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China open ways for third world nations to catch up with the west

Another part is for the racial discrimination.

Yes, Chinese do have that problem. In China, lighter skin races are treated better while darker skin races are looked down upon. Not only that, we do have region discrimination as well: people from one part of China will discriminate people from other part of China.

However, Chinese racial discrimination problem is different from that in the west.

Ours is discrimination on the surface and it will disappear quickly after we get to know each other. There are about 300,000 africans in GuangZhou city alone, and many africans do feel discriminated initially. However, after communicating and working together for a little while, such discrimination is gone.

However, in the west, initially, everyone try their best to hide such discrimination and it seems that you are welcome everywhere. However, the more you communicate with others and work with others in any corporations, you will feel those deep-down rooted racial discrimination and it won't go anywhere.

As for those Chinese companies hiring more Chinese, not locals, you have to understand that if locals can work as hard as Chinese, Chinese companies won't have any problems hiring more locals.

However, locals have this or that demands, better wages, less working hours, no extra working hours and etc... In many cases, the projects carried by Chinese companies are on such a thin margin that those demand workers to make more sacrifices to make the projects profitable or doable. Otherwise, those projects won't be able to be done.

If we cave in to all of the local's demands, Chinese companies won't be able to do most of the projects there. At the end, it will be mutual losses to both their governments and Chinese companies.

Chinese companies won't make money there. While, those local governments will have to pay the high price demanded by the west corporations/governments. In the end, I do not think west corporations will treat those local any better or give them a high wage. The most profits will simply transfer to those corporations, divided by their high-paid executives.
Then why are you living in US if it is so ARROGANT and oppressing? Why not shift to China? :azn:

Pakistan is China's biggest cheerleader because China is a champion of the third World. China helps the third World countries in their development and yet China does not behave in an ARROGANT manner as the US.

Three Cheers for China:

Hip Hip Hurrah, Hip Hip Hurrah, Hip Hip Hurrah
Then why are you living in US if it is so ARROGANT and oppressing? Why not shift to China? :azn:

It's a global employment issue. We find more Indian disparia around the world.

Yet to your sarcaism, note your ideology don't conflict with your faith. That' just a matter of luck to some.
China on one hand set an example for those backward nations to gain the sense of confidence, on the other China help third world nations to catch up with the world.
China is a wrong role model for the rest of the 3rd world then because China has failed to catch up with the West. China is still a 3rd world country where 1 billion people still live in poverty, with only 100 million people enjoying the fruit of economic growth. And in the process, China is heavily polluted.

Definitely a wrong model for the rest of 3rd worlds to follow. India's rise is a much better role model because it is not as destructive and polluting as China's model.
Tell those African leaders and see whether they will listen to your nonsense.

China is a wrong role model for the rest of the 3rd world then because China has failed to catch up with the West. China is still a 3rd world country where 1 billion people still live in poverty, with only 100 million people enjoying the fruit of economic growth. And in the process, China is heavily polluted.

Definitely a wrong model for the rest of 3rd worlds to follow. India's rise is a much better role model because it is not as destructive and polluting as China's model.
haha,then let them follow India's model,that will be good for China.We love to see that.
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