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China on course to become 'world's most Christian nation' within 15 years

And i'm saying that here you supposedly have this great man, son of God who can do all these miraculous things, yet only have 13 disciples and NO scholar/historian AT THE TIME wrote about him other than his name appearing in the bible--which according to some scholars is equivalent to a Harry Potter novel

The bible was not contemporary to his time, and once again, I have already explained why contemporary historians would not have been interested. You have 2000+ years of hindsight to see the importance.

Once again, I have not mentioned anything about the veracity of his miracles, and do you really believe Jesus was the only one at the time claiming he could work miracles? This assumes it was even his claims to begin with and not just embellishment)I, again, am not debating whether he was the son of god, whether he could perform miracles, whether he was a simple humanist, a wandering jewish priest who never expected to spawn a new religious branch, or simply a skilled con-artist. I am simply saying that Jesus did exist in that time period, and his death by crucifixion happened.

That is the scholarly consensus, and absent extraordinary proof saying otherwise, his existence is considered a fact.

To deny it is not quite the level of 'flat earther' or 'moon hoax' delusion, but it approaches it.
The consensus among biblical scholars is that he did in fact exist.






Jesus is referenced in the Talmud,


Also the roman historian Tacitus mentions Jesus as existing, though not in any great detail. The Jewish historian Josephus also confirms the existence of Jesus.

Roman records referencing Jesus possibly not surviving aside, Roman historians would not have been interested in a minor religious 'cult' on the frontier of the empire, they would be focused on emperors and kings and the politics of empires and war.

There is a reference to a 'christus' by the Roman historian Tacitus.

" Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome...."

This is an authentic non biased report by a professional historian who lived in the same time as 'christus'.

Rest of the reports on the links were non authentic and relies on assumptions and most importantly the time line does not coincide with the life of yeshu.
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There is a reference to a 'christus' by the Roman historian Tacitus.

" Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome...."

This is an authentic non biased report by a professional historian who lived in the same time as 'christus'.

Rest of the reports on the links were non authentic and relies on assumptions and most importantly the time line does not coincide with the life of yeshu.

Well do you see that a man named Jesus Christ, whose actions spawned the religion of Christianity, existed now? I mean doubting his existence is like doubting the existence of a man named Muhammed who spawned Islam.
He might indeed have existed as a historical personality, but all the stories running about him... Does not make sense.

Being tortured to death (even if true) should not be a specialty for his time; so, the salvation/redemption story is all fabricated.

If every man died under torture had similar privilages (including coming back to world for a second time), we would have more people doing a second coming than going away forever.

Agreed. According to Islam; his torture and many of his stories are all fabricated; but he no doubt existed and was a messenger of Allah.

Fabricated Stories about him continued to spread throughout the world; at many times different cultures had contradicting stories of Jesus.

Many people exploited the religion to further their status and power. Priests would directly control who would go to heaven or not, had 'divine powers' and so much more. They used to 'heresy' and 'witchcraft' accusations to destroy opposition and consolidate their power. Much of Christianity was built upon these people.
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He might indeed have existed as a historical personality, but all the stories running about him... Does not make sense.

Being tortured to death (even if true) should not be a specialty for his time; so, the salvation/redemption story is all fabricated.

If every man died under torture had similar privilages (including coming back to world for a second time), we would have more people doing a second coming than going away forever.


I do not think even getting nailed on a piece of wood was not exclusively for him. He must be glad that he was not cooked to death inside a pit.

I believe those guys deserve a second coming more than him.

Assuming he was real, Jesus was running a cult and selling snake oil. The Romans had no choice but to nail him to the cross as a warning to other would be disturbers.

No sane person can believe any of the stories from the bible. Any person regardless of any era that supposedly had the power of JC would have historians and disciples from all over the world coming to him. Instead out of his 13 disciples (though 1 betrayed him for 40 taels of silver)! Obviously he thought he was a charlatan and he (Judas) is right.

If so many Chinese seek a religion that's "easy" and "suits the taste" then why do they choose Christianity rather than the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
If that was bought by missionaries and NGOs I'm sure some of them would worship it.
Well do you see that a man named Jesus Christ, whose actions spawned the religion of Christianity, existed now? I mean doubting his existence is like doubting the existence of a man named Muhammed who spawned Islam.

Well I did post the record of a Roman historian. Multiple evidence of Muhammed exist in museums today. You forget that he was an actual king.
Well I did post the record of a Roman historian. Multiple evidence of Muhammed exist in museums today. You forget that he was an actual king.

I guess this means you do, good day then.
If so many Chinese seek a religion that's "easy" and "suits the taste" then why do they choose Christianity rather than the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

I dont know whats up with the 'Flying Spaghetti Monster' parody religion. It provides no analogy to deists or other religions. It relies on a logical fallacy. Spaghetti and meatballs are the physical creation of intelligent beings and could never exist outside of a human domain.
If you talk about religion it's not about the truth but the faith. If you talk about history it's not about the believings but the evidence.
I dont know whats up with the 'Flying Spaghetti Monster' parody religion. It provides no analogy to deists or other religions. It relies on a logical fallacy. Spaghetti and meatballs are the physical creation of intelligent beings and could never exist outside of a human domain.

You need to be an atheist to know what he means.

If you talk about religion it's not about the truth but the faith. If you talk about history it's not about the believings but the evidence.
having faith in something when it's not real have big consequences.
You need to be an atheist to know what he means.

Isnt that the same as a person saying that you have to be a believer to know what he means? I thought atheists did'nt believe in dogmas. The Spaghetti Monster thing logically fails as an analogy and is therefore stupid.
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