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China orders another 123 Al-31FN engines

Project 627

Feb 9, 2011
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The contract to supply 123 AL-31FN aircraft engines until 2013, totaling more than $ 500 million "Rosoboronexport" concluded with the Ministry of Defence of China in early June, told "Vedomosti" a source close to the leadership of "Rosoboronexport", and the manager of one of the business aviation industry. According to the latter, the first 13 engines will be delivered later this year. Perform the contract will be a Moscow factory "Salute", which previously supplied the engines of this modification in China: 54 units under contract in 2003, 100 - under contract in 2007, 122 - in 2009

These motors are specially designed modification of the engine AL-31, which is mounted on twin-engine heavy fighter type Su-27/30, to equip the latest single-engine fighter J-10 Chinese Air Force, like expert at the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies Vasiliy Kashin. According to him, the creation of the J-10 - China's first fourth-generation fighter - is the pride of the Chinese aviation industry, stated the development for him and established in China copies Su-27 (under the name J-11B) analog AL-31 - WS engine 10, but due to lack of reliability afraid to bet on a single-engine J-10. So far, Chinese exports of all aircraft installed, apparently at the request of the customer, foreign or Russian engines of western production.

China is developing a line of engines of all classes, trying to copy Russian military aircraft engines such as RD-93 (modification of the RD-33 from the MiG-29) and AL-31, and are constantly trying to buy the latest version in Russian AL-31, says top manager of one of the aircraft engine business. But to do all this quickly is impossible, he said. Despite the evident progress of Chinese aviation industry, while a key unit, as the engine, the Chinese can not refine it, and proves yet another contract for the delivery of AL-31, said Oleg Panteleyev of the agency "Airport."

China stopped buying massive Russian arms, including aircraft, from the mid-2000s. Because the thought that his industry has reached a sufficient level, and you can copy the missing, including with Ukraine, says expert at the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, Konstantin Makiyenko, there were copies of Russian products, including the Su-27. Based on the conclusion of a major new contract, the leaders of the aviation industry and the Army of the PRC understands that as long as no Russian purchases of units not do.

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