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China order 123 AL-31


Jun 27, 2008
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Мотор Китая
«Рособоронэкспорт» заключил с минобороны КНР контракт на поставку авиадвигателей на сумму свыше $500 млн. Снабжать истребители собственными моторами китайцы пока не могут

Алексей Никольский

04.07.2011, 120 (2886)

Контракт на поставку 123 авиадвигателей АЛ-31ФН до 2013 г. на сумму свыше $500 млн «Рособоронэкспорт» заключил с минобороны КНР в начале июня, сообщили «Ведомостям» источник, близкий к руководству «Рособоронэкспорта», и менеджер одного из предприятий авиапромышленности. По словам последнего, первые 13 двигателей будут поставлены до конца текущего года. Выполнять контракт будет московский завод «Салют», который и ранее поставлял двигатели этой модификации в Китай: 54 единицы по контракту в 2003 г., 100 — по контракту в 2007 г., 122 — в 2009 г.


China Signs $500 Million Russian Jet Engine Deal, Vedomosti Says

Jul 4, 2011

China’s Ministry of Defense signed a contract to buy Russian aircraft engines worth $500 million in early June, Vedomosti reported, citing an unidentified personsource close to Russia’s state arms-selling agency and an unidentified manager of an aviation company.

The contract is for 123 AL-31FN engines by 2013, the first 13 of which will be delivered later this year, the newspaper said.

China Signs $500 Million Russian Jet Engine Deal, Vedomosti Says - Bloomberg
al31f is for su27 j11a

ws10a is for j11b at present.

al31fn is for j10a or j10b at present.

china will import of 123 al31fn for j10 on the news.

Perhaps ,a part of these new al31fn will be for paf fc20
this story might proves once again that China isn't capable to build a reliable jet engine for its jets, so, how long is it going take?. Or, could it be for something else as China is trying to make SCO more cooperative.
It's(this story) proves once again that China isn't capable to build a reliable jet engine.

you are very wrong.
china has stopped the import of al31f (su27)engine from russian now.

The results further shows that the current ws10a engine is good.

PLAAF's j11b(ws10a) of mass production


j15 with ws10a

j11bs with ws10a



thx Martian
if j10 use ws10a.the back fuselage of j10 must be redesigned.CAC have no energy to do it and are busy in j20 now.
plaaf won't required so many j10,bcz plaaf have j11b with ws10a now.

these planes will be deliver ahead of j10 for paf.
Well, it seems China will be stock in copying Russian technologies rather than to start jumping to something more innovative and reliable.
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