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China opens the door granting 'green card' to an Indian

In my home town of Guangzhou, you can see Indian businessmen everywhere. In a few concentrated spots in the city, I'd swear I thought I somehow ended up in India.

There are loads of Indians in Hong Kong as well.
We should allow Koreans, Vietnamese, Russians and SEA Chinese first priority to PRs and citizenship. I'm not a radical racist but I think that national demographics must be preserved; therefore, people whose ethnic groups already exist in China should be given first priority.

Africans in particular should be screened carefully. Not saying all or even many Africans do this but there are indeed more African rapists, killers, drug dealers, gangsters and smugglers than in the general population.

2nd half is filled with pure racist remarks .

Btw BSF shooting bangladeshis coz they try to enter illegally .
Will u r Army give a warm welcome with red carpet and sweets if Indians try to enter illegally in China ??
We should allow Koreans, Vietnamese, Russians and SEA Chinese first priority to PRs and citizenship. I'm not a radical racist but I think that national demographics must be preserved; therefore, people whose ethnic groups already exist in China should be given first priority.

Africans in particular should be screened carefully. Not saying all or even many Africans do this but there are indeed more African rapists, killers, drug dealers, gangsters and smugglers than in the general population.

LMAO this is kinda biased. What about 35 million strong Chinese diaspora living outside China? And changing demographics of other countries? :disagree:

Plus why only allow Vietnamese, Koreans and Russiand what about Japanese? Their ethnic group is closer to you guys as well?
We should allow Koreans, Vietnamese, Russians and SEA Chinese first priority to PRs and citizenship. I'm not a radical racist but I think that national demographics must be preserved; therefore, people whose ethnic groups already exist in China should be given first priority.

Africans in particular should be screened carefully. Not saying all or even many Africans do this but there are indeed more African rapists, killers, drug dealers, gangsters and smugglers than in the general population.

Then why China is investing billions in Africa ? It is OK for Chinese to colonise Africa but you dont want any Africans in your country?

Africa will not put up with a colonialist China | Sanou Mbaye | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
I prefer a merit based immigration policy regardless of race and ethnicity. Anyone with education or money to invest is welcome.
LMAO this is kinda biased. What about 35 million strong Chinese diaspora living outside China? And changing demographics of other countries? :disagree:

Plus why only allow Vietnamese, Koreans and Russiand what about Japanese? Their ethnic group is closer to you guys as well?

The race of Japanese, as defined by themselves, is 大和民族 (Yamato). There is no such race in China.

There are 54 ethnic groups in China. None of them is called 大和民族.

Koreans is 朝鲜民族; this is found in China as 朝鲜族 - Chosun. Russia - 俄罗斯族 - Russia. Vietnamese are called 京族 - Kinh.

I'm not pulling this out of my ***. Koreans, Vietnamese and Russians are already found in China (along with Kazakhs, Mongols, Krygyz, Tajiks and Hmong). So preferential policies should be given to those who don't change the demographics of China.

The 35 million Chinese diaspora was a product of China's weakness during the 19th century. The vast majority of the Chinese diaspora's parents have never seen China, much less themselves. They are a special subset of Chinese distinct from the "real Chinese" from mainland China, HK and Taiwan that make up "China proper". Their culture, language and habits are all different from what Chinese in China proper are like. They're more related to HK though, because HK never went through the KMT/CPC political movements designed to wipe out feudalism. They are as much citizens of their countries as Korean Chinese, Vietnamese Chinese, Russian Chinese, Chinese Mongols (actually, we should say "non-Chinese Mongols" as more Mongols are Chinese, than not), etc. They ARE part of the present demographics of their country of citizenship.
Why does China or India need immigration? They both have population of 1 billion plus, and least thing they want is more people coming into their respective countries. In the contrary, I think both countries should emigrate people out, and take some pressure off the huge population problem.
my university provided us with 3 year visas, when we came to China first..... after that we are only allowed to get visas for only 1 year as our studying time in China with in 2 years and as they dont know weather we will return back to the same university or not............
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