You DO Realize Jesus itself is a fictional character, right ?
None of the images are 'real'
LOL...... you are again talking with Nativity and ignorance.
Faith has NOTHING to do with KNOWLEDGE. Faith has everything to do with EMOTION.
People do not go to these religion to seek knowledge. They go there for 'hope', to counter 'fear', to find 'love', 'acceptance', etc. Religion satisfies an emotional NEED. And THAT is a NEED far stronger than "rational thought'.
Its like saying that a man should not masturbate because there is no women and that 'knowledge' should be enough to stop him. But does that knowledge stop him ?
The 'flock' is decreasing in the western world because they have evolved to find their emotional needs within society, family, Psychiatrists etc. They have the necessary emotional maturity to outgrow primitive religion like Christianity.
I know with a certainty that communist ruled states like China is NO WHERE CLOSE to have that kind of emotional maturity. That is one of the draw backs of living in a controlled environment.
The very fact that you are naive enough to counter religion with education, tells me that you are going to fight a loosing battle. You do not even understand the enemy you face. You cannot stop christiantiy with education. Almost 99% of Christians are 'educated'