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China on track to aim 2,000 missiles at Taiwan


Jul 11, 2010
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Saudi Arabia
Now how effective would be an air defence system against 2000 missles aimed at random targets?? You cant tell which one is nuked and which one is conventional.

Source: http://arabnews.com/world/article86664.ece

'China on track to aim 2,000 missiles at Taiwan'

Published: Jul 19, 2010 13:11 Updated: Jul 20, 2010 01:31

TAIPEI: China will have 2,000 missiles aimed at its rival Taiwan by the end of the year, several hundred more than the current number, despite fast-warming trade ties between the two sides, an island defense study said.

Beijing's preparations setting Taiwan further back in the military power balance against its political adversary could destroy 90 percent of the island's infrastructure, the report published in the defense ministry's naval studies periodical said.

The increase from today's estimate of 1,000 to 1,400 missiles could raise tensions after two years of upbeat dialogue between the rivals that has cleared the way for direct civilian flights and a free trade-style deal in June.

"Even though we've signed the trade deal, there won't be any progress on military issues," Hsu Yung-ming, political science professor at Soochow University.

China claims sovereignty over self-ruled Taiwan and has not renounced the use of force to bring the island into its fold.

A new threat to detente between tech-reliant Taiwan and economic powerhouse China, already the island's top export destination, would likely chill financial markets as investors hope to see relations gain momentum.

The 2,000 short-range and mid-range missiles aimed at the island just 160 km (99 miles) away at its nearest point would follow from Beijing's broader plans to modernise its military, said Taiwan Deputy Defense Minister Andrew Yang.

"In the process of improving air missile capabilities, that could be the number by the end of the year," Yang told Reuters. "We always show our concern, because we see China still has this intention. They are not reducing missiles."

Taiwan officials have said that China, though keen to unify peacefully with the island by offering economic incentives, must remove missiles aimed at the island before the two sides can discuss a peace accord after six decades of hostilities.
China may boost missiles aimed at Taiwan to 1,900: official
Updated at: 1630 PST, Wednesday, July 21, 2010 ShareThis story

TAIPEI: China could raise the number of missiles aimed at Taiwan to 1,900 by the end of the year despite warming ties between the former bitter rivals, according to the island's deputy defence minister.

Military experts estimate that the PLA currently has more than 1,600 missiles aimed at the island. But recent media reports have said the People's Liberation Army may boost the number of short-range ballistic and cruise missiles facing Taiwan to 1,960 before the year's end.

"Judging from their manufacturing capacities, the PLA could increase to that number of missiles targeting Taiwan before the year's end," Andrew Yang, an academic-turned deputy defence minister, told foreign media.

Although tensions across the Taiwan Strait have eased since President Ma Ying-jeou's China-friendly administration came to power in 2008, "Beijing has never renounced the use of force against Taipei," Yang warned.
China may boost missiles aimed at Taiwan to 1,900: official
Now why doesn't anybody terms this act of china as "WAR MONGERING"???
We got whole thread on india's war mongering. But i think this act shows who is the bigger war monger.
Much of the report is plain hogwash. Some on the island have been pulling numbers out of thin air for years and the Western agencies have been quoting them like gospel. There are missiles deployed across the straight from Taiwan but most of them are targeted at American assets in the region to deter US meddling and adventurism.
I think only 20 missiles is enough for Taiwan aimed at their 2-3 airfields , and rest can be handled by ground troops

As for the other 1980 Missiles well I am sure these can be aimed at troubling India as they are thinking of putting MRCA planes on Chinese border.

We could also take in a few 400-500 and place it on eastern border

Tiwan ... is no problem its a small island , its like a small town ... very very tiny ...small
Now why doesn't anybody terms this act of china as "WAR MONGERING"???
We got whole thread on india's war mongering. But i think this act shows who is the bigger war monger.

Because the story is made up by Taiwanese and American Nationalist claiming that China has "pointed" thousands of missiles at Taiwan. Even China doesn't have that many missiles. China hatemongers are just hyping the China threat to sell weapons to Taiwan and Taiwan using the China threat as an excuse to arm herself to the teeth.
Much of the report is plain hogwash. Some on the island have been pulling numbers out of thin air for years and the Western agencies have been quoting them like gospel. There are missiles deployed across the straight from Taiwan but most of them are targeted at American assets in the region to deter US meddling and adventurism.

The DPP and Chen Shui-bian are notorious for making stuff up and stirring the pot. Even the Americans were sick and tired of him considering him a liability and a loose cannon.
<The DPP and Chen Shui-bian are notorious for making stuff up and stirring the pot. Even the Americans were sick and tired of him considering him a liability and a loose cannon.>

He's no longer a loose cannon he is in jail for at least 20 years. He was sentenced to life in prison but got reduced (because of lesser charges). It's a good thing he didn't live in China otherwise he would have been executed. Any Chinese leader who steals money from the Chinese people should be executed (if found guilty).

He and his family didn't f&cking care about Taiwan or Taiwanese people all they cared was to accumulate wealth. He reminds me of Chiang Kai Shek (CKS).
I heard the previous president of America said that America will not allow Taiwan to be taken by force .So i guess Uncle sam will come to rescue Taiwan.So i think china should not waste time by keeping 2000 missiles
I heard the previous president of America said that America will not allow Taiwan to be taken by force .So i guess Uncle sam will come to rescue Taiwan.So i think china should not waste time by keeping 2000 missiles

Uncle Sam said a lot of stuff too to ROC before. They said they will never abandon ROC, and ROC's interests was their interests. Then what happened in 1972 and 1979. Uncle Sam threw ROC away faster than a used tampons. So whether US will come to rescue Taiwan all depends on if the rescue is beneficial to US's own interests. Personally I will not depend on it, as US has bigger interests with PRC.
Uncle Sam said a lot of stuff too to ROC before. They said they will never abandon ROC, and ROC's interests was their interests. Then what happened in 1972 and 1979. Uncle Sam threw ROC away faster than a used tampons. So whether US will come to rescue Taiwan all depends on if the rescue is beneficial to US's own interests. Personally I will not depend on it, as US has bigger interests with PRC.

The real hawks about the issue are the Taiwan lobby in congress, but they are mostly old timers from way back and will expire soon.

That said I think the PRC has finally realized that it needs to use the carrot more than the stick.

This is evidenced by the KMT chairman's visit, three openings (mail, air, and something else), allowing Taiwanese business greater autonomy than western, allowing Taiwan banks to be the only foreign bank in China (oh and HK too of course), the recent free trade agreement and just a general toning down of the rhetoric.

But I think they are right to make sure that Taiwan's DPP knows the stick is still there and getting bigger by the day.
<So whether US will come to rescue Taiwan all depends on if the rescue is beneficial to US's own interests.>

And the interest is NOT beneficial. If China decides to flex its military muscles there is not a damn thing Uncle Sam can do.

NOTE: The US and the world acknowledged Taiwan is part of China. Why should the US concern about the internal affair of China?
<So whether US will come to rescue Taiwan all depends on if the rescue is beneficial to US's own interests.>

And the interest is NOT beneficial. If China decides to flex its military muscles there is not a damn thing Uncle Sam can do.

NOTE: The US and the world acknowledged Taiwan is part of China. Why should the US concern about the internal affair of China?

Not the whole world, there are still 33 countries recognize ROC as the legitimate government for the whole China. You need to give them some credits for all those diplomacy works.
<Not the whole world, there are still 33 countries recognize ROC as the legitimate government for the whole China. You need to give them some credits for all those diplomacy works.>

If you do research thoroughly, Taiwan is part of China (there is no question or doubt). No matter how you spin the wheel.

BTW, it's not 33 it's 23 (and it's getting less and less). And these 23 mostly tiny island countries are being fed by the Taiwanese dollars. Meanwhile, the people in Taiwan are jobless, homeless, uneducated, etc. Sh*t the Taiwanese government for example should spend the money improving the transportation system in Hsin Chu than buying insignificant countries for futile diplomatic recognition.

Hsin Chu is supposed to be the silicon valley of Taiwan but you will be disappointed to find out it's not.
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