station located in Argentina's Patagonia region, for the space tracking and control mission of the Tianwen-1 Mars probe.

Sources at the Xi'an center also told the Global Times that China's deep space stations are prepared to support the upcoming Chang'e-5 lunar sample return mission, as they have carried out equipment maintenance work and training specifically for the new lunar probe mission.

The Chang'e-5 mission is the third phase of China's lunar exploration project, with the previous orbiters Chang'e-1 and Chang'e-2, and roving missions Chang'e-3 and Chang'e-4 completing the first two stages.

China has also released plans for Chang'e-6, which will be commissioned for a sample return near the south pole of the moon according to the current probe's progress.

The Chang'e-7 will conduct a comprehensive survey on the moon's south pole, covering its topography, material composition, and environment. In addition to extended probing missions, Chang'e-8 will also conduct lunar surface tests of some key technologies.

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China's space tracking ship sails for Chang'e 5 mission
Xinhua | Updated: 2020-11-20 13:47

Aerial photo shows China's spacecraft tracking ship Yuanwang 3 sailing on the Pacific Ocean, on June 21, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]

NANJING - China's second-generation space tracking ship Yuanwang 3 left here Thursday for missions concerning the Chang'e 5 lunar probe, according to sources with the country's satellite maritime tracking and controlling department.

China's Chang'e 5 mission, which is scheduled to be launched late this month, will bring moon samples back to Earth, making it one of the country's most complicated and challenging space explorations.

Yuanwang 3 mainly undertakes maritime tracking and monitoring tasks of high-, medium- and low-orbit satellites, spacecraft and space stations.

Since it was launched more than 20 years ago, the ship has made more than 50 voyages and completed 89 missions on the sea, including tracking of the Shenzhou spacecraft, the Chang'e lunar probe and BeiDou satellites, maintaining a 100 percent success rate.

Two other tracking ships, Yuanwang 5 and Yuanwang 6, have also sailed out for their missions. The departures of these ships indicate that the Yuanwang fleet's maritime missions this year are coming to a close.

Since the beginning of 2020, vessels of the Yuanwang fleet, sailing over 150,000 nautical miles, have performed monitoring missions of the last BeiDou satellite and China's first Mars probe, as well as transporting missions of the Long March carrier rockets.


ESA tracks Chang'e-5 Moon mission

On 23 November, ESA’s Kourou station, located in French Guiana, will track the Chinese lunar mission, Chang’e-5, for several hours shortly after it launches. During this early phase, it is important to determine exactly where the spacecraft is in order to establish a communication link and verify the health of the newly launched craft. Kourou station will provide a way for the Chinese mission control team at the Beijing Aerospace Control Centre to acquire data from the spacecraft and confirm the status of the mission and its orbit.

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Seem someone is very happy with the Chang'e-5 launch. From others news, it was said that the precision of the launch has save quite a bit of fuel. Remember the Chang'e-5T1 service module, few days ago radio enthusiast is receiving signal of it from moon orbit, it is still alive!! People at forum are now speculating that the equivalent return module of Chang'e-5 can have some extended mission after delivering the reentry module to earth.


China Aerospace
Today at 20:31

Zhu Xiquan, Deputy Chief Designer of Long March 5, of First Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation said: The Long March 5 Y5 rocket launched Chang'e 5 perfectly, the result was very satisfactory. The launch was on time, and accurately entered orbit. From the perspective of the precision and inclination of the rocket's orbit, I think I will give the launch a score of 100.



【通稿来了】国家航天局消息,北京时间11月24日22时06分,嫦娥五号探测器3000N发动机工作 约2 秒钟,顺利完成第一次轨道修正,继续飞向月球。本次嫦娥五号任务发射入轨精度较高,轨道修正量很小。嫦娥五号探测器在飞行过程中,受多种因素影响,会产生轨道偏差,需要根据测定探测器实际飞行轨道与设计轨道之间的偏差,完成对应的探测器轨道控制,确保探测器始终飞行在适当的轨道上。截至第一次轨道修正前,嫦娥五号探测器各系统状态良好,已在轨飞行约17个小时,距离地球约 16 万公里。#长征五号嫦娥五号十全十美##嫦娥五号完成第一次中途修正# (段逊)​

Our space
3 minutes ago
from HUAWEI P20 Pro

# Change No. 5 completes the first mid-course correction #

According to the National Space Administration, at 22:06 on November 24th, Beijing time, the Chang'e-5 probe 3000N engine worked for about 2 seconds, successfully completed the first orbit correction, and continued to fly to the moon. This time, the Chang'e-5 mission launched into orbit with high accuracy, and the orbit correction was small. During the flight of the Chang'e-5 probe, affected by many factors, it will produce trajectory deviation. It is necessary to complete the corresponding probe trajectory control based on the deviation between the actual flight trajectory of the probe and the designed trajectory to ensure that the probe will always fly On the right track. As of the first orbit correction, the various systems of the Chang'e-5 probe were in good condition and had been flying in orbit for about 17 hours, about 160,000 kilometers away from the earth. #长征五号嫦娥五号十全十美## Change No. 5 completes the first midway correction# (Duan Xun)
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The whole payload for Chang e 5 mission is 8tons. I am thinking, can it be done by CZ-3D rocket or Long March 7 instead of Long March 5? Is using LM5 rocket overkill?
The whole payload for Chang e 5 mission is 8tons. I am thinking, can it be done by CZ-3D rocket or Long March 7 instead of Long March 5? Is using LM5 rocket overkill?

Beast, insteaf of trolling my posts, gets first your fondamentals right! You just proved that you don't understand spaceflight most basic concepts.:hitwall::disagree:

The CZ-3B/G2 (长征三号乙改二型) has a Geosynchronous Transfert Orbit (GTO) capacity of 5.5 tons, and a Lunar Transfert Orbit (LTI) of 3.78 tons.

It was used to launch Chang'e-3 lunar lander and Yutu-1 rover on 14th May 2007, with a weight of 3'780 kg.

On 8th December 2018 it also launched the second Chang'e-4 lunar lander and Yutu-2 rover.

No way a hypothetical CZ-3D could reach more than double that payload capacity. To place 8.2 tons into LTI, not even two separate CZ-3B rockets launches could do it.

The CZ-7A's GTO capacity is only 7 tons, meaning an hypothetical LTI after some modifications would still be lower than 4.8 tons.

CZ-5 has a GTO capacity of 14 tons, consequently the CZ-5B's LEO capacity is about double of that at some 25 tons, and the LTI about half of its GTO capacity at some 9.621 tons.

Obviously CZ-5 is currently the only launcher in China that can place the 8.2 tons Change-5 into LTI.



Chinese Deep Space Exploration


2007: Chang'e-1 Orbiter
2010: Chang'e-2 Orbiter
2013: Chang'e-3 Softlanding, Rover
2018: Chang'e-4 Lander and Rover, Exploration of Far side of the Moon
2019: Chang'e-5 Return sample (in Oceanus Procellarum and collect 2 kilograms of regolith)
2024: Chang'e-6 Return sample (Exploration of South Pole of the Moon?)


2011: Yinghuo-1 Mars orbiter (failed)
2020: Orbiter (1 Martian Year), landing, cruising (90 Martian days for Rover)
2028: Sample Return (3 years mission)


2012: Chang'e-2 flyby of asteroid 4179 Toutatis
2024: Flying by, touch down or sample return; 2-3 asteroids explorations in one mission


2030: Orbiter launch

Arrival at Jupiter and its satellites by 2036


Arrival at Saturn by 2045


Arrival at Uranus by 2048


▲ Chinese Deep Space Exploration



Chinese Deep Space Exploration: Venus Orbiter and Lander, Mars Sampling Return, Asteroid Probe

Base on the proven design of Tianwen-1 Mars orbiter Lander and Rover, a new family of interplanetary space probe can now be conceived, based on the common general orbital platform module.


https://archive.vn/X9Z50/f151666c1fe050f45ba892465a0d620a81ef0e6f.png ; https://archive.vn/X9Z50/05782b54fbceeb598ca4bc3af19576f50bdad07d/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201125153443/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ennrl6QW4AABpL8?format=png&name=900x900
1. The general orbital platform module based on the Tianwen-1 Mars orbiter.

Probably the Tianwen-2 Mars Sampling Return mission:


https://archive.vn/uXtMA/2365512e55bf2ef4f2eb77c7f030995be17c82de.png ; https://archive.vn/uXtMA/6652bbf1c7caf0280c6ca4dfdbf30ab67dee41b4/scr.png ;

2. Mars Sampling Return's Orbiter.

Probably the Venus Orbiter and Lander mission:


https://archive.vn/gNquR/d9e9aedc4ca71d05190a12cd4f1223c233046145.png ; https://archive.vn/gNquR/223848c897c6b2528f4977dbfc50c608972532a0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201125153228/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ennrl6SXYAAs41m?format=png&name=900x900
3. Venus Orbiter and Lander.


https://archive.vn/1AIcr/1307596b31c0b433d4287c04bc21aee2d34e89df.png ; https://archive.vn/1AIcr/a4961ee81f3774f615234ddfa62ff3891761a3cc/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201125153255/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ennrl6YWMAEeGE-?format=png&name=900x900
4. Asteroid Probe.

Next time, we'll try to find information on the Jupiter and Saturn probe!




China's Chang'e-5 probe completes second orbital correction
Source: Xinhua| 2020-11-25 23:07:01|Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, Nov. 25 (Xinhua) -- China's lunar probe Chang'e-5 successfully carried out its second orbital correction Wednesday night, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA).

The probe conducted the orbital correction at 10:06 p.m. (Beijing Time), when its two 150N engines were operational for about six seconds.

Prior to the orbital correction, the lunar probe had traveled for roughly 41 hours in orbit, and was about 270,000 km away from Earth. All of the probe's systems were in good condition.

The CNSA said that the tracking of the probe by ground monitoring and communication centers and stations is going smoothly.

China launched the lunar probe Tuesday to collect and return samples from the moon. It is the country's first attempt to retrieve samples from an extraterrestrial body.

Next event is Lunar orbit injection on Saturday.

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Mighty Long March 9 carrier rocket set to debut in 2030
By ZHAO LEI in Haikou | China Daily | Updated: 2020-11-26 07:22

File photo: 13 satellites are blasted off atop a Long March-6 carrier rocket in Shanxi on Nov 6. [Photo by Zheng Taotao/provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The China National Space Administration has revealed design specifications about the Long March 9, a super-heavy carrier rocket that will likely become one of the world's largest and mightiest launch vehicles.

Xu Hongliang, secretary-general of the administration, said on Tuesday afternoon in Haikou, capital of Hainan province, that the Long March 9 is in the research and development stage and is expected to enter service around 2030.

The super-heavy rocket will be 93 meters tall, have a liftoff weight of 4,140 metric tons and a thrust power of 5,760 tons. Its core stage will be about 10 meters in diameter, Xu said at the Wenchang International Aviation and Aerospace Forum's opening ceremony on Tuesday.

The craft will be so powerful that it will be able to transport spacecraft with a combined weight of 140 tons to a low-Earth orbit hundreds of kilometers above the planet, he said.

Li Benqi, deputy head of the Wenchang Space Launch Center's planning department, said at the opening ceremony that the rocket will also be able to place spaceships weighing up to 50 tons in an Earth-moon transfer trajectory for lunar expeditions.

He added that the center will construct a new launchpad and new testing and support facilities for the Long March 9.

Engineers at China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, the country's leading space contractor, have started to conduct tests on the 500-ton-thrust liquid oxygen/kerosene engine, which is expected to become the nation's most powerful rocket engine, the company said.

Once Long March 9 enters operation, its carrying capacity will be more than five times that of Long March 5, currently the mightiest and tallest in China's rocket family.

The 20-story-tall Long March 5 has a liftoff weight of 869 tons and a maximum carrying capacity of 25 tons to a low-Earth orbit. A Long March 5 was launched early on Tuesday morning to send China's biggest lunar probe-Chang'e 5-to the moon.

The Long March 9 will be crucial in realizing the nation's ambitious plans for manned missions to the moon and sending large robotic spacecraft into deep space.

China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp has estimated that about 10 Long March 9s will be needed each year from 2030 to 2035 in China to serve the nation's robust demand for heavy-lift rockets.

More than 300 officials, scientists, engineers, business representatives and delegates from overseas space organizations took part in the two-day forum, the first of its kind in Hainan.

The island province in South China is determined to develop local space-related industries as a new engine for its economy, local officials said.

Ma Zhiping in Haikou contributed to this story.
21:50, 28-Nov-2020
China's Chang'e-5 lunar probe successfully brakes for lunar orbiting
Updated 22:06, 28-Nov-2020

China's Chang'e-5 lunar probe successfully decelerated near the Moon and entered the lunar orbit, the Lunar Exploration and Space Program Center of the China National Space Administration (CNSA) announced on Saturday.

After flying four days towards the Moon, the probe successfully conducted "space braking" and entered an elliptical lunar orbit, said the CNSA.

今天 08:09 已编辑​

China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
Today at 08:09

#Chang'e-5 probe assembly successfully separated#

#Change 5 will choose an opportunity to implement a lunar soft landing#, one step closer to "digging for treasure"! #

At 4:40 am on November 30th, under the precise control of scientific and technical personnel, the Chang'e-5 probe assembly separated smoothly. Up to now, the systems are in good condition, and the ground telemetry and control communication is normal. The orbiter and returner module will continue to fly on the lunar orbit with an average altitude of about 200 kilometers and wait for the ascender to rendezvous and dock, and the lander and ascender assembly would take an selected opportunity to implement a soft landing on the lunar surface, and follow-up with work such as automatic sampling. #Chang'e-5 lunar sample return mission#, Jia you!



Currently at step 3,

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